Chapter 4

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Miles put in "#65" on the keypad. The portal flickered, and made strange crackling noises. Please let this work, Miles silently prayed. After a few seconds, the crackling turned to a hum, and a spot appears in the center. It slowly grew bigger, and as it did strings reached out and grabbed objects in the room. Everything started to float, and objects latched to strings, glitched and then disappeared. The humming got louder and higher pitched. There was a loud crackling. Everything beat into Miles' eardrums and just when he couldn't handle it anymore, there was a loud boom, and then everything went to a light hum. Miles had fallen to his knees because to the noise. When he looked up, he saw the portal opened, ready for him to walk through. It glowed a blue hue, and lit the room with colors. Here goose nothin', Miles thought as he stepped through the portal.

It was obvious the portal was not made with the same technology Miguel's portals were made of. Miles seemed to leap through universes, so quickly they all mixed together as flash of bright colors. Miles saw a bright light, and as he fell through it, he could tell he was not in his universe. Though he didn't have time to think about it, as he was still falling, Miles shot a web, and although it did latch to something, he was already too low, and he hit the ground with a thud, and tumbled because of the trajectory of his swing. People were looking at him, confused. Miles turned face up laying there for a few moments. This has been a long day.

Miles zipped to a nearby wall, looking at the canvas-style world that surrounded him. The colors almost blinded him. Then, just as Miles turned to start winging, he realizing something. I don't know where she lives! Miles looked to the nearby school curiously. She might have some people there who know her there. Now, all he had to do was figure it out.

The next few hours was filled with Miles trying to blend in with the rest of the school, until he bumped into someone in the hallway. "Oh, sorry", the girl said. "Your good. Hey, do you know someone named Gwen Stacy?" Miles said. "Oh, yeah, I'm in a band with her." Miles silently celebrated in his head. "Do you know her address?" Miles said, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Oh yeah, let me write it down for you." She pulled out a pen and paper. "I'm Em Jay by the way." She said, handing him the paper. "Thanks, I'm Miles." Miles headed for the door, when he heard Em Jay call out, "You know school is still in session, right?" Miles had to think of a quick excuse, so he blurted out, "Family emergency!" Now Em Jay had a disturbed look on her face, but then turned and walked away. Miles tried to figure out why she did so until the thought hit him like a truck. Yeah, sure, a stranger asking for a girl's address and then leaving saying it's a family emergency is totally a usual thing! Miles hit himself in the head. But he turned back around and headed for the door.

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