Chapter 21

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Gwen woke up.

Everything was still fuzzy. She could barely see in the dark room.

What happened? Where am I?

Gwen struggled to remember what had happened before this.

Now things were a little clearer, she looked to see heavy amounts of dust and dirt in the air. There's as rubble everywhere, and a small beam of light from the moon through the ceiling was the only thing that lit up the room.

Gwen only now realized that she was laying down. She tried to move and get up, but she couldn't. Everything hurt.

Suddenly, everything snapped back to her. She remembered being told what happened to James.

The room was the collapsed fuser room.

She didn't realize that activating an emergency shutdown would cause the whole place to crumble and fall.

Then she remembered Miles.

Was he okay? Did he survive the fuser? The thought of him dying brought tears to her eyes.

But they had a plan.

Even before Miles got thrown into the fuser, he told her what she had to do. And now she could only hope to deliver.

Gwen noticed a figure in the distance. It got closer and closer until she realized that it was James.

For once, she vaguely saw James without his mask on. He had brown hair with hazel eyes.

She noticed him pull out a stick. The stick extended and on axe head appeared on the end. She saw emotion in his eyes, but not enough to stop him from what he was about to do. He raised the axe up. He was about to swing when he heard a voice. A familiar voice.


Gwen saw James drop the axe and turn around. And there she was.


The Gwen from his universe, of course.

Gwen could barely hear James say, "Please, don't leave again."

Her plan worked.

Before shutting off the collider, she went to find Gwen. It took a lot of convincing to make her give James a second chance, but she knew it would be the only thing that stopped him.

"James, please don't do this.", Gwen said, tears welling in her eyes.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them before they came together in a warm embrace. Something told Gwen that James might not be such a bad guy anymore.


Gwen had given up hope.

For the past hour, She had been looking everywhere in the area. She lifted rubble, dug up dirt, but still nothing. Miles was gone, and she had to accept that.

But she couldn't.

Not when the killer was still on the lose.

Gwen didn't care if James changed or not, he had to pay. And he will. Soon.

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