Chapter 12

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The atom fuser.

Something that Miles knew almost nothing about, but he knew it fit into the story somehow.

This time there was no document, no file, no log that could describe what exactly it was.

But soon, he would find out.


Miles and Gwen swing through the city of Earth #315627 searching for any evidence of the atom fuser or really any evidence of James in general. Evidence was everywhere, though. The blazing police sirens and the distant trails of smoke under the night sky was evidence enough.

James killed this universe's spider-man.

They were singing fine until Gwen broke into a fit of glitching and fell a short distance. Before Miles could do anything, she caught herself and got back into the rhythm of swinging. She had quick reaction times.

As much as Miles wanted to tell her that the only thought keeping him going was the thought of losing her, he didn't want to look needy or dependent on anyone. Besides, he had been spider-man for two years now.

As they were swinging, Gwen glanced at Miles as he realized he was staring. He turned away, embarrassed.

Miles noticed a bright light in the distance and felt a huge pain shoot through his body. He looked to Gwen, who was glitching, and he realized that he was glitching too.

After the small fit was over, Miles and Gwen zipped to a nearby roof. Thoughts wizzed through Miles' head. How did he glitch? He double checked to see if he still had the watch on, and he did. Then, another thought hit him. That must be whatever the atom fuser was.

"Well, I think we might know where the atom fuser is.", Gwen said.

"Yeah, no kidding.", Miles replied, as they started toward the approximate area the bright light occurred.


As they got closer, Miles noticed they were getting closer and closer to where kingpin's collider had been. Miles realized that it was where the collider was. Miles guessed that in this universe, the collider never existed. And it just do happened to be that James decided where the collider was was a great place to build a large, high tech device himself.

Gwen and Miles swung in. The building that was above the collider in Miles' universe wasn't there, so it was pretty easy to get in. Once they got in, they hung on a beam, overlooking the large room.

The machine had four decently sized tubes that looked very similar to the two large one in the collider. The whole room was the same as the collider room, though. It was basically a large cylinder.

"Holy shit", Miles cursed. Gwen looked over at him, surprised. He forgot that she hadn't really ever heard him curse.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?", Gwen said.

"Hey, don't act like you don't curse." Miles replied.

"Yeah, but I'm older than you."

"By fifteen months!"

"Yeah, still older."

"Well, I'm taller than you, so ha!"

Gwen rolled her eyes under her mask, Miles could tell, but he didn't make comment.

"Well, let's focus on the task at hand. Let's try and guess what the hell this thing is and what it does.", Gwen said, obviously wanting to change the subject.

"We can figure that out later, all we know right now is it's made by a bad guy, so we need to shut it down." Miles replied.

"Fine, the control panel seems to be over there.", Gwen said, pointing to a large window.

Miles could roughly see the outline of several control panels through the window.

"Yeah, okay. Let's-", Miles said before he was cut off when the four tubes started spinning around the room. All four suddenly shot a beam into the center, creating a small ball of energy, that slowly grew larger and larger. Suddenly, the once plain and boring room shot up into several colors of blue, pink, and purple.

Miles felt pain shoot up through his body, and he scrunched his eyes together in response to the pain he was feeling. He was glitching, and so was Gwen.

This was the second time it happened, and now Miles knew it wasn't just a coincidence, no, it was the machine doing this. The machine suddenly shut off, and Miles stopped glitching. He looked, expecting Gwen to have the same realization as him, but when he looked up, he didn't see that. In fact, he didn't see Gwen at all.

"Gwen?", Miles called out her name, looking down to see if she maybe fell, or she swung off, but there was no reply.

"Gwen?!", Miles called again, but there was still no response. Miles swung all throughout the room, frantically searching for where Gwen could have possibly gone, but he found nothing.

Gwen was gone

Author's note: Y'all, 2k reads is crazy. So, what do you think happened to Gwen? If you have any theories, I wanna hear em in the comments. Also, I'm going to be gone a LOT the next few weeks, so I may not be able to keep daily uploads going. Anyway, love you guys to the moon and back, and I'll see you in the next one!

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