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Gwen swung to the laboratory. Back where everything started. Where she could finally make James pay. A week without Miles was already painful enough, and the thought of his killer still being out there made her sick. But that would change soon. Very soon.

But when Gwen got to the lab, a lot of the stuff was gone. James seemingly had gotten all of his supplies and moved it back to his universe where him and Gwen would finally get the life they wanted together. And that thought back her angry. Why did they get the life they wanted when she gets a life full of pain and misery? She had done nothing wrong, yet she was the one being punished.

What Gwen did find, though, was a tape and a tape recorder. She put the tape into the tape recorder, and what she heard he t shocked her.

James' voice.

"Log #208, Earth #65, Message for Gwen.


If you are listening to this, I understand that you probably hate my guys right now. And I respect that. But there is something you need to hear.

When your atoms are in the wrong universe, they create a large amount of what I call 'Multiversal energy'. When enough of this energy is created, the atom overloads itself and causes it to dissolve.

My atom fuser did just that, but forced the atoms to create multiversal energy wherever you were.

However, going into the fuser itself would increase that production ten-fold.

But you saved him.

Before Miles was going to decay, you shut down the fuser. That meant that I just fell out of it just like the rest of the rubble. But Miles was about to decay entirely, meaning that he survived, Gwen.

Miles isn't dead.

To be continued...



It's on my account right now, so if you are at all interested, go and check it out! I'm hoping it to be 10x better than this story! Love you to the moon and back, and I'll see you there!

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