Chapter 20

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Gwen saw Miles fly across the room and hit a platform hard. He struggled to get back up. James slammed onto his back, knocking him back down to the ground.

She had to do something. She ran off the platform she was on and started swinging toward Miles. Suddenly, a wave of pain shot through her and she felt herself falling. She landed roughly on the platform when she realized that she had glitched again. She looked up to see Miles glitching too. They needed to shut this thing off, and fast.

Gwen watched as Miles reared up to venom punch James in the face. The force knocked James back onto another platform. Miles saw her and started swinging toward her with James close behind him.

Miles landed roughly on her platform.

"Find Gwen! Stop the fuser!", Miles said hurriedly before James swooped by and grabbed him once again. James started strangling Miles on a platform facing the fuser.

Gwen started toward them but felt herself glitch and fall again, hitting another platform with a hard thud.

What did Miles mean by find Gwen? She was right here, and the statement confused her. But she didn't have and time to think about it.

Gwen watched James shoot a glance at her before turning back to Miles. James suddenly let go of Miles and pushed himself off the platform. As Miles was recovering, James wanted either side of the of the platform.

Gwen was about to warn Miles, but it was too late. James flung himself at Miles and grabbed him. The platform collapsed under them and they started headfirst toward the orb in the center of the fuser.

"Miles!", Gwen called out, but he was gone. The room lit up in a huge spectrum of colors and loud sounds as James and Miles flew into the fuser.

Gwen felt tears well up on her eyes, but the thought of saving him gave her hope.

Find Gwen... Find Gwen.... Find Gwen... Gwen repeated what he said in her head before it finally clicked. Find Gwen!, Gwen thought as she started toward the exit.


Miles opened his eyes to find himself in a void of colors. Blue, purple, orange, and red flashes around him.

In an instant, everything that happened before snapped back to Miles, and he remembered everything. Pain shot through him, and he felt James grab him. But James didn't grab him by the throat, but the shoulders. Another shot of pain. And another.

In that moment Miles realized what was going on. He saw James in front of him, gripping him by the shoulders without letting go. Miles was in the fuser, and it seemed he was trapped. He tried shooting a web to latch onto something, anything, but he watched as the web shot out and kept going and going and going.

Another shot of pain. The fuser was making him glitch faster. James was trying to kill him, even if it meant killing himself in the process.

Miles tried to shake from James grip, but he couldn't.

Another shot of pain.

Miles felt himself start to lose consciousness.

But he wouldn't give up.

Miles looked to see James' suit tearing and ripping. Whatever was stopping James from glitching before, it wouldn't last long here.

"You're killing yourself, man!", Miles raised his voice over the loud noises all around him. Another shot of pain. And another.

"Spider-man took everything away from me, and now every spider-man will pay the price!", James yelled, his voice rough and gritty with anger. Miles saw James glitch very slightly. Another shot of pain.

"You're going to die!", Miles yelled.

Another shot of pain.

"And so will you, and that's all that matters now!", James screeched.


"Please, you have to go home! You can try again! Your life isn't over!", Miles yelled.


And another.

"It's over!", James yelled.


"It's not! Find Gwen, talk to her!"

"Gwen will never talk to me again, never!"


Miles started to lose his grasp on some of his memories.


James glitched slightly. His suit was ripping.


Miles saw a bright light in the distance. This is it. I'm sorry, Gwen. I'm leaving., Miles thought.

The light got brighter and brighter. Miles felt himself being pulled towards it. All of his pain went away.

Miles closed his eyes for the last time as he let himself be consumed by the light.

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