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I ran to my Jeep and got in and buckled up I pull out of the driveway and start driving. I wipe tears that just keeps falling as I'm driving. I get a call from Bucky but I ignore it. I keep driving and keep getting phone calls from people at the tower including Steve but I ignore them. I finally arrive at my childhood home I still had the key as it is in my name now since my parents died.
   I park the jeep in the driveway and get out. I unlock the door and walk in the house. I walk around the house and look at everything. My baby pictures and Steve's were still here. I pick up Steve's and throw it as hard as I can and scream.
I HATE THIS LIFE AND MYSELF MAYBE STEVE WAS RIGHT MAYBE HYDRA SHOULD HAVE KILLED ME WHEN THEY HAD THE CHANCE BUCKY DOESN'T DESERVE ME HE DESERVES SOMEONE BETTER THAN ME. I fall to the floor crying. I feel a kick and rub my stomach I am 8 months pregnant. I feel another kick. I know mommy needs to stop getting overwhelmed.
I get up off the floor and go look around. I find some of mom's old stuff and look through it. I find some pictures of when she was pregnant with me and Steve then I find one of me and Bucky when we were little. I put everything back. I walk outside and lock the house up and get back into my jeep. I start driving when my phone rings again but I still ignore. My phone ring again and It falls on the floor I reach over to grab it. I grab it and sit back up but before I could see who it was everything went black.

Bucky's pov

I get a call from the hospital and I answer it In a panic. Hello. Yes this is him. Ok I will be right there. I run to Steve and Rebecca's room. Steve Rebecca. What's wrong Bucky Rebecca asks. It's y/n she's been in an accident. Ok let's get to the hospital.

One month later

Y/n's pov

   I hear steady beeping on my side and my body hurts all over. I feel something cold on my right arm. I slowly open my eyes and look to my right and see Bucky asleep. I look back around to my left and see monitors I suddenly panic. The doctors run in and accidentally wake Bucky up.
   Hey y/n calm down for me. My baby is my baby fine. Yes your baby girl is fine and healthy. Ok thank you. Your welcome. What happened. You were in a car accident and apparently you put your arm around your belly before you crashed and also you daughter has super soldier in her.
Oh ok thank you when can I go home. You can go home in two days. Ok thank you doc. You're welcome get some rest y/n. Ok doc.
Bucky can you get in bed with me. Yes baby I can. Goodnight Bucky. Goodnight doll.

Two days later

Ok y/n you can go home now I will go get the discharge papers. Ok doc thank you. I try to get up to get change but I fall back on the bed. Bucky rushes to my side and helps me up. Doll you have to be careful. I know I just got up to fast. Ok here let me help you. Ok. He helps me into my sweatpants and crop top. Ok y/n here are your discharge papers I just need you to sign. Ok I sign the papers and hand them back here you go doc. Ok you are free to go. Thank you doc. Bucky helps me up and out to the car. Ok let's get you home. Ok let's go I put my seatbelt on and Bucky gets in the drivers seat.
We arrive home and Bucky comes around and helps me out of the car. Bucky I have a question how bad was my Jeep destroyed. Tony is actually fixing it now. Ok thanks Bucky. We walk inside and Steve comes up to me. I just walk past him ignoring him going up to mine and Bucky's room.
    I walk in and go lay down on the bed and fall asleep. I wake up to someone gently shaking me. I look up and see Steve. Get out. Sis come o—. GET OUT YOUR THE REASON I ALMOST LOST MY DAUGHTER YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. Steve just sighs and leaves. I fall back to sleep. An hour later I wake up. I get up and go pee. I stand to pull my pants up when I feel liquid going down my legs. Oh shit I feel a contraction. I grab the counter in the bathroom. The contraction stops and I breathe a breath of relief. I grab my phone and start timing the contractions. I start running a warm bath for me. I get in and another contraction starts. I time it and it ends at five minutes. My contractions are five minutes apart. I grab my phone and call Bucky. He answers hello doll. Bucky get up here now. Ok I will be right there doll. We hang up and a few minutes later I hear footsteps. I get the urge to push and start pushing. Bucky comes in and automatically knows what going on and holds my hand. The contraction stops and I breathe.

30 minutes later

  I push again for the final time and little Natalia rose Barnes rogers is born. Oh my god she is so cute. Bucky drains the water and refills the tub with warm water. Bucky go get doctor cho and Bruce. Ok hang tight I will be right back doll. Ok I feel the urge to push again. I push and the placenta comes out. Bruce and dr Cho and Bucky come back in. Oh thank god.

20 minutes later

  Dr Cho takes little Natalia and drys her off after Bucky cut the umbilical cord. Ok y/n let's get you out and dried off. Ok I get out and Bucky helps me get dried off. I get on the bed and lay down in just my robe. Dr Cho brings Natalia over and places her on my chest.
   Ok we are gonna leave now. Are you gonna be ok dr Cho asks. Yeah we will be ok. Ok goodbye y/n. Goodbye Bruce and dr Cho.
   After a few minutes I get up and go to the closet and get Natalia some clothes. (Picture of baby Natalia at the top)

I bring her back out and lay her gently on the bed and put her in a diaper and get her dressed

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I bring her back out and lay her gently on the bed and put her in a diaper and get her dressed. My stomach growls after I dress her. I bring her with me in the closet again and grab some leggings. I go back to the bed and gently lay her down and put my leggings on.
   I walk downstairs with her in my arms. I go to the kitchen and grab some sushi that was left over from a few days ago. I walk back out and sit down on the couch. Steve looks at me. Sis you're not allowed to have sushi while you're pregnant and why do you have little James Rebecca is supposed to have him.
   I look at him and stern my voice. This isn't your son this is my daughter. So I'm not pregnant so therefore I can have sushi now shut up before I hurt you. Everyone looks at me in shock so I just grab my food and go up stairs because I feel a panic attack coming on. I get upstairs and lay Natalia on the bed.
   I fall to my knees and can't breathe. I feel little arms around me and i automatically know it is Becca. I calm down immediately.
Mommy are you ok now. Yes baby mommy's ok now. I hear Bucky running up the stairs. Doll are you ok and what happened between you and Steve. Yes I'm ok buck and he called me a monster again so I'm mad at him. HE DID WHAT. Natalia starts crying so I pick her up. It's fine Bucky. Ok whatever you say. I rock Natalia and she falls asleep. Do you want to hold your new baby sister. Yes mommy I do. Ok babygirl sit down between mommy's legs. Ok mommy she sits between my legs and I very carefully putt Natalia in her arms. Mommy she is so cute. I know she is. Natalia lets out a little toot. Mommy take her back she farted on me. I laugh and take Natalia back.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now