Leaving wakanda

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The next morning
Bucky's pov
I woke up to a noise that sounded like the quinjet so I quietly and carefully got out of bed as to not wake y/n up and got dressed and went outside to see Steve heading towards me. Hey buck where is my sister. She is still sleeping and I would like to keep it that because she needs her sleep right now. Ok is she sick or something. No we had sex last night so she is exhausted so she needs her sleep. Oh ok I didn't need to know that. Well you did ask Steve Natasha says. Hey nat I say as I hug her. Hey so how was it she says. It was amazing. Good well anyways let's get some of the stuff on the quinjet. Ok everything is in the living room but try and be quiet when we move things please I'm trying let her sleep as long as possible. Ok we can do that buck Steve says.
Y/n's pov
I wake up to noises in the living room I put on my robe and tie it and then I go into the closet and grab some clothes and put them on and then grab my knife and quietly go toward the living room. I go into the living room and see two figures coming back I get ready to stab them until I see who they are. Omg nat and Steve I almost just stabbed you. They look at me and freeze. Did I say something wrong. Did we wake you up nat asks. No I didn't feel Bucky next to me and then I heard a noise out here why. Because sis if we did Bucky is going to kill us he said that you were exhausted and needed your sleep. Oh well here let me help with the boxes. No doll you sit and rest we got this. But Bucky I want to help I'm not broken I can help. Nope you sit and relax or go tell t'challa, ramonda and shuri we are leaving. Ok I will go tell them.
20 minutes later
Ok we are good to go I told them and they said that we can come back anytime. Ok let's go then everything is on the quinjet. Ok Bucky let's go.
1 hour later
I wake up to feeling the quinjet land and sit up I look over and see Bucky asleep. I gently shake him, Bucky wake up we are here. He wakes up and gets unbuckled. Ok well go inside me and Steve got the boxes. Ok I go inside and look around it still looks the same. I hear someone in the kitchen and I go and see who it is I walk into the kitchen and a person I don't recognize I grab my knife out of my thigh holder. Who are you. The person turns around and says I am Loki the god of mischief who are you pretty thing he says as he walks closer to me. Back up I have a knife and my boyfriend will kill you. I don't think so sweetheart he says as he continues walking closer to me. I scream and drop my knife scared he will hurt me or worse rape me then Bucky and Steve come running in. Bucky looks at me then at Loki who are you and why are you near her. I am Loki I am the new avenger. Doll are you ok did he hurt you. I shake my head no. Bucky notices I'm shaking and so does Loki. Why is she shaking did I do something wrong. No Loki you didn't it just after she was raped she doesn't really trust men very well. Oh oh i am so sorry I didn't know but can I ask what are your guys names. I look at him and give him a smile I'm y/n and this here is my boyfriend Bucky. I am so sorry you had to see me like this and I'm also sorry that I almost stabbed you i say as I pick up my knife. Anyways I'm going to find yelena. Oh she is upstairs in the common room Loki says. Thank you I run out of the kitchen up to the common room and see Yelena making out with some guy. GET A ROOM I yell. She looks up at me and runs and hugs me. I missed you so much y/n. I missed you to yaya. Who is this babe the guy asks. I'm y/n I say as I look at him and you are Pietro maximoff I say. How did you know that. Because when I lived here before your sister Wanda used to talk about you all the time speaking of which I thought you were dead at least that's what she told me. Nope I just escaped from hydra before her. I freeze and yelena looks at me and reads my face. Ok let's change the subject so how was wakanda y/n. I unfreeze sorry but I have to go I run out of the common room and into the gym and close the door and slide down the wall next to the door as I start having a panic attack. Now I know how I know Wanda they were both in hydra with me and Bucky just they escaped before we did. I get up and go to the knife throwing part of the gym and start throwing knives at the targets and hit the bullseyes everytime.
2 hours later I'm still throwing knives and keep hitting the bullseyes when I hear the gym door shut I don't pay any attention until I hear Wanda's voice. Hey y/n. I put the knives down and turn to her. Why didn't you tell me that we were in hydra together Wanda. I'm sorry y/n I just didn't want you to have to remember all the bad things I'm sorry I should have told you. It's ok I would have done the same thing so why are you down here. Um maybe because you have the whole compound in a frenzy and Bucky is trying to kill my brother because of what happened and because yelena told everyone what happened. What oh god I run out of the gym up to the common area and see Bucky trying to punch pietro I get between them and I look at bucky. Bucky it's ok I'm ok see I'm right here calm down. Yeah Bucky listen to your bitch pietro says. Bucky goes to punch pietro but accidentally hits me. Ow motherfucker I say bucky looks at me and sees the mark. Oh god y/n are you ok let me see. I'm ok buck let's just go to our room. I look back at pietro and punch him in the face. Oh and by the way I'm not his bitch. I walk away to our suite and go to the little kitchen in our suite and grab some ice and put it on my cheek. I go and lay on the bed and end up falling asleep.
1 hour later
Y/n time to wake up dinners done I hear someone say I open my eyes and see yelena I sit up with ice still on my cheek. Here let me see yelena says. I take the ice off my cheek and show her. It's not to bad you have a little cut and a bruise but nothing butterfly tape and makeup can't fix. Well that's a good thing but we need to hurry up because dinner is done. Ok let's go eat. I walk downstairs still holding the ice on my cheek. Y/n why do you have ice on your cheek Steve asks. Because of Buck—. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO Steve starts to go toward bucky. Let me finish because bucky was trying to hit pietro for calling me his bitch and I got in the middle of it and he accidentally hit me but don't worry I hit pietro for him because I am not Bucky's bitch. I take the ice off and sit down and eat. I see bucky look down. Hey it's not your fault it's mine I'm the one who stepped in the middle of you two so don't blame yourself. Ok he says. I finish eating half my plate because I can't eat anymore because I feel self conscious around new people. I get up and go to the common room and sit on the couch and turn the vampire diaries on and watch it for awhile until Loki comes in and sits next to me. Hey Loki I say. Hey why didn't you finish eating your food. Because I feel self conscious around new people. Well how about I go get your plate and you finish eating In here I'm not going to judge you. Ok i say. He goes and grabs my plate and brings it back to me and then does some magic im guessing. What are you doing. I'm going to heal that cut and bruise on your face. Oh ok I see some green magic and then a mirror in my hand and then I see some more green magic and then I see the cut and bruise is gone. There you go. Thank you Loki. Your welcome y/n. I turn back to watching the vampire diaries and finish eating my food. I set the plate on the coffee table and sit back and finish watching the show it ends and I start tearing up. I need to go on walk. I leave the tower and start walking. I look up and see someone running towards me I recognize them to be Bucky's sister Rebecca I am happy to see her until I realize she is running at me and not stopping oh shit I say and start running. I keep running until I see the moose river I run toward it and jump in she follows right after and passes out I pull her out of the water and start doing cpr and see some teal magic come out of my hands but I continue doing CPR until she coughs up water she sits up and looks at me y/n she says. Hey i say. Omg y/n she hugs me what happened. Well I'm assuming your were activated by hydra and are a super soldier and your mission was probably to take out the avengers am I right Becca. Yeah how did you know. Because mine and Bucky's mission was similar to yours. Oh well I am freezing and have no where to go. Well come with me Becca and I will get you warm. I give her my jacket and we start walking towards an abandon building. Is this where you live at. Nope but until we get that stuff out of your head we can't go where I live. Oh ok so how will we get this stuff out of my head. I am going to call someone.
1 hour later 
I hear shuri's jet land on top of the building and I walk Rebecca up and on to the jet. Ok Becca we are going to do the quick process ok. Ok she says. Shuri gives her a sedative and starts the process.
2 hours later
Ok Becca I'm going to try your activation words which are the same as your brothers were. Ok she says.

Тоска, ржавчина, семнадцать, рассвет, печь, девять, доброкачественный, возвращение домой, один и грузовой вагон.(longing,rusted,seventeen,daybreak,furnace,nine,benign,homecoming,one,freight car) she doesn't react so I say your free Becca.
Thank you y/n/n and thank you shuri. Your welcome Becca now are you ready to go see where I live. Yes I am y/n/n. Ok let's go. As we are walking I get a call from Bucky I ignore it.
10 minutes later
We walk in the tower and Bucky runs to me but stops in his tracks when he see Rebecca. Becca he says as he starts tearing up I thought you were dead how are you here. I was kidnapped by hydra and turned into a super soldier. Bucky sees red and charges towards her I step in between them. Bucky she can't be activated anymore she won't hurt us. How do you know. Because I called shuri and we did the quick process of removing her activation words and then i tried it on her and it didn't work so she is free from hydras control. Omg Rebecca he says as he hugs her.
TONY AND STEVE COME HERE I yell they both come running in Steve stops dead in his tracks and falls to the floor in tears. Sweetheart is that you he says. Rebecca runs to Steve. Yeah it's me baby she says. Ok what did I miss when we were younger or something. Me and Rebecca started dating when she was 14 and I was 15. I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys. It's ok Steve I understand and so does Bucky. So does this mean that you guys will be sharing a room because that is why I called you and tony In here. Yeah we will be sharing a room. Ok well I'm going to mine and Bucky's suite to take a shower because I am freezing and soaked because I jumped in the water to deactivate Becca.
30 minutes later
I walk down to the gym and starts dancing to get my mind off of stuff I start dancing.

After I finish dancing I hear claps and I turn around and see everyone watching me. I don't pay them any mind as I go to the bow and arrow practice side of the gym and start shooting and hitting the bullseyes over and over. Then I start dancing again to a hip hop dance.

I finish dancing and I hear claps but I hear one in particular that I finally pay them some attention. I run to Rebecca and say I remembered them I remembered my solos from dance. I am so proud of you y/n but um I think someone was turned on by that dance. I look around and my eyes land on Bucky's I look down and see that he is hard I go over to him and kissed him. Don't you remember that dance from when I danced when we were younger. Yeah I do that is why I am so turned on right now babygirl. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder but I flip over him and escape. Nope we are not doing it right now we can have tony soundproof our suite later and then we can do it but for now let spar. I get in the ring with him and we start sparring he picks me up and goes to flip me but I wrap my legs around his neck and flip him he lays on the mat and groans. I forgot how strong you are doll. I put my hand out for him and he grabs it and pulls me down on top of him. TONY CAN YOU GO MAKE OUR SUITE SOUNDPROOF CUZ ONCE WE GET UP THATS WHERE IM TAKING HER AND SHE IS LOUD Bucky says. Yeah give me 20 minutes and then it will be done
20 minutes later
Ok Bucky it is soundproof. Thanks tony he says. He picks me up over his shoulder and tightens his grip where I can't get out. He gets to our suite and tosses me on the bed. He takes my shirt and pants off. He takes his clothes off and then he takes my panties off. He grabs his member and pushes inside me. I moan and he goes faster. He keeps going until we both cum he slowly pulls out. I slowly get up and go take a shower and then get clean clothes back on. I walk out of our suite and start walking past Steve's when I hear moaning. Ew gross I say to myself and continue walking.
10 minutes later
Steve walks down with Rebecca and Bucky behind him. You know Steve you should really ask tony to soundproof your suite so next time I walk by I can't hear my best friend moaning because you have your dick inside of her. Oh sorry sis I will do that.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now