Chapter 10

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There they were, Miles and Gwen, rummaging through the lab in Gwen's universe, looking for any clues on where to start searching to find out more about whoever this "spider-man" was.

Miles looked through files and found several things of interest. The electricity was not generated by the attacker himself, but his suit. It used advanced tech to turn kinetic energy into a strong form of electricity, essentially creating his own version of Miles' venom powers.

Miles picked up a file and opened, and read it in his head,

"Log #35: Earth #65.

The amount of progress I have made on multiversal energy is very good.

What causes atoms to decay, is my essential question, and for that I have an answer.

When an atom is in the wrong universe, it produces multiversal energy. However, this energy grows and consumes quickly. Eventually, the multiversal energy overloads the atom and causes it to essentially kill itself.

This happens within a matter of seconds, which is why the atomic decay is so fast.

My theory is that if I could find a way to capture that multiversal energy that is produced by the atoms, I could store it and use it to my own benefit. I will test things to see what works and record it in my next log."

Miles set down the file and let what he read sink in. If the attacker could master this, he could have the power of the multiverse in the palm of his hand.

But why stop?

The attacker clearly hadn't mastered this method, yet all of these labs seem abandoned, with most tables and desks being coated in a layer of dust.

"Hey Miles, come look at this.", Gwen said, holding a folder in her hand. "Yeah?" Miles said as he walked over.

"Look at this, it is a self diagnostic, and it says Earth #315627." Gwen said, opening the folder to show a page that had the words "Self Diagnostic" at the top, with a bunch of information scribbled below. And one of those lines said, "Earth #315627".

"Should we start there?" Gwen said as she looked up at Miles.

"I guess we don't really got a choice, huh?" Miles responded.

He walked up to the portal and typed "315627" on the keypad. The portal started spinning and glowing strings reached out and grabbed things around the room, just like before.

After all the loud noises were over, everything went to a light hum, and there Miles and Gwen stood, in front of the glowing portal.

"Well, come on, what are we waiting for?", Gwen said in a playful voice.

Miles walked forward, and took a step through the portal.

Author's note: Thanks for the support everyone! Sorry for the shorter chapter today, just wanted to get this one done. Love you guys to the moon and back, and I'll see you in the next one!

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