The summer i became a women

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It was the week after mine and Steve's 16th birthday party that I notice my body changing. I was in my bathroom since I had my own bathroom thank goodness because this I would not want Steve to see because he would tease me about it. Anyway I was in my bathroom to do my business when I notice my panties and a big red stain in them.
I quickly finished my business and pulled them up and my pants and because my pants are white I had bled through them so I tied a hoodie around my waist.
I quickly ran downstairs to my mom and pulled her aside. Mom I said what y/n I was busy with telling your brother something my mom said. I think I started my period mom what no you didn't stop lying y/n my mom said.
I quickly ran out of the house because I didn't have any sanitary products so I ran to my brothers best friends house. Which is of course Bucky yeah I said that right Bucky I'm going there because his parents treat me as their own. I quickly knocked on the door and waited a minute. Bucky eventually opened the door for me he was shocked that I was there. Y/n what are you doing here he asked curiously. I-is your mom home Bucky plz tell me she is. No she isn't I'm sorry she just left for the hospital for her shift why do you need her. I just do ok but since she isn't here I will just go ok bye thanks anyway Bucky. Bucky looks down when she turns around and he rushes to her and pulls her inside and closes the door and takes her to his bathroom. Bucky why are we in your bathroom. Take your pants off he says. What excuse me I'm not doing that. Y/n take your pants and panties off you have blood running down your legs. Omg my pants are ruined I hate this. Take your clothes off and I will run a warm bath for you ok. Ok I hope you know what you are doing because I don't know anything about this. Really your mom never gave you the period talk Y/n. Nope she didn't she is always to busy with Steve to notice anything changing about me.
Ok just stay calm get in the bath and I will go to the convenient store down the road and get you sanitary products I will be right back. Ok and thank you Bucky I really appreciate this. It's ok I will be back and then we will call my mom and she can give you the period talk ok. Ok the warm water feels so good on my body.
Bucky leaves and go to the convenient store and returns back and goes back to his bedroom. Y/n I'm back from the store I got the sanitary products. Opens the door and sees Bucky. Bucky I don't have any clothes she says Bucky looks over and then goes to his dresser and grabs a pair of boxers sweatpants and a shirt and handed it to her. She sits on the toilet and she puts the boxers and sweatpants on. He hands her a pad to put in the boxers. How do I use this thing she asks. Ok so the sticky part goes down on the boxers. Ok finish up here and then come back to my room so we can call my mom ok. Ok Bucky she finishes and goes back into his room and sits on the bed and they call his mom and she gives Y/n the period talk. thanks mom I love you to bye mom Bucky says and hangs up.
Well I guess I'm a woman now I didn't want my summer to go this way but it did. I'm sorry y/n come here and we can watch some movies. Ok she lays her head on his chest and they watch some movies and fell asleep. The next morning they woke up to her phone ringing she answered it. Hello she said y/n where are you are you sleeping with a guy her brother asked. No Steve I'm not sleeping with a guy I am at a friends house and I was sleeping good until you called so goodbye Steve I am going back to sleep. Ok whatever anyway me mom and dad are going on vacation so you will be home alone. Ok whatever goodbye Steve she hangs up.
She lays back down and starts crying I hate my life. Y/n what's wrong Bucky asks. That was Steve he asked if I was sleeping with a guy and then he said I was going to be home alone. Oh y/n come here you can stay here as long as you want. No I can't do that they already left so I'm gonna go home bye Bucky thanks for everything.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now