Chapter 6

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Miles fell to the ground through the wall and looked around. He was in a cafe. Before he had time to think, he felt familiar claws around his neck, and the next thing he knew he was pinned against a wall. The attacker pulled out the same axe as before, then said, "I told you you couldn't run from me. I've already killed tons of spider-people, what makes you think you are any different?" Just as the attacker started to raise his axe, webs shot out at it and ripped it out of his hand. Miles felt himself drop to the ground as the claws released him. He saw Gwen holding the axe, then dropped it, saying, "Because he's got a friend this time!" She zipped at him and kicked him in the face, sending him backwards. She reached her hand out towards Miles. "You good?", she asked. "Just peachy." Miles said, taking her hand and she pulled him up to his feet. They ran to either side of the attacker, standing a safe distance away. They stood there for a moment, until the attacker's visors flash. Then he four mechanical spider-like arms reached out of the attacker's back. Blades came out of his arms. Great.

Miles and Gwen zipped at him. The attacker seemed prepared. He dodged Miles, and tripping him so he fell off balance. He fell to the ground with an oompf! He grabbed Gwen and threw her to the floor, the picking her up by the neck and throwing her to the side. Miles reared up and landed a blow with his fist before swiftly being swept by the legs and punched into the wall, his back flaring up in pain. He saw green glowing electric bolts come out of some parts of the suit. This guy has venom powers too?!

Miles watched as Gwen jumped toward the attacker. He swung a punch but she dodged it before landing a kick of her own. He stumbled backwards when she swung back at him and punched him in stomach, then the head, knocking him back. She reared up to kick him again, but this time he caught her leg, yanking it towards him and punching her in the face, knocking her to the ground. She shot a web at him, but he dodged it, then slamming his fists into her.

Gwen seemed okay at the moment, she just seemed dazed, and hurt. Miles watched the eyes of the attacker snap toward him. Before he knew it, Miles was pinned against a wall, being strangled again. Except this time the attacker pulled out his arm blade and looked at Miles with hatred. Miles felt electricity run through his neck, then he started losing focus of the world around him.

Miles saw death.

Flashes of death from many different spider-people. Some he knew, some he didn't. He saw spider-man after spider-man die to the attacker. Some were stabbed, some were bludgeoned by the axe, some were strangled. And before Miles knew it, he felt a huge pain in his stomach. It wasn't from the spider-people he was witnessing, no, it was his own pain. Miles snapped back to reality to see the blade, going into his stomach.

The pain was unbearable. The attacker threw Miles to the side, and he laid there, curled up, coughing up blood. However, there was something the attacker did not see. Gwen was behind him and had her webs attached to a chandelier that the attacker happened to be directly under. She took a glance at Miles, laying on the floor, then looked back. I just so happened to be that when the attacker threw Miles to the side, he had just opened the perfect opportunity. There was a loud snap!, and then Miles saw the chandelier fall on top on the attacker.

Gwen rushed over to Miles, grabbing his hand. He looked off into the distance. Gwen looked at the wound in his chest, as much as she didn't want to. He was bleeding, and very badly at that. "Alright, Miles, I need you to look at me, okay? Focus on me, don't look anywhere else." Miles looked at her, and she took his mask off. No, no! Not again! I won't let this happen again!, Gwen thought, thinking of Peter. She took off her mask and started putting pressure on the wound, attempting to stop the bleeding. She scooted Miles backwards so he was leaning against the wall. "Just focus on me, okay? Focus on me..." she repeated. This time, Miles faintly said "That's not very hard to do.", before coughing up another fit of blood. She giggled a little at his stupid humor, but then stopped herself, reminding herself that he was loosing blood and he wasn't thinking straight. "Okay, Miles, I need you to take deep breaths for me, okay? Deep breath in, deep breath out. Deep breath in, deep breath out. There you go. Good." She said, trying to sort the situation. "Miles, we need to get you to the hospital, now. Can you walk?" Miles shook his head. "Okay, I'll have to carry you." She pulled down his mask and picked him up, and started to swing toward the hospital.

Author's note: Sorry for the little break I took, but it really help me get my mind back into shape. Now I really need to know something, so if you can comment about this, please do, because I really need your opinion on this.

Do you think the villain in this story should die, or live and get redemption?

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