Chapter 13

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Gwen woke up to a small room, with 2 tables on either side. There was one light that lit up the whole room. Everything was still a little fuzzy, and it was hard for Gwen to remember anything, yet as she regained her consciousness, a familiar figure came into frame.


Waves of memories hit Gwen, memories of her and Miles, at the atom fuser, watching Miles glitch, feeling herself glitch, and then... now she was here. She had no idea how she got here, wherever here was.

James hadn't seemed to notice she was awake, or if he did, he didn't say anything. Gwen tried to stand up, but as if something was yanking her down. She looked down to see that she was tied to a chair. Great. James was standing over one of the tables with his full suit and mask on, working on some programmable matter, she couldn't tell what it was. James' eyes flicked towards her, and grabbed something off of a shelf. Gwen realized her mask was off as he grabbed her chin. James opened her mouth and poured a liquid into it. He closed her jaw and mumbled the word, "swallow".

Gwen did so reluctantly. James walked away from her back to his small table, and continued working on the programmable matter.

"What the hell was that?!", Gwen yelled, and in response, James put his finger to his face to tell her to be quiet. Gwen pulled herself together to keep talking to him.

"Why am I here? What is this place?", Gwen asked lowering her voice.

There was no response from James. In fact, he didn't even look at her. He just tinkering with his tech.

Gwen started, "Hello? James, I'm talk-". She was cut off by an axe whizzing by her head and hitting the wall behind her, missing her head by inches.

The attacker walked toward her and leaned down and stared at her.

"Don't call me that.", He said, grabbing the axe from behind Gwen.

Gwen stared right back at him, refusing to show how scared she actually was. They stood there for a moment, glaring at each other, before the attacker pulled away with his axe in hand.

"So, what exactly did you make me drink?", Gwen said.

"Sleep serum, so you'll shut up for 5 minutes.", James snapped, clearly annoyed.

Gwen didn't have a reply, so she sat back in the chair. She watched as James tinkered with the programmable matter for a few minutes. He was making a small sphere, observing how it worked as he tried different things. Suddenly, he shook it, and it started glowing a bright green and sparks started shooting out of it.

"Woah, pretty crazy tech you got there, huh?", Gwen asked, hoping to start a conversation. James glared at her for the comment, but she didn't care.

"Wanna tell me how the atom fuser works?", Gwen asked, agin trying to conversation, but this time James webbed her mouth, making her shut up. After a few minutes, she felt a wave of fatigue wash over her, and she slowly drifted off into sleep.


Gwen awoke to the same room again, but James was no longer there. She didn't know how long she had been in here, but she needed to get out. She looked around, trying to find something, anything, to help her, but she found nothing. Gwen sat back, ready to give up, until her eye caught a familiar object.

The sphere.

It was still on the table. The only problem was, she at the back of the room. She scooted slowly toward the table, trying her best not to fall over.

Gwen had a plan, but it would be hard to do. That didn't stop her, though. Once she got to the table, she slammed her self repeatedly against it to make the sphere fall into the ground. Just as Gwen expected, the sphere fell to the ground and started glowing bright green, and it got brighter and brighter. She closed her eyes, and she felt a large wave of heat spread across her body.


When Gwen opened her eyes, she saw that she had flew out of the chair and landed on the other side of the room. She put on her mask and got ready to go. But, she realized she didn't have her web shooters. She frantically searched through the room, desperate to find them, but to no avail. She walked towards the door, ready to run, when she thought of something.

The sphere.

It could be useful, and it could help her and Miles to understand this guy better, and what tech they were dealing with. She turned to grab it and then headed out the door.

Author's note: I definitely thought that would be a shorter chapter lol. Hope you enjoyed!

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