Meeting the new kids on the team

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I wake up to someone coming into mine and Bucky's suite. Y/n dear time to get up for the day. I sit up and see Loki. What time is it Loki. Um it is 1:00 in the afternoon. Omg I slept all day why didn't anyone wake me up. Well maybe because you were up at 3 am and are pregnant dear but now you have to get up because tony wants you to meet the new members of the team. Ok just let me get dressed first and I will be down. Ok then I will see you down there. Oh Loki after I get done meeting the new members can I show you something. Yeah sure you can dear anyway hurry up because tony is getting impatient. Ok it will take me a few seconds to get clothes on because most of my clothes don't fit anymore because I'm two months pregnant. Oh ok he uses his magic to put some clothes that fit me on. Loki what did you do. I gave you some of Bucky's clothes that were left here that last time you guys lived here that I put in my closet. Oh ok thank you let's go meet the new members. Ok we go down stairs. I get down the stairs and Bucky walks over to me. Hey doll wait a minute are those my clothes where did you get them from because they weren't in the closet when I unpacked and they weren't in our stuff. Oh Loki put them in his closet and then he used his magic to put them on me. So he has worn them. No Bucky I haven't they have been sitting in my closet because tony was going to do something to your room but then you guys decided to come back. Oh ok well I say they look better on you doll. Thanks now let's meet the new members of the team. So from left to right the members of the team are of course you know Peter as spider man then you have Logan as wolverine then there is Kate bishop as Hawkeyes protege next you have storm next you have Scott as cyclops next you have wade Wilson as Deadpool and last but not least you have Charles Xavier or professor x oh and then there is mystique. Hi y/n professor x says through your mind. You scream AGHH WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT WHO SAID THAT. Doll nobody said anything. No someone said hi to me and said my name. Oh sorry that was me that is my power y/n sorry for scaring you. It's ok professor. I need something to eat. TONY I scream. Yes y/n what do you need. Can you please order 2 cheeseburgers please I'm hungry. Yes I can for you. Actually can you make that 4 and a milkshake and 2 things of fries. Yes anything else. Nope that's all. Wow y/n will you be able to eat all that mystique asks. Yep I can and I will.
10 minutes later
Y/nnnnnnn your foods here tony sings I run and snatch it out of his hands and go to the living room where mystique and Kate were. Hi guys I say as I sit down and start eating and watching vampire diaries. I get through my 2 cheeseburgers and half a thing of my fries when mystique comes and sits by me I ignore her and continue watching the show when I hear her call me fat. Kate looks shocked at what she just said I pause the show and stop eating and get up and go to the bathroom and make myself throw up. I'm throwing up when I hear someone walking towards the bathroom I know it's someone from the team because they are the only ones that know about my eating disorder. As I think they are going to knock on the door they keep walking. I stand up and whisper to myself mystique is right I am fat. I walk out of the bathroom and pick my food up and go to the kitchen and throw it away. Why did you throw your food away dear. I know that voice from anywhere its Loki I turn around with my head down because I don't want him to see me cry. Dear he says as he lifts my head up he sees me crying. Dear answer me why did you throw your food away you need to eat. Because I'm fat Loki that's why. Dear you are not fat you are pregnant with child. YES I AM LOKI I AM FAT EVEN MYSTIQUE SAYS I AM SO IM DONE EATING I scream and run out. I run out of the compound and teal magic comes out of my hands. I can't be here right now I could hurt someone. I run out to the garage and find a car with the keys in it I get in and drive off. I ditch the car and walk the rest of the way to park. I sit on the swing and swing back and forth.
Lokis pov
Y/n just told me that she was fat because mystique told her she was. I have to find Bucky and tell him. I find him in the gym. Bucky can I talk to you for a minute. Yeah sure what's up Loki. Um y/n threw her food away because she thinks she is fat because mystique told her she was. Oh fuck he says as he runs out of the gym I'm close on his heels. We get to the common room and the whole team is sitting there.
Bucky's pov
Did Loki tell you what happened tony asks. Yeah he did. Ok so what is next Steve asks. Wait how do you guys know what happened Kate came and told us. Ok well we have to find her. Ok tony says. Everyone looks everywhere but can't find her. Did you guys find her Loki asks. Nope she is nowhere in the compound. Just then tony gets an alert that one of his cars have left the property. She took one of the cars. Ok well lets go then.
1 hour later
Tony there's the car I say. Ok see if she is in it. Ok I run over to the car but she's not there but the keys are. Tony she's not here but the keys are in the ignition. Ok so what now. I look up and recognize where we are. I know where she is I say. Me to Rebecca and Steve say at the same time. Ok where is she tony asks. Follow us Rebecca says. We all run to the park where we would play at when we were younger.
Y/n's pov
I hear noises behind me but I don't move thinking it's a family bringing their kids to the park. That is until I feel arms around my waist. I look back with tears in my eyes and I see Bucky. I jump off the swing and back away. Doll it's me Bucky says coming towards me. No stay back I don't want to hurt you I say. Doll you won't hurt me. Bucky please stay back I say as teal magic comes out of my hand and knocks Bucky down. Omg Bucky i say as I run over to him. I'm ok doll he says as he winces in pain as he tries to sit up. I stand back up and back away and go to run before I hear a voice I can help you control it y/n. I turn around and see Loki standing there. No you can't no one can. I turn back around and run. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a woman dressed in a formal gown. Hi I'm Frigga Loki's mother you must be y/n she says as she starts walking towards me. Get back I don't want to hurt you. Y/n listen to me I can help you control it like I helped Loki control his. How can you help me control it. Control your emotions sweetheart that anger that you are building up inside is making your magic go haywire. Here let me take you to an open field. Ok I say as I go with her she teleports us to an open field. There we go now let all that anger out through your magic. Ok I say as I let all that anger go.
Loki's pov
I feel a whiff of air come over me and I smile. Loki what are you smiling about and where is y/n Bucky asks. She is learning to control her magic she is safe with who she is with. Who is she with Loki he asks. My mother she is teaching y/n the same way she taught me here shall we go watch her I ask and everyone says yes. Ok hold on I say and teleport us to the open field that my mother and y/n are in.
Y/n's pov
I see the team show up but continue working on controlling my magic. Ok now dear I want you to get as angry as you can and then let it out by using you magic on the air ok. Ok i say as I get as angry as I can and blast my magic into the air. Good now we are going to learn some other things now because you can control it. Ok I say. Ok first I want you to sit cross cross on the ground and concentrate on levitating. Ok I do as she says and a few minutes later I'm levitating. Ok good now come down sweetheart. Ok I come down slowly and then walk over to her. Ok now I want you to think of a person and teleport to them but remember concentrate. Ok I concentrate on teleporting to Bucky as I think of him in a few seconds I'm behind him. Where did she go Bucky asks. I wrap my arms around him as I hug him and he screams and jumps away from me. Hello i say. Doll you scared me when you did that. I'm sorry buck I say as I kiss him. Ok sweetheart let's continue.
4 hours later
After 4 hours I finally knew everything I needed to know about my magic. Ok sweetheart we need to do a couple more thing and then we are done I need you to concentrate and then I need you to use your telekinesis. Ok I see shuri and t'challa and ramonda show up so I decided to lift shuri up. I concentrate and eventually shuri starts to float. She screams AGGHH LET ME DOWN PLEASE PLEASE PUT ME DOWN LOKI I KNOW YOUR DOING IT. Actually I'm not love look up. Shuri looks up and sees me doing it. Y/N PLEASE PUT ME DOWN. I slowly put her back down on the ground and she stumbles before standing back up. Ok now concentrate on reading someone's mind. Ok I start concentrating and eventually I hear Bucky's thought. I smile. What are you smiling about doll. Your thoughts are really loud babe. Doll get out of my head. Ok I stop reading his thought. Good sweetheart now you know everything you need to know about your magic. Thank you frigga for your help. Your welcome but I have to go now the king is waiting for me back on Asgard. Oh well when you go back tell Thor to get his ass down here because I want to see him and also we need him for a mission. Ok I will tell him that goodbye y/n take care and good luck. You to frigga bye. I walk back over to Bucky and hug him. And when I let go I see him wince in pain. Omg let me see you back I wanna try something. Ok he takes his shirt off. I freeze for a moment until he says you like what you see doll. I look at him and say yeah I do but I get all of that later so just turn around so I can see your back. Yes doll he turns around and I freeze again before I walk up to him and put my hands on his back I close my eyes and concentrate and after a few minutes I feel the magic come out of my hands. I hear Bucky talking and lose my concentration. I look at him. Shut up babe I'm trying to concentrate on healing you so stop asking what I'm doing and shut up. Ok doll I will. I go back to concentrating and healing him. After a few minutes I heal him all the way. Ok your healed put your shirt back on before people see what's mine. Ok doll he puts his shirt back on. I start to feel exhausted. Doll you ok there. Ye— I pass out but before I hit the ground I feel someone picking me up. What's wrong with her Bucky asks. She's exhausted from using her magic all day she will be fine Loki says. I wake up to being set down. Hey I say. Hey doll you just rest. No I'm fine I'm not tired anymore. Doll he warns. What are you going to do if I don't listen to you I say as I start to get up. I will punish you tonight. No you won't because I'm pregnant now move I have to pee and then I will lay down and rest. Fine you have 2 minutes.
2 minutes later
I walk back into the room and lay down and fall asleep from exhaustion. 4 hours later I'm woken up by Bucky. Hey doll time to wake up tony ordered dinner he ordered you 2 cheeseburgers and 2 things of fries. I sit up. Thanks buck but I'm not hungry right now I will eat later. Ok doll I will see you down stairs. Ok I get up after he left and got workout clothes on and snuck down to the gym I need to lose this fat. I get to the gym and starts punching the punching bag for 30 minutes then I go over and run on the treadmill for another 30 minutes I finish of the workout by doing archery and knife throwing. I go back upstairs and go take a shower and put Bucky's sweatpants and hoodie on and go downstairs. Hey doll you coming down to eat he asks. No thanks I am just getting some water and then I'm going back upstairs to watch a movie. Ok doll but why are you wearing my sweatpants and hoodie aren't you hot in that. No I'm no— I pass out but before I hit the ground I feel arms catch me I know there not Bucky's or Steve's or anyone other then Loki's because he is the only one that could catch me in time. I open my eyes to being put down. Hey welcome back how you feeling.  Im fine Loki I see Bucky standing in the doorway. Loki can me and Bucky have some alone time for a minute. Yeah sure I'll leave you guys to talk. Thank you. He leaves and Bucky closes the door. What's wrong Bucky. That's twice you passed out today y/n are you starving yourself. No I say as I look down. Y/n I can tell your lying is it because of what mystique said earlier. She's right I am fat I don't know how you still love me. Doll you are not fat you are pregnant with my child and right now you are neglecting that child inside you because they need to eat to doll. So how about you rest and then in an hour I will come get you and you can eat ok. Ok Bucky I lay down and end up falling asleep.
1 hour later
I am woken up by yelling downstairs I get up and open the door and I hear Bucky yelling. DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO TELL HER SHES FAT NOW BECAUSE OF YOU SHE DOESN'T WANT TO EAT AND SHE IS STARVING OUR CHILD MYSTIQUE SHE HAS AN EATING DISORDER THAT HAS JUST CAME BACK BECAUSE YOU CALLED HER FAT THANKS A LOT. Bucky I didn't know I'm sorry mystique says. DON'T TALK TO ME RIGHT NOW IM GOING TO THE GYM TO LET SOME STEAM OFF. I walk downstairs after Bucky left and grabbed my food but before I left I heard mystique say something. I'm sorry what did you say. I said I'm sorry y/n I didn't know you were pregnant. Apology accepted but call anyone fat again and you are off the team I don't care what tony or Steve or fury says. Ok again I'm sorry. I walk off with my food and go to the gym I open and close the door quietly and then sit down on the floor and eat while watching Bucky. Bucky punches a hole in the punching bag and goes to pick up another one when he sees me. Hey doll what are you doing down here. I'm eating and watching you so you don't do something stupid or that you will regret later. Ok doll I love you you know. Yes I know you love me but can we go to bed I'm tired from everything that happened today from mystique to controlling my magic to using it to not being able to sleep without having to go pee. Yes doll we can go to bed I know your tired baby. Let's go to bed doll. Bucky picks me and the trash from my food up and goes to the kitchen and puts me down and throws the trash away. Can I get a piggy back ride please. Yeah sure doll get on my back. I get on his back and he Carries me upstairs. On the way up I fall asleep on Bucky as we go upstairs we get stopped by someone. Hey sis steve looks and sees I'm asleep. Oh I will make this quick then we all have a mission tonight everyone is needed besides pepper and y/n anyway I will let you put her in bed because she is asleep Bucky anyway I will come get you at 9 because we leave at 9:30. Ok Steve see you then.
1 hour later
I get woke up to someone gently shaking me. I sit up and see Bucky looking at me. Hey doll I have a mission tonight I leave in an hour so it will just be you and pepper here tonight so let's go downstairs so I can get everything on the jet. Ok I get up and walk downstairs with Bucky. I see pillows and snacks and blankets all set up. Well doll you get to have fun while we are gone because you and pepper are having a girls night. Awe thanks you guys hey I have a question what is this mission about. Doll we are going after hydra because they have been experimenting on a baby and a three year old. Oh god well I will see you when you get back I lean up on my tip toes and kiss him go before Steve comes and yells at the both of us. Yeah your right he kisses me and leaves.
1 hour later
It's been an hour since they left for their mission and me and pepper are watching umbrella academy when I hear a noise in the building I look through the window to see the reflection of hydra. Pepper we have to go to the safe room now I whisper. Why she whispers back. Because I think the mission that they were sent on was a diversion to get us alone and there is a hydra agent in the compound so let's go. We get to the safe room and I call Bucky. Hey doll what are you calling me for. Bucky hydra is in the compound I think that base was a diversion to get me and pepper alone. What ok I will tell Steve and we will head back where are you and pepper at now. In the safe room but hurry because I think they know where we are because footsteps are getting closer and they are saying my name. Ok doll we are heading back now we will be there in an hour just stay put. Ok buck but I can tell it's the leader pierce by the footsteps and the voice. Ok doll we are 30 minutes out stay on the line and stay where you are. Oh shit I say and me and pepper start running. Y/n are you ok. Yeah just running right now because he found us. Ok well we are 5 minutes out. I drop my phone when pierce grabs my arm. No please don't hurt me I'm not ready to die. To bad pierce says. I hear footsteps and I know who it is. Oh your so screwed now I say. No I'm not your pretty boyfriend isn't here to save you. Oh really then turn around Bucky says. As pierce turns around Bucky punches him and tony takes him to the raft in his iron man suit. Oh my god buck. Hey doll how are you are you and the baby ok. Yeah but I don't know where pepper is we got separated. I'm right here y/n I'm fine. I run up and hug her oh thank god.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now