Chapter 8

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Miles woke up and rolled over to see that Gwen was no longer in the bed. She probably headed out to school. Miles thought he'd try walking, since he hadn't done it much for the past few days. He stood up, and wobbled a little before gaining his balance.

Miles wasn't sure if he was ready to start swinging again, but his wound was almost just a scar now, and it didn't hurt that much anymore, so he thought he would give it a try. It only then hit Miles that he didn't know where his suit was.

Miles looked around Gwen's room to find it. Just as he was heading for the door to look for it elsewhere the house, he saw a small nightstand with his suit on it. The stab hole was sewn together nicely, to where you couldn't even see it anymore, and there were no blood stains on the suit. Miles went to grab the suit when he saw a small note sitting next to it that read, "Welcome back, spider-man".

Gwen swung through the city, her mind filled with thoughts of Miles. She had taken care of him, and helped him to recovery, but was he doing okay? For all she knew, the green spider-man guy (they needed to come up with a better name for this guy) could be attacking Miles at any moment. Gwen tried to calm herself, telling herself that he wouldn't know where Miles was. They had kinda kicked his ass in the last fight they had, but Gwen knew well it wasn't over. He would come back, time and time again, until he killed them or they killed him, and it was as simple as that.

Gwen's eye caught a car, going way too fast, and cops chasing it. When she swung in to take a better look, people in black ski masks started shooting at her. She dodged the few bullets that got near her (these guys' aim sucked). She zipped to the runaway vehicle, and swung herself through the backseat, kicking the two guys out. He webbed up the driver and tossed him out of the car. Gwen landed on the road with two webs on each side of the car and she pulled with all her strength until the car slowly came to a stop.

The police thanked her and arrested the robbers. Not that they were much of a problem, though. Gwen's spider sense suddenly went off, and she quickly dodged onto a nearby rooftop. She jumped to the middle of the roof and saw a pair of green eyes stare at her. It was him.

The attacker started toward her, and she easily dodged out of the way. His arm blades activated, and he swung at her a few times, but she dodged all of the attacks. His suit started glowing with green electricity. Gwen's spider sense told her to move, but it was too late. He punched her, and she felt the electricity pulsate throughout her body.

Gwen was stunned. The attacker grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the floor repeatedly before throwing her to the side.

"Not so easy without your spider-friend, is it?" He spat under a distorted filter.

Every time Gwen tried to get up he would kick her, causing her to fall to the ground. Her body hurt all over, and she thought that she would die. He grabbed her by the throat and squeezed tightly. "Now, let's see who's under that mask." He said teasingly.

The attacker lifted up her mask to reveal her face. But to Gwen's surprise, he didn't kill her. He didn't spit in her face, or snap her neck. Instead, she felt the claws around her neck loosen, and his glowing eyes widen. He stared at her for a few moments before only managing to utter one word. One word that changed how Gwen saw him.


Author's note: Sorry for the cliffhanger, lol. I want to hear your theories down in the comments. I would love to see everyone's take on this. Okay, that's it for now, see you tomorrow!

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