Chapter 2

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Gwen laid in her bed, staring blankly at the wall, deep in thought. Miles was the only thing filling her head at the moment. She hadn't seen him in about a year. Hell, he might even be 16 now. Gwen had already turned 17. She dwelled on the thought of if, no, when, she saw Miles again, if he would even remember her. She was going to find a way to his universe, it would just take time. Then she thought of the... complicated relationship she had with Miles. They were more than friends definitely, but far from a couple in her opinion. Whatever. I need to clear my head. She got up, grabbed her mask and suit and web shooters, and prepared to go for a swing.

Miles zipped to a nearby building, hanging on the side of it, overlooking the cave in site. The house was, quite frankly, in the middle of nowhere, surrounding my trees and bushes. There were small remains of the house on the outskirts, but the middle of the house was gone, with a pit of dirt and rocks to replace it. Zipping up closer, Miles examined the remains of the house, finding small bits of seemed to be a front porch. Looking up closer to the wooden pillars the once held up the roof over the front porch, he found small bits missing that definitely was not from the collapse of the house. Molecular decay. The supports of the house probably had the same effects too, which explained why the house collapsed when there was no activity inside. But what caused the decay? Miles jumped into the pit and looked for any sign of a problem when he noticed a metal wall, barely visible behind the dirt. This would be below the house. As he started scraping away at the dirt, he realized there was a metal door. He shoved against the metal door until it burst open, detaching itself from the hinges. Miles looked inside, and it was as dusty as the house was before it collapsed. But there was one thing that caught Miles' eye.

A portal

Author's note: Sorry for the boring chapters, the story will ramp up in the next one. And for those of you wondering "Where's Gwiles???" We are getting there, chill. Next few chapters should have Gwiles content for you guys. Also, for anyone who has commented, voted, added this story to a list or even just reading, thank you so much 😊! It really does mean a lot to me!

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