Chapter 9

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Gwen didn't know how the attacker recognized her. Maybe he was someone from school? One of her old friends? Someone from band? Gwen was just taking guesses at this point. She looked back at the attacker. The person who almost killed Miles, the person who had been hunting down Miles like a hawk stalking it's prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

But Gwen didn't see that anymore. She saw the frightened eyes of someone who couldn't stand to see her like this. The eyes of hatred and rage and anger towards her and had disappeared. All Gwen saw now was shock, surprise, and sadness.

The moment caught the attacker by surprise. Every single one of Gwen's instincts told to hit him now while he was in this state. But for that moment, that brief moment, all of her fear and anger disappeared.

But the moment ended.

Gwen felt the weight on top of her disappear, and she saw the attacker glitch, then disappear. This was good and bad. She made a mental note

Good: Gwen was no longer in danger at the moment

Bad: The attacker had seen her face, and had gotten away

This is going to be an interesting talk with Miles.


Miles put the suit down beside the bed. He was going to get back into the swing of things, but he wanted Gwen to help him. He laid in the bed for a few hours until he heard the bedroom door open, and Gwen walk in. Miles sat up on the bed as she went over to hug him.

"You feeling any better?", she asked.

"Yeah, I can kinda walk.", Miles replied.

"That's good."


They sat there awkwardly for a moment then Gwen finally turned to look at him.

"Are you ready to start swinging again?", she asked.

"Yeah, might need your help though.", Miles replied.

"Okay, I can do that, but we have to figure out something.", she said.


"How we are going to take down this guy."

"The green Spider-Man dude?"

"Yeah, him."

"Okay, let me think." Miles pondered on how him and Gwen could possibly take down a villain with a bunch of fancy tech.

"We could destroy his suit, then let him glitch out of existence." Miles thought out loud. Gwen looked at him with a surprised look on her face.

"We can't kill him!", Gwen exclaimed.

"Well, we can't let him kill us either.", Miles snapped back.

"Miles, we are not killing him."

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

"Get the police to arrest him or something. You know Spider-Man doesn't kill."

"How can we get the police close to him if he's impaling me every chance he gets?!"

"Miles, we are the good guys, we don't kill."

"Gwen, you don't know what I've seen!"

There was silence between them. Tears started welling in Miles' eyes as he remembered the picture of the bloodstained suits of the spider-people he saw.

"You... don't know... you don't know how many he's killed." Miles said in a ragged voice.

"Miles, I-... have you seen something?" She put her hand on Miles' shoulder.

"I.. I saw so many spider-people dead. He showed me."

"It's okay Miles, you don't know if that's happened yet."

"So, what are we doing?", Miles said shaking his thoughts from the visions he had seen.

"I'm just saying, there is someone behind that mask, and I say we find out who.", Gwen said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess so. So, where should we start?", Miles replied.

"Well, how about we start where it all began.", Gwen said.

"The lab."

Author's note: THANK YA'LL SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!!! It seriously means so much to me. I know I should talk about the break I took before posting this. I might take these short 1-2 day breaks occasionally, just to get my brain back in shape and to come up with more story. I'm kinda making the story as I go, KINDA. I have a little past this point and the end plotted out, and now I just need it fill in the gaps. If you guys have any theories or questions or comments, criticism or whatever, don't be afraid to leave it in the comment section. I'm a new writer and I'm trying to make improvements to my work. That's all for now, love you guys to the moon and back, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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