one month later

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y/n pov
i can hear everything that everyone has said to me this past month i think it has been a month since i went back on ice. bucky has sounded so sad and miserable so i have decided to come off ice today. so while bucky is on a mission i asked tony and bruce through the mind helmet if they could turn the cyro off. after half an hour i began to thaw out and i open my eyes.
they open the door and i go to step out and i stumble. woah there y/n careful. they help me out of the cyro and help me to the bed in the lab. they check me over and they say that in an hour that i can go up to mine and bucky's room.

an hour later

im heading up to mine and bucky's room i walk into the room and go to the closet to get me some new clothes because the ones i have on are to small on me now. i decide to put on a tank top crop top and then i decide on some of my maternity shorts because it is so fucking hot in the tower. i look down and i see all of mine and bucky's old things. i grab the stuff and bring it out and sit on the bed and go through the stuff. i start going through my stuff when i come across something i never wanted to be reminded of ever again my first pregnancy the one that i got pregnant with after i was raped.
i throw the ultrasound and test on the ground and then i hear someone come into the room and bend down and pick up the things i just threw. doll what is this. nothing buck i say as i continue going through the stuff. doll look at me. i look at him and he asks the question i was hoping i would never have to answer. doll was it mine. i start crying again and shake my head no. he falls to the ground and looks at me and says the thing i was hoping he wouldn't. he says you cheated on me in the army. buck i didn't he cuts me off. no don't now i know that you don't love me he walks out of the room. i run after him but he is to fast.
so i yelled for him. bucky please wait and let me explain. he turns around and says no need to explain i know you cheated if not you would have waited for me. i didn't cheat on you i promise i was raped as you know but then a few weeks later i was feeling off so i went to the doctors and they said i was pregnant and then another few days later i had a misscarriage.
so no i didn't cheat i sent those back to my parents because i didn't want the reminder of my rape baby that i lost.
omg im so sorry doll i didnt know. here how about we go out to dinner tonight just me and you. i dont want to go out i want to stay in tonight how about we order in tonight buck. ok doll what do you want for dinner then. i want chinese with a watermelon smoothie. ok i will call you when its here. ok baby i will be upstairs with becks and little james. ok doll hey will you tell steve to come down here i need to talk to him. yeah i will tell him bye baby.
i go up to steves room where becks and little james are and i walk in without knocking. i see little james on the bed by himself and the shower running. i go pick up little james and leave the room and go to mine and bucky's room. i tell little james that im gonna teach his parents a lesson and that is to not leave him by himself. a few minutes later i hear steves shower turn off and then screaming and running down the hall and stairs.
a few minutes later i get a call from bucky. hello i answer. doll where are you and do you have little james with you he asks. no im in my room why whats wrong with little james. hes gone steve and becca got out of the shower and went into their room and couldn't find little james doll. omg i will be down in a minute. ok doll i will see you soon. we end the call and i stand up with little james.
i walk downstairs with little james and put on my best disappointed face. steve bucky and becks turn around and visibly relax they come over and try to take little james from me. i back up and i start talking. so i took little james with me to teach you guys a lesson never leave your child unattended. now tell me why when i walked to your guys room little james was under a bunch of pilows while you guys were taking a shower together knowing that anyone took take this little boy.
sis im so sorry i should've known better i wont do it again i just thought taking a shower together would save water. steve tony pays the water bill so water isn't an issue. your right im sorry sis it wont happen again. well here is some advice next time ask me to watch him. thanks sis we will. ok here you go take him back i think he pooped. i hand them back to steve and becks.
ok well anyway is my food here yet because im starving. yes doll it's here it is on the counter in the kitchen. thanks babe i say and kiss him on the lips. i walk into the kitchen and dont see my food on the counter but i see a note. i walk over and pick the note up and read it. it says haha took your food you are so fat that you shouldn't be eating unhealthy foods. i take the note and go to the living room where i see mystique eating my food. she looks at me and smiles. i walk upstairs as fast as i can to mine and bucky's room and sit on the bed and start crying.
i don't realize that rebecca was in the room until she asks me whats wrong. nothing baby just one of the new teammate stole my food and called me fat. rebecca get up from the bed and runs downstairs i run after her as fast as i can. i see rebecca run up to mystique and slap her across the face. i cant help but laugh. bucky looks at me weird.
so here is the story behind that slap that just happened. i went to the kitchen to get my food and it was gone but there was a note. the note said haha took your food you are so fat that you shouldn't be eating unhealthy foods. so i went upstairs and cried. i didn't realize rebecca was in our room until she asked me what was wrong. i told her nothing just mystique stole my food and called me fat. then rebecca came running downstairs so i followed her and saw her slap mystique.
bucky turns around to face mystique and goes up to her and asks her why she did it. mystique says because what she said was true. i grab rebeccas hand and walk out to the car. i put rebecca in her carset and buckle her in and then get in the drivers seat and drive to burger king. we walk in and we go to the counter and i order rebecca a cheeseburger kids meal and i get the tendergrill combo. we go find a seat and then go fill our cups up i get pepsi and i get rebecca rootbeer.
our number gets called and i go get our food and go back and sit down and we eat out food. once we finish we get back in the jeep and drive to the mall. we go shopping for some clothes for me. some clothes for bucky because all of his henleys are to small now and his favorite black jeans are to small. rebecca sees a toy store and runs into it while im looking at clothes for me.
i turn around and dont see rebecca and i panic. i drop all of the clothes and run out of the shop. i holler for rebecca and she comes running out of a toy store. she runs into my arms and starts apologising. babygirl you can't run off from mommy like that.
im sorry mommy i just saw a stuffed unicorn that i wanted. ok well let mommy finishing getting these clothes i say picking up the clothes and go to checkout. we finish in the store. ok lets go get the unicorn you were looking at. ok mommy she says pulling me along to the unicorn she saw in the window she points at it. ok let me go ask a worker how much it is. i walk up to a worker and ask how much the big unicorn is that is in the window. oh the unicorn in the window is not for sell. ok i say and walk back to rebecca. ok listen to me rebecca the worker said that unicorn isn't for sell. she looks at me and starts crying.
the manager runs over and stops seeing me and looks back at the only other worker in the shop. what did you tell her the manager asks. the worker looks at the manager. she asked how much the unicorn was and i told her it was not for sell. the manager looks back at me shocked.
do you know who she is. no i don't the worker said. she is an avenger. the manager walks over to the unicorn and picks it up and hands it to rebecca. here you go little girl the unicorn is all yours for free. he stands back up and looks at me.
thank you i say. no problem golden princess. anywway i need to get this little girl home she has homework she need to do. she has to trace her name i say. i go to walk out with rebecca. wait he says. i turn around and he runs to the back of the store. he comes back out with two big boxes then runs back and comes back with two more big boxes and set them down. what is all of this i say.
well these two boxes have big girl and baby toys in them. these two have big girl clothes and baby clothes that all of my children have grown out of i have been waiting for you come in here everytime you come to the mall but you never do so i just kept them in the back. omg thank you so much how much do you want for all of this. rebecca pulls my arm and i lean down. what babygirl i say. i think he is giving it to you as a gift mommy. i look back up and see the guy nodding. i start to tear up thank you i say. anytime golden princess he says. do you need help getting this down to the car. yes please i say. ok hold on and i will go get some of the other shop owners to help.
a few minutes later the manager returns with a few other shop owners.we walk down the stair out of the mall with the others following us. we get back to the jeep. i opened the hatch to the back of the jeep and they put the boxes in the jeep. after they were done i closed the hatch and thanked them. once they left i opened the back door and put rebecca in her carseat and buckled her in and closed the door.
i got in the front seat and buckled up and started the jeep. we got halfway back to the tower. i called bucky with the bluetooth in the jeep and he picked up. hey baby i will need help when we get back to the tower. ok babydoll we will be waiting outside. ok bye baby i love you. i hang up and finish driving.
we get back to the tower and i see everyone outside. i look in the back seat and see rebecca asleep. i get out of the jeep and open the hatch. i then go around to becca's side of the jeep and unbuckle her and get her out and take her inside. i carefully put her on the couch to sleep and see the rest bring the stuff in. along with becca's unicorn.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now