Going into the army

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It been a year since I last cut but today me Steve and Bucky are going into the army we leave today and I'm hoping to be deployed together with Steve and Bucky. Me and Bucky have been dating for 6 months and Steve has been supportive about it. Me and Steve have fix our relationship.
So here we are getting our deployment papers. Where are you guys going I'm going to Europe. Me too the boys say.
6 months later
Here we are waiting for some crazy hydra doctor and here we go time to do this. We jump onto the train and start fighting. I'm fighting a hydra agent when all of a sudden I hear Steve scream I go running in where he is and I don't see Bucky. Steve where's Bucky I ask. I'm sorry y/n he says. No don't tell me your saying what I think your saying. I'm sorry I tried to pull him up but he slipped and fell. I fall to my knees and scream. NO Bucky I start breathing heavy and having a panic attack. S-Steve I can't breathe. Ok ok y/n calm down do the breathing exercises that Bucky taught you ok. Ok calms down and does her breathing exercises. I can't believe he's gone Steve I just want to go back to base.
Ok we're headed back to yours and Bucky's barracks but let me know if you need something please. Ok thanks Steve and I will. I get in our barracks and close the door and totally breakdown. I go into the bathroom and get my blade out. I'm sorry Bucky. I cut my wrist and as I'm wrapping it I get a knock on my door. I hurry and throw one of Bucky's sweatshirts on and wipe my tears and open the door. I knew it couldn't have been Steve because he was on a mission so I didn't know who it was until I opened the door.
Peggy what are you doing here. Y/n I'm so sorry I tried to stop him I really did but he crashed the plane into the water. I drop to my knees and breakdown. Peggy gets on her knees and cradles my head. Oh I'm so sorry y/n. Y/n why is there blood dripping from your wrist. Shit I'm sorry you had to see this I run to the bathroom and grab the butterfly tape and gauze and start patching it up.
I come out of the bathroom and Peggy is still here. Can you leave I want to be alone right now. Ok but please come to me if you need anything. Yeah ok I will. She leaves and I sit on the bed.
I'm going to go get the people from the other side. I get my helmet and my gun and I start to leave when I hear my name being called. Y/n get back here colonel said. Nope not going to sir I'm going across the line to get the others back.
  I went into the building to find it empty except for one person. I fought the mystery person until I flip them and their mask came off. I recognize the person to be the one and only Bucky I say. Who the hell is Bucky he says. You are you are James Buchanan Barnes. No I am the winter soldier and you are next. I look to his left arm and see his arm was replaced with a metal one. Oh no I say to myself. I start to run but he catches me in a second. Bucky please I start to cry. The doctor comes in and says well done soldier.
  What is going on I say. Oh see you are going to be the next soldier but you are going to the red room for training and then you will come back here to train with the winter soldier. No please i beg before they inject me with something and everything goes black.
  71 years later
  Welcome back y/n the doctor says. Why are you doing this to me please let me go. Wipe her then put her in the cyro and then put her in the cell with the winter soldier the guy that I have learned his name is pierce said. Yes sir said the doctor.
One hour later I don't remember anything or my name. Winter widow welcome home. Sir I say put her in the cell pierce says. Yes sir The doctor says. They drag me to a cell and throw me in and I land hard on the ground and groan. Here let me help someone says I look up and I recognize him as the winter soldier. I start scooting back until I can't no more. Hey I'm not going to hurt you but if you don't move away from those bars the guards will he says. I slowly move away from the bars and sit in the corner of the room by the bed and I fall asleep.
Bucky's pov
She falls asleep in the corner of the cell by the bed not on the bed but on the floor next to it. I very carefully pick her up and put her on the bed and the go to the bars and call out for a guard. What do you need Rumlow says. Can I get a blanket for her so she doesn't get cold please. Yeah sure hang on. He comes back a minute later with some different clothes which are not actually warmer than the ones she has on and then a blanket he hands them to me. Make sure she puts these clothes on. Ok I say and go and sit back down. I'm staring at the floor when she starts to stir in her sleep. I walk over to her and she looks up at me with tears streaming down her face. Hi I say but she looks at me like she recognizes me. Your Bucky my Bucky she says. What do you mean what do you remember. I remember my name is y/n I'm 21 year old and your my boyfriend James Buchanan Barnes but we used to call you Bucky me and my brother Steve did. Oh no she remembers to much. Ok doll whatever you do don't say anything about any of that. Ok why not she asks. Because they will wipe your memory again if they hear you did they already do activation words yet. No she says. Shit shit shit I say. Shit what she says.
  We have to find a way to get you out of here. I'm not leaving you she says. I hear footsteps coming closer and I know it's too late they are doing phase 2 activation words.
  Winter widow let's go time for phase 2 rumlow says. Phase 2 what do you mean and my name is y/n not winter widow she says. Ok let's go to the memory wiper.

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