Date night

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So tonight I have a date with this guy I met on a dating app. Right now I'm getting dressed for the date because he should be here any minute. I was finishing my makeup when I got a text from him saying he's here. Ok you got this I say to myself. I walk outside and he opens my door for me and I get in and we drive to the restaurant that we were having dinner at.
   *Little time skip*
  So as we were having dinner I started feeling like really uncomfortable. He pretty much told me that he was going home with me and I don't have a choice. Excuse me for a minute I say and get up and go to the bathroom.
  Ok I have to get out of here I say to myself. I call my brother he of course didn't answer. Ok he didn't answer who else can I get a hold of Bucky I can message him. I message him and tell him I feel unsafe and uncomfortable. After a few minutes I give up and go back out to my date because Bucky wasn't answering.
  A couple minutes later the restaurant door slams open and there stands Bucky. He comes over to me and says let's go we're going and he puts the motorcycle helmet on my head. I go to stand up but my date tries to stop me. Bucky moved me out of the way and stood in front of the guy and said if you get 1 inch closer to her or 1 inch closer to me I will end you do I make myself clear. My date was like ok and we left.
He got on his motorcycle and helped me on the back and he took my hands and wrapped them around his waist. He starts driving and then he stops at a red light and starts rubbing my hands,legs and ankles. We get to my house and he walks me in and up to my room.
  Omg I'm so sorry it's a Friday night and I just pulled you away from what you were doing. You want to know what I was doing I had my friends over. Omg I'm so sorry I pulled you away from them. Shut up he says. What excuse me I said. Shut up stop apologizing I was with my friends and I saw you felt unsafe so I grabbed my helmet and my keys and I left I didn't say anything I just got on my bike and I got to you. What are you saying. I'm saying I will choose you over everyone else every time. He starts leaning in and stepping towards her. Ok but what are you saying. I'm saying I will choose you. Ok but what about my brother he will kill me if he found out. I will choose you over your brother every time. So what does this mean. I will show you what this means and he leans and gives her the slightest peck on the lips but we will talk about that when you didn't just come back from a shit date goodnight y/n. Ok goodnight Bucky.
Bucky's pov
I walk out of her room and close the door and turn to leave when Steve is standing there. Hey Steve I say. Buck why are you in my sisters room. Well maybe if you answered you phone you would of known that she was feeling unsafe on her date.  
  But no you and everyone else in this family ignore her. No we don't buck. Yes you guys do because your parents ignore her because they are always to busy with you to notice her and you ignore her because she is your little sister.
Did you also know that your little sister cuts herself or has a eating disorder. No she doesn't we would have known. No you wouldn't have because I'm the one that caught her and got her to stop and start eating that is why she is where she is today is because of me not your family.
  What are you saying buck when did she do this. She first did it when you guys left her here alone to go on vacation I came over that night to see if she needed anything. When she opened the door there was blood running down her wrist so I came in and helped clean her up and got her in bed that night. Omg I didn't even realize she was going through all that. Of course not Steve you and your guys parents are to busy for her. Just like when she started her period a week after your guys 16 birthday she came to your mom with a sweatshirt around her waist and tried to tell her that she started. Your mom just told her she was busy with you. Why didn't she come and tell me. Steve she didn't come to you because she thought you would make fun of her. No I wouldn't have I would've helped her. Yeah well she came running over to my house to have the period talk with my mom but my mom had already left for the hospital. What my mom had the talk with her buck. No she didn't that day she just told her that she would figure it out so she came over and I took care of her and my mom gave her the talk. Omg I never knew we treated her that way thanks buck. Your welcome but you need to fix your relationship with your sister Steve before it's to late. Ok I will thanks buck.
Steve's pov
After buck left I went into y/n room to not find her in bed but I heard sobbing from her bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door. Y/n hey can I come in I tried the door but it was locked y/n come on let me in. She unlocked the door and I see her sitting there with blood dripping from her wrists. Omg y/n I run out of her room and call buck. He answers hello Steve he says. Buck y/n's bleeding from her wrist and I don't know what to do I need your help. Ok I will be over in a minute. Ok bye buck. I run back into y/n's bathroom and see her sitting there. A minute later Bucky run into the bathroom.
Y/n's pov
I'm sitting here with blood dripping down my wrist with Steve when Bucky runs in. Y/n hey look at me doll. I look at him I'm sorry. Hey it's ok why did you do it this time tell me ok. My t-thoughts got to me again. Ok good and how long did you go without relapsing. 6 months
  Bucky I am so sorry I started to cry. Hey it ok that's good you went 6 months without cutting why didn't you use the methods that I showed you. Well the rubber band didn't work and the ice didn't work.
Ok at least you tried them. Steve I need the butterfly tape and the gauze from under her sink. Ok Steve says. Ok all patched up there you go y/n let's get you to bed. Ok oh and by the way I heard your conversation with Steve earlier and that would be nice to fix our relationship. Ok well I'm going to go goodnight y/n. Can you stay Bucky plz I don't want to be alone. Sure I can stay. Goodnight Steve I will see you tomorrow.
Ok I have one question what is going on between you two because I feel like there is something going on I'm not mad if there is I support you two but don't lie to me. Steve there is nothing going on between us. Ok goodnight y/n.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now