Chapter 19

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Miles opened his eyes to find himself in a large room filled with rubble. It looked like a collapsed building, but he couldn't tell which building it was. The air was filled with dust and dirt that made it hard to see. It was night outside, with very little light coming through the ceiling. It was dark.

Miles vaguely saw a figure standing in the distance. The figure seemed to be young, and was more towards the skinny side. It reminded Miles a lot of him when he was younger.

Upon closer inspection, Miles saw a shape he had seen before. It was hard to see because it was at a distance. Miles squinted to try and see through the dust and dirt in the air, but with no luck.

Miles slowly walked closer. He could now see the figure was a young boy, maybe 14 or 15. Miles got closer and closer until he recognized the shape.

A green spider logo

But not James' one. The one on the makeshift suit he had seen at the lab the other day. Was this James' first suit? Was this boy James?

But Miles something else. James was standing over something. He looked down to see Spider-man. This spider-man was wearing the classic red and blue suit with a few visual differences. He seemed weakened, like him and James had a fight before this moment.

Miles only now realized what was happening. Was this James first kill? Or just another spider-man? As much as Miles wondered, he couldn't shake the thought of him laying there instead of the spider man that was there.

Suddenly, young James pulled out a stick. The stick extended, and an axe head came out of it.

Miles hurriedly tried to grab the axe out of James' hand, knowing what was about to happen, but his hand just went through the handle. At first he was confused. Was this some sort of crazy technology? No, it couldn't be. At this point, James was still using a suit made of fabric, and he wasn't even using programmable matter, so he would have no idea how to do that. Then, Miles realized.

He was inside a memory.

And not his memory, but James'. Just like before, when he had the vision, he was in a memory. James couldn't see him.

Miles watched as James raised the axe and plummeted it into Spider-man's chest. Blood splattered and the floor and on the walls. He watched the life fade from Spider-man's eyes.


Miles recognized the voice of Gwen immediately. He turned around. Gwen was looking at James.

"Gwen, are you seeing this?", Miles asked, but Gwen ignored him.

Miles turned back to look at James, and to his surprise, James was looking at Gwen with tears in his eyes. How could James see Gwen but not him? Then the thought hit James like a truck.

It wasn't his Gwen.

"How could you?", Gwen asked in a hushed voice.

"Gwen, please, it's- it's not what it looks like. He- he killed my family! Don't you think he deserved it?", James said, panicking.

James tried to walk towards her, but Gwen backed away. James then took off his mask.

"Gwen, come on, look, it's- it's me! I won't hurt you, I won't!", James said, his voice shaking with emotion.

"Never talk to me again.", Gwen said before running off.

James started crying and fell to his knees. Hatred sparked in his eyes.

Before he could process anything, Miles felt himself turn dizzy, and then everything faded to black.

Author's note: BOOM! How's that for a reveal? I have planned this moment from the beginning of the story, and now we are here! THAT'S CRAZY! Thanks again for the overwhelming support for this book. Feel free to vote and comment your thoughts, I love reading your comments! Love you to the moon and back, and I'll see you in the next one! (Hopefully it will be out tomorrow)

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