Chapter 3

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"Document log #34: I have found a new resource. A new... type... of energy. Possibly a new element. I call it multiversal energy. I have found a way to control it... partially. I have built a portal-like structure, and I am currently working out the kinks. If I could master this, I could have the power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand. Update in next log."

Miles closed the folder and kept looking around the room for instructions for the portal, knowing he could contact Gwen. The instructions have to be here somewhere. There must be a way. He paused, knowing his dad would be wondering why he was down here for so long. Plus, he couldn't just leave without saying goodbye. Miles turned to leave, but paused when something caught his eye. He walked over and found a spider-man suit. One similar to his first one. It was black, with spray painted green decals, with a green spider-man logo in the middle. The whole thing was pretty beat up, with one of the eyes missing and the other one cracked. There were rips and tears all throughout the suit. Either this kid was an obsessive fanboy or another Spider-Man. Miles shook the thought away as he was NOT ready to be a mentor. He turned to leave, ready to get a good nap in. All of this was too stressful.

Gwen walked along the street towards Em Jay's house. Sure, she wasn't good at making friends, but in the past year, it really seemed that Em Jay had been there for her. Once she got to her house, she headed to the garage, knowing that's where the rest of the band was. The band said their greetings, but she didn't say them back, she just hopped on her seat, grabbed her sticks, and asked "What song are we doing this time?" "So she speaks!" Em Jay says. Gwen rolled her eyes. "I was thinking No One Like You by Scorpion." Said Glory, the main songwriter. Gwen remembered the song with a pain in her heart. She never really cared for the song, but after her interactions with Miles, the song's lyrics hit her heart hard. She picked up her sticks, getting ready to play.

Just as Miles was ready to swing home, he pressed the button on his web shooters just for nothing to come out. Great, guess I'm taking the subway home.


As Miles was riding on the subway home, he was thinking what exactly he would tell Gwen. He was so deep in thought, he didn't feel his spider sense go off. When he did, it was too late. Miles felt a heavy pain in his chest and claws wrap around his neck, squeezing tightly. Miles managed to get a glimpse of his attacker in the middle of the chaos. He was wearing a green Spider-Man suit, just like Miles saw earlier, yet this one looked more metallic, and the spider-looking symbol was glowing green, same for his eyes. Miles barely had time to react when the attacker pulled out a stick. The stick extended, and an axe head appeared on the end. Miles' spider sense told him to move his head right, even though he was still being strangled. He dodged right just in time to avoid the axe, which slammed into the wall behind him. For a second, Miles felt fear. Real fear. If he dodged a second later the axe would be pummeled straight through his head.

Miles couldn't breathe. He heard the voice of the attacker. It was distorted and unsettling. "There is nowhere you can run, no place you can hide where I won't find you." Miles' mind thought of death. He could die here. He would never see his dad or his mom, or Gwen ever again. Never see Gwen again. The thought rang out through this head. Then, his fear was replaced by determination. To fight on. To see Gwen. He felt his body heat up, the electricity run through his veins.

And then, he let it all go

Miles opened his eyes to see his attacker fly backwards at the blast of his electricity. He could breath again. The attacker was knocked down, seemed stunned, but not unconscious. Miles noticed the web shooters on the attacker's wrists. They looked different than his, but they seemed to use the same web cartridges. Miles grabbed the attacker's web cartridges and put them into his own web shooters. He looked out of the sub window, and he saw he was approaching a stop. He swung out, and he knew exactly where he was going to go. He couldn't fight this guy alone, that's for sure. He would need someone's help. No time for sorrowful goodbyes. He would be back. But he needed help from an old "friend".


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