Behind the scenes / cut content

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Creating James Williams:

Believe it or not, James was originally going to be a good guy in the story. I changed things up just because I felt it fitted his character more. First he was going to help Miles and Gwen, then I changed him to be a sort of anti-hero, then I just made him full blown bad.

The idea of the bad guy wearing a Spider-man suit kinda came from nowhere. I really wanted to make some sort of villain that reflected the hero in a sort of way. It's also supposed to be symbolic, like James is the Spider-man to end all spider-men or something. Really I just thought it was cool.

James was originally going to be helping Miguel. He would act as a sort of bounty hunter and would find and chase after the targets and either kill them or bring them to Miguel for cash. That's where the idea of James being dark and moody came from.

James would eventually grow to help Miles and Gwen from Miguel and kill hum at the end.

However, I rethought the character in a different light. What if he was more than a pawn in a game, but an actual villain that scares the main character? That's when I came up with idea of the story taking place after Beyond the Spider-verse.

I also wanted James to have a kingpin-like story, with him wanting to kill spider-man because of personal reasons. I messed around with the idea of him having a relationship with Gwen a little and stuck with what fit.

I also wanted James to have a venom style electricity that he can use. As much as it seems he doesn't use it, most of his moves are amplified by the electricity. James can also see into the future, which crates his own sort of spider-sense, just less powerful.

Also, I wanted to mention here that James is 21 years old.

Making the plot:

When I made the plot of this story, I wanted it to feel a bit different than any other fanfic.

When Miles gets injured, it takes a few days for him to recover, instead of acting like the stab wound didn't happen.

I also wanted Miles to be genuinely terrified of James, as I felt it added more depth to the story and made James feel like a real threat.

Besides those few things, most of story was just improvised and doing what felt right.

However, there was going to be an alternate ending. The cliffhanger was only something I came up with halfway through the story. The original ending consisted of Miles almost killed by James instead of Gwen, and him and Gwen would finally get the kiss they wanted.

But in true spider-verse fashion, I decided to leave it on a cliffhanger. Why?

Well, I never really liked sequels in the first place. Most of the time they were cheap cash grabs to market off of the original's success. Besides a few instances of course.

I also disliked the idea of a sequel adding on to the original. I much prefer it when the sequel continues the original plot. This also allows you to leave the original on a cliffhanger and get people even more hyped about the sequel ;)

A big thanks to anyone who voted, commented, or even read the story. All of it helps the story grow and shoot up in numbers. If you want more content like this, you can go read my other story, "The Thing Trapped in the Walls". I'd appreciate a lot, and it's an original book if you care. Take care, talk soon, and love you to the moon and back of course!

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