Moving into the tower

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2 years after wakanda we get to finally move into the tower. Bucky how do you feel living with all these heroes. I don't know y/n I'm just glad to have my best friend and girlfriend of 4 years back. Me to Bucky. Hey are you guys ready to see your rooms Steve asks. Wait we aren't sharing a room. No tony thought that you guys would want separate rooms Steve says. What no I run out because everyone was staring at me and I start having a panic attack.
Bucky's pov
Y/n runs out because everyone was staring at her and because i think she was having a panic attack. Why doesn't she want her own room buck. Because Steve the last time she was in a room by herself she got raped. What when was this. When she was in our barracks rooms in the army. What why didn't she tell me. Because me and you were both gone at the time I was already at hydra and you were in the ice so who could she have told steve after she got raped she didn't trust anyone else. Omg I feel bad. Hold on I'm getting a call from y/n. Hello doll i say. 6789998212 she says. I hang up and start running out of the tower to find her because she is having a panic attack. Bucky wait up Steve says running beside me why did you run out like that. Because that song your sister just sang means she is having a panic attack I told her to call me and sing that song when she was having one. Oh shit but where is she. I know where. I run to the lake nearby the tower and see her there struggling to breath I run over to her.
Y/n pov
I am sat here by the river struggling to breath when I see Bucky and Steve running towards me. Hey y/n look at me Bucky says. I look at him. Copy my breathing come on you can do it doll copy my breathing. I start copying his breath and I can feel my panic attack coming to an end. There you go is that better doll. Yeah I'm sorry I ran out like that Steve it's just what happened after the last time I was in a room by myself I can't do it anymore and everyone staring at me made it worse.
Hey it's ok y/n I can have tony give you a couple suite ok. Thanks Steve. Let go back to the tower and eat something I know your probably hungry doll. I'm actually not hungry buck. Doll don't tell me your eating disorder is back. I'm sorry buck. Do you want your safe food. Yeah a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sounds nice. Ok let's go back to the tower and make you one.
Back at the tower
Ok doll here is your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Thanks buck I don't know what I would do without you. Die you would die without me. Your right I would. Ok buck I can't eat any more I ate 3 bites. Uh uh you know the rules you have to eat half of it. Fine I will eat half. Good girl doll. Done I ate half of it. Good now no bathroom for 30 minutes. Ugh but I have to pee.
Bucky's pov
Bucky just let her go to the bathroom Natasha says. No Natasha see if she goes in that bathroom now she will make herself throw up all of the food she just ate. Oh does she have an eating disorder or something. Yeah she just relapsed today.
30 minutes later
Y/n pov
Bucky can I go to the bathroom now I have to pee really bad and I don't think tony want pee all over his couch. Preferably not tony says.
Yes you may but you have two minutes and then I'm coming to get you done or not. Ok I run in to the bathroom and do my business and go back downstairs. All good doll. Yeah much better I curl up to Bucky and fall asleep.
3 hours later
I wake up screaming because of a nightmare. Hey doll your fine your safe I promise we're not there anymore. I-I can't breath. Ok follow my breathing in and out slowly. I start following Bucky's breathing. Feeling better doll. Yeah but I'm hungry. Well good thing that dinners done then Steve says. Oh thank goodness I can eat. I walk in the dining room holding Bucky's hand tight when I see how much food is on my plate that tony made me. It's ok doll just try to eat it. I sit down and take a bite and automatically spit it back out. I cant  Bucky I can't eat this can I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich please. Of course doll. Thank you love. Bucky comes back out with my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There you go doll eat it and remember our rule afterwards. Ok Bucky I remember I start eating my sandwich. I finish it all and I look at Bucky and he smiles at me. I'm proud of you babygirl. Thanks buck I push out my chair until I hear Tony's voice. Come on y/n you have to eat more than a sandwich. I run into the living room and grab mine and Bucky's blanket and curl up on the couch and start crying.
Bucky's pov
Shit I say as soon as I see y/n run out. I turn to tony and glared at him. What she needs to eat more Bucky she is so skinny I can probably snap her in half. I lose it and start yelling at tony. SHE HAS A FUCKING EATING DISORDER ASSHOLE THAT WAS HER SAFE FOOD WHEN SHE CANT EAT ANYTHING ELSE SHE TRIED THE FOOD ON HER PLATE AND HER BODY TOLD HER NO SO SHE ASKED FOR HER SAFE FOOD TONY. calm down buck Steve say. I turn to him. Don't tell me to calm down Steve cuz just remember when she first found out she had an eating disorder when we were younger you weren't there. So don't tell me to calm down. I walk into the living room where I seen y/n run to and she isn't there. Shit I say and run up to our room.
Y/n pov
I hear tony and Bucky and Steve arguing and I run up to mine and Bucky's room. I can't do this anymore. I go into the bathroom and take apart the razor and use it to cut. Shit I forgot how much that hurts. When I'm done I start wrapping it. When I look up I see Bucky there looking at me with sad eyes. I run into his arms and start crying. I'm so sorry I just couldn't do it anymore. Hey it's ok you went almost four years without cutting. I look up at him. Um we don't have any butterfly tape in here. Ok stay here I will see if Bruce has some. Ok I love you.
Bucky's pov
I run downstairs and find Bruce. Hey Bruce can I talk to you for a minute. Yeah what's up Bucky. Um in private. Yeah let's go to my lab. Ok thanks. Ok so what did you need to talk about. Um so y/n relapsed and we don't have any butterfly tape in our room do you have any by chance. Oh yeah just come with me to the med bay and I can get you some. Ok we walk to the med bay and Bruce gives me a couple rolls of butterfly tape. Thanks Bruce for everything. Your welcome Bucky. I start walking back upstairs to our bedroom when I hear someone talking about y/n I round the corner to our room and see tony standing there talking to some boy telling him that y/n is broken and not worth it and not to follow in her footsteps the boy seems surprised when he hears y n's name come out of Tony's mouth. I clear my throat and they both look at me. Can I ask why you think that she is broken and not worth it tony and why you look so surprised little boy. She isn't worth it because she cuts herself and she is broken because she has an eating disorder and no you can't ask him that. You know what since you think those thing me and y/n are leaving. I get in our room and get  y/n's cuts patched up and then I start packing our stuff.
Y/n's pov
I see Bucky packing our stuff. Bucky where are we going why are you packing. Well y/n we are leaving because according to tony your broken and not worth it he says. What why would he say that. I don't know doll but we will live somewhere else. Can we live in wakanda I can call the queen and see if we can live there. Yeah sure go ahead and call her while I finish packing doll. Ok I call Ramonda. Hello y/n she says. Hey can me and Bucky come live in wakanda. Yeah sure I will have shuri come and get you but why do you want to come here I thought you were living at the tower. Yeah well we are leaving because according to tony I'm broken and not worth it. Oh hunny yeah I will have shuri get there as soon as possible. Ok thanks. Your welcome hun.
Bucky finishes packing and now we are sitting outside when we hear the jet shuri is in. She lands and opens the hatch and comes running to me. Where is tony let me give him a piece of my mind she says. No shuri he's not worth it let's just go to wakanda. Fine let's go.
The next morning I wake up in our old house to my phone ringing I answer it. Hello I say. Y/n where are you and buck at. Hi Steve me and Bucky decided to come live in wakanda because according to tony I'm broken and I'm not worth it. Oh ok I will talk to him but please call me everyday. I will Steve you can also all come visit us as long as you don't bring tony. Ok bye sis. Bye bro. I lay back down and Bucky mumbles something and before I can ask what he said he pulls me closer and kisses me. Mmm Bucky I'm not ready yet I'm sorry. I know I just want a good morning kiss. I give him his good morning kiss and get up to go to the bathroom and make breakfast.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now