Chapter 5

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Gwen opened the door to her house, seeing her dad sitting at the table. "Hey dad," she said, starting toward her room, when her dad said, "Gwen, hang on." Gwen stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Do you know someone named Miles Morales?"

Why was everyone asking her this question? The obvious answer was yes, but how did they know? She had just gotten back from band practice, and Em Jay had asked her there too.

"Yes." She said.

"Just wondering, because he came to the door asking if you were home. He's in your room now."

Her heart dropped at that comment. He was here? And he's seen my messy room! She was embarrassed, even though she had seen his messy room, so if he made a comment about it, she would bring that up.

Just as she turned to dash to her room, her dad stopped her again.



"Remember my rule with boys."

"Dad, it's not like that!"

"I want to hear you say it."



She blushed, praying that Miles wasn't listening through her door.

"No kids until your married." She said, closing her eyes in embarrassment.

"Ok, you can go now."

She dashed to her room and opened the door. And there she saw Miles, sitting on her bed. "Hey." He said, in a surprisingly casual voice. "Miles!" She said as she ran over and hugged him. She hadn't seen him in a while, and now he was taller than her.

"How did you get here?" She said

"I'll tell you later. First, let's get out of here."


They spent the next few hours chatting and swinging around the city. Miles learned that, like him, Gwen was also studying a way to get to his dimension. She had also re-joined the Mary Janes (her band), that she had quit before. They were now sitting on a rooftop, side by side, watching a distant sunset.

"Gwen?", He said


"I didn't just come here to see you."

Gwen playfully punched him in the shoulder "Returning the favor I see.", she said. "Next thing your going to tell me is your with a spider-society and you are chasing down an inter-dimensional vill-"

"I almost died, Gwen."

Gwen stopped talking, and the playful look in her eyes disappeared. Miles had been wearing his hoodie when he wasn't wearing his mask, so Gwen couldn't see his neck. Here goes nothing. Miles took off his mask, revealing the severe bruising around his neck. Gwen instantly saw it and looked concerned. "Miles, your neck..." she said. "Yeah, yeah, I know.", Miles replied. "There was this guy, and he almost choked me to death. I was scared, so I came to your universe." Gwen looked at him, now with a spark of confusion in her eyes. "How?" She asked. He looked at her and said, "It might just be easier if I showed you.", He said, putting back in his mask. Suddenly, he started glitching causing him to fall off the roof. He managed to catch himself with a web, just in time. He started swinging. He looked behind him to see if Gwen was following, and she was.

As he was swinging, Miles' mind drifted to what the man on the subway said. "There is nowhere you can run, no place you can hide where I won't find you", He remembered the words with a shutter. Then the thought hit him. Could he find me here? Surely not, right? He was in another universe. Miles shook the thought away as he approached the house. The same house from his universe.

As he swung to the door, Gwen followed him, saying, "Why are we here?" "You'll see.", Miles replied. He walked into the house and down the stairs, partially glitching on the way down. Miles turned, and saw it. The room. Gwen looked surprised, clearly wanting to know how he knew this was here. "In my universe, it was under the exact same house, so I assumed it might be the same here." He said, barging the door open. But, this room was different. There was no suit. There were more binders and files, stacks of papers and things hanging on the walls. But at the center of all of it, was a portal. "This is how you got here?." Gwen said. Miles nodded. This place a dusty as well, and clearly had not been used in a while.

As Gwen looked around the room opening binders and looking at files, amazed at all the research that had been done here. It was all super high tech, including programmable matter, Energy signals, and even transforming kinetic energy into electricity. But, Gwen had found a strange looking bracelet. She read a file that seemed to be attached to it.

"Log entry number #47: Earth #65

I have found a way to stop my atoms decaying. I can alter the multiversal energy to twist everything into thinking I'm in the right dimension. I have also studied and and, for the most part, mastered the use of programmable matter. The suit design will be attached to this file, once I finish it."

Gwen took the bracelet and tossed it to Miles. "Hey, this should stop you from glitching." He caught it and said thanks. He seemed deep in thought. "Hey, come check this out, I might've found something interesting." She said. Miles walked over and read the same log she had just read. Miles turned the file over and saw the suit design. Gwen saw it was a spider-man suit. Miles' eyes widened in surprise. "Gwen, we have to go."

"Wha- why?"

"Quickly, let's go!"

Miles grabbed Gwen's hand and pulled her out. He started swinging to the nearest building, and Gwen followed. As he was swinging, Miles saw something in the corner of his eye in an alleyway. He turned to look at it but saw the unforgettable pair of green glowing eyes, staring right back at him. He zipped to the nearest building's wall, and stuck there. He pulled his mask up, hoping it would help him breathe. Miles sat there, barely able to breathe, thoughts running in and out of his head. He was hyperventilating, and breathing heavily. He could faintly hear Gwen calling his name, but he was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he could barely hear her. Miles was scared, no, terrified. Not just for himself, but for Gwen. If this green Spider-Man had no problem killing him, he would have no problem killing Gwen. Miles turned to Gwen, knowing she must be concerned. He barely got to say the words "He's here" before he felt a huge pain in his chest and the wall he was leaning on collapse inwards.

Author's note: Phew! 1k+ words chapter! Didn't think I could do it! I also would really love to thank anyone reading this for their support! We just surpassed 200 reads! If you have any suggestions for the story, or just want to share something, don't be afraid to comment! I try to reply to every single one. I love you guys! See you in the next one!

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