Chapter 14

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Sorry if this chapter doesn't really come out right, it was kinda difficult for me to write.

It had been a few hours since Gwen had escaped from James' grasp, and she was still wandering on the streets. She had no idea where she was, and she didn't have her web shooters. The worst part was that James was still out there, and if he found her he would no doubt he might torture, or maybe even kill her.

Gwen was cold and hungry. All she wanted was to find Miles again. He would be wondering where she was, and she was worried sick about him. She broke out coughing, and wondered if she was catching a cold, or worse. She needed heat, and quickly.

A few moments later, Gwen found herself in an alleyway, leaning against a wall. She shivered as she pulled out the sphere made of programmable matter. She studied it closely, thinking of anyway it might be able to help her.

Gwen's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a voice.

"Well what do we got here?", the voice spat. Gwen looked up to see a group of thugs. It's fine, just a group of idiots, should be easy peasy, she thought to herself. But when she got up, she felt a kick in her side that sent her back down. The sphere fell out of her hand and rolled across the ground.

Gwen tried to stand up to reach it, but then she felt a foot against her head that shoved her to the floor. Her whole body was sore and weak, and every movement hurt. Despite that fact, she continued to struggle under the pressure of his foot against her head.

"Give us all you got!", one of the thugs shouted.

"I don't have anything!", she cried, but they ignored her.

Gwen felt the foot dig deeper into her head, and kick to stomach. She cried for help, but no one heard her. She felt another kick to her stomach, and her whole body flared up in pain.

After everything, Gwen was ready to give up, when the weight on top of her body disappeared. Her eyes were scrunched up in pain, so she didn't see what was happening, but she heard the grunts of the thugs as they were tossed around through the air.

Miles! He found me!, Gwen thought. She struggled back up to her feet, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the last person she expected to see.


He stared back at her with his glowing green eyes. The thugs were stuck against the walls with webs to their mouths. Why did he save me?, she thought. Everything that he had done to her, and now this? Or maybe he was taking out the thugs so he could kill her himself?

Whatever the matter was, James just saved her life.

"Uhm, hello.", Gwen said awkwardly as she held her hand to her stomach.

"I want a deal.", he replied.

"Like what?"

James seemed to take a deep breath. "I can spare you. We can work together to kill all the other spider-people. All the different universes. You would help me, in exchange for letting you live.", he said in his usual distorted voice.

Gwen seriously thought this guy was kidding for a moment. Her work with him? No shot in hell!

"Really? You almost kill my friend Miles and you want me to work with you?", Gwen said, and she could tell he was turning angry under his mask. However, she was not expecting what he said next.

"You don't understand, do you? You only care about Miles, but you have failed to recognize everyone else.", He said, his voice turning bitter. "Everyone else you know is dead. Hobie, Penni, Noir, Pavitir, everyone."

It felt like every name a bullet through her heart. Was he telling the truth, or lying?

"You're lying!", Gwen yelled, tears welling in her eyes as she thought of their cold, dead bodies.

"And when I give you a chance to live, you turn it down.", James finished, his voice distorted, angry, and bitter.

"Remember what I said, Gwen.", he said, before glitching briefly, then he disappeared.

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