the next day

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an hour later becca wakes up. she comes to mine and bucky's bedroom where we are looking through the boxes and getting becca's new clothes out. mommy im hungry becca says. i know me to hunny but it isn't dinner time yet babygirl. ok mommy what are you and daddy doing. well me and daddy are going through the boxes getting you and your sisters clothes out and put away. oh can i help mommy. sure babygirl here go to your room and open the bottom drawer for me. ok mommy she says as she runs out and into her room i hear the bottom drawer open and rebecca runs back in. ok baby carefully put your pjs in the bottom drawer.
an hour later
ok we are done putting your clothes away rebecca. ok mommy im really hungry. well it is dinner time lets go see who is cooking dinner. ok mommy she says. she runs dowstairs as fast as she can into the kitchen and freezes. i walk into the kitchen and see sharon fucking carter. what are you doing here bitch. she turns around and smiles. im here to see my boyfriend loki where is he. i start laughing until loki appears in the kitchen and kisses her. what the fuck. he turns around hey y/n/n how are you doing today. well i would be better if she wasn't here. well she is my girlfriend y/n/n she is going to be here for a few days. well then im leaving with rebecca.
why y/n/n because loki she was the one that tortured me by taking my daughter after peirce took her out of me that is why me and rebecca is leaving. i go to leave until i hear loki tell me to stop. what why should i that bitch in there tortured me after peirce took my daughter and she helped him do it so no im not staying here. sharon wouldn't do that y/n/n sharon was never with hydra so are you sure you weren't hallucinating. no loki i wasn't hallucinating she helped peirce take my baby. so goodbye since she is here im not staying. i walk out with rebecca and go up to mine an bucky's room and pack me some clothes because me and rebecca will be staying in a hotel until bucky gets home from his mission. i pack me some maternity shorts and jeans and some cropped long sleeves and tanktops i also pack me some pjs. i then go to Rebecca's room and pack the same things and put them in our bag then i pick up rebecca and head out to the jeep and put her in and buckle her in.
i put our stuff in the jeep and then get in the the jeep and start the jeep and pull out. i start towards the closest hotel. we get there and i get our bag out then i get rebecca out. ok baby lets go get a room for tonight until daddy gets home from his mission tomorrow morning. we walk into the hotel and get a room and get checked in. we go down the hall that are room is on and i listen with my superhearing until i hear a person say the name steve and the the other person says bucky.
i quickly walk to mine and rebeccas room and listen in on their conversation on our side of the wall. i hear them say something about proposing and asking someone to marry them i brush it off and get rebecca ready for a bath. i take rebecca and we go to the bathroom and i get undressed and then i get her undressed. i start the bath water and get in then lift her in with me. i get us washed up and everything then we get out and dried off and dressed for the night.

30 minutes later

me and rebecca are sat on the bed with me reading her a book to put her to sleep. she just falls asleep when i start crying. there is a knock on the door i wipe my tears and carefully get off the bed. i go to my gun that i brought with me and put the silencer on it. i walk to the door and look through the peephole.
i see three familiar faces outside my door. one of the three familiar faces i didn't want to see but the other two i needed i carefully open the door for loki bucky and steve. bucky and steve look at me shocked. so your the one we heard crying doll. yeah bucky you did and it all because of loki.
what did loki do doll. see i thought he was my friend but i guess not because he chose his girlfriend over me. oh doll i would do the same thing to steve if it was you matter of fact i did it quite alot in the 40's. yeah but that is different his girlfriend took my child then tortured me bucky. i keep telling you y/n/n sharon wouldn't do that.
yes she would and she did loki why don't you believe me. we kept arguing back and forth until i feel a tug on my leg. i look down and see rebecca at my feet. thanks alot loki you woke my child up now im going back inside and shutting the door goodbye.
i start walking back in when i see frigga appear in front of me. she hugs me and whispers in my ear that it was true what i said to loki. finally someone that believes me i said. frigga goes up to loki and tells him i was telling the truth. loki looks at me with sympathy. i just walk back into my hotel room and shut the door. i walk rebecca back to the bed and get her back in bed and i sing to her and she falls asleep fairly quickly.

the next morning

i wake up and get all of our stuff packed up and then get dressed. i then wake rebecca up. i get her dressed then i get her shoes and coat on. i pick her up and grab the bag of our stuff. i walk downstairs and check out and get everything in the jeep and put rebecca in her carseat and buckle her in. i get in the jeep and start driving to the tower.
we get to the tower and i get everything out of the jeep and get rebecca unbuckled. i pick her up and take into the tower up to mine and bucky's room. i set rebecca on the bed. i go to the closet and get out of these uncomfortable clothes that are too small for me now. i decide to wear my loki shirt and my maternity jeans.

 i decide to wear my loki shirt and my maternity jeans

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   i walk downstairs with rebecca behind me

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i walk downstairs with rebecca behind me. i walk into the living room when everyone stops what they are doing and stares at me. what i say. you are wearing me on your shirt loki says. yeah well you are still my friends and also this is the only other shirt that fits me right now until i wash my laundry.
where is your girlfriend at i ask loki. oh me and sharon broke up because of what she did to you y/n/n. im sorry i didn't believe you about what you said. it's ok loki i fogive you. no y/n/n i should have believed you over her because everytime i mention your name or rebecca's name she would act all weird. it's ok loki but im hungry so im gonna go find something to eat for me and rebecca.
her you go a big mac from mcdonald's and two large fries and a milkshake. i grab my food from loki and waddle to the couch and sit down and start eating my food. i hear rebecca ask loki if he can conjure up her some mini corndog and fries. hey rebecca why don't you go ask mommy to do it i hear loki say. i hear rebecca come over and i put my food down and look at her to tell her that she has my full attention.
mommy can you do what uncle loki did to your food please mommy. yes baby i can try i try to conjure up some mini corndogs and fries. i conjure them up on the first try. i get excited and put the food down and run up to loki and jump up and down. did you see that did you that loki i did it on the first try. yeah i seen it you did good for your first try y/n/n but maybe you shouldn't be jumping around like that. why can't i jump around like
that i ask loki.
maybe because your 6 months pregnant y/n/n. oh yeah i forgot i was pregnanat my bad. it's ok y/n/n just dont do it again because then bruce will get pissed of at us for letting you do it. yeah we dont need bruce getting mad. yeah we don't need hulk coming out.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now