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The cold winter air seeped through Gwen's suit and bore on her skin. The bare trees of the snowy forest surrounded her and seemed to go up forever. Thick winter fog rose in the near distance and even the smallest snowflake added onto the icy grip on her skin.

However, a new figure appeared. Not a tree, not a snow pile, but a cabin. After hours of wandering, Gwen found a place to stay.

Please, let him be here, Gwen silently prayed.

They had searched for days, maybe even weeks to find Miles. But every time they got close, they somehow lost the trail.

Gwen knocked on the door, hoping for Miles to pop out and hug her. Kiss her. Whatever. She wanted to be in his arms so badly, yet she couldn't shake the thought of him being dead. Gone. Forever.

Yet no one answered.

The bullet in her shoulder made her wrench in pain. The cold just made the wound worse. Her suit was ripped, and in some areas, completely soaked in dried blood.

She forced the door open and quickly shut it behind her.

A wave of warmth spread over Gwen's body as she closed the door.

This made her realize that the cabin was warm because of the fireplace. It was lit. It didn't have too much wood in it, but it had enough to keep it going.

It was only then that Gwen saw the metal scraps around the room.

And the portal.

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