Mission time

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A week later Steve called me and told me he needs me and Bucky for a mission to take down a hydra base so here we are standing here waiting for the perfect moment to take them down. I look to Bucky and say be safe and don't die I can't handle it again. Ok you be safe and don't die either Bucky said. I lean up on my tip toes and Kiss him and he kisses back we pull away after a minute. Ok let's go Steve said we headed into the base and took it down but we got separated from each other and I ran into the hydra leader. Hello winter widow he said. I'm not the winter widow anymore I say. Ok then let's try this then. What are you going to do. Starts saying her activation words. No stop I say. Diecisiete,dorado,regreso a casa,uno,nueve,nochecer,invierno,verano,princesa,mariposa(Seventeen,golden,homecoming,one,nine,nightfall,winter,summer, princess,butterfly). Shit no I say. Готов к соблюдению(ready to comply). Welcome home widow you have a mission to bring the winter soldier back to me. Да, сэр(yes sir). I leave and go to find buck I pull out my knife when I see him he turns around and sighs in relief until he sees me running at him.
Bucky's pov
I turn around when I hear y/n running towards me i sigh in relief until I realize she isn't stopping. Oh shit I say. Oh shit what Steve says. We have to go now. Why it's just my sister. Steve that isn't your sister that is the winter widow the program that they did on me in wakanda must have not worked on her so they have activated the winter widow. Oh shit how do we deactivate her. Is there water near by somewhere. Yeah about an hour this way. Ok let's bring her to the water that is how we deactivate her.
Ok let's go. We start running and y/n falls right into our trap and follows us to the water and we jump in and so does she. She jumps in and passes out I swim to her and pull her out and Steve joins us.
Y/n's pov
I slowly start to wake up and feel that I'm wet. I look up and see Steve and Bucky on either side of me. What happened I ask. Well you were activated by hydra and sent to get me so we led you to the water to deactivate you. Omg I knew this would happen I didn't think that the program worked on me. Ok well we can try it again when we get back to wakanda. Ok can we go back now I'm cold. Yeah let's go back to the quinjet and get you under the warm blanket that we keep in the quinjet heating box. Ok I follow Steve and Bucky back to the quinjet and Bucky goes over to the heating box and grabs a nice warm blanket for me. I climb in his lap and he covers me up. Thank you love after a few minutes I fall asleep from being cold and exhausted.
Bucky's pov
I look down and see y/n asleep I smile and look at Steve. How much longer until we are back in wakanda. About five minutes why buck. She's asleep and if she is awake when we go to shuri's lab to do the program she will freak out like she did last time. Ok well good thing she is still asleep because we are here. Ok I pick y/n up and she stirs. Go back to sleep im just taking you back to our place doll. She falls back to sleep and I take her to shuri's lab. Shuri looks at me confused. What happened on the mission did you do something to your arm. No shuri we have a bigger problem the program didn't work on her. What yes it did. No it didn't shuri she was activated by hydra today that is why she is under this blanket because we had to get her in the water to deactivate her. Omg ok put her down and I will give her some anesthesia to make sure she doesn't wake up during this so she won't freak out. Thank you shuri.
2 hours later
Ok time to get her out of the cyro pod. Ok I slowly open the door and take her out. Ok now all we need to do is wake her up. Ok I can do that I say. I slowly kiss her until I feel her kiss back then I pull back. She looks around and then back i me with wide eyes. Why am I here. Ok shuri try it.
Shuri's pov
I start saying y/n's activation words Diecisiete,dorado,regreso a casa,uno,nueve,nochecer,invierno,verano,princesa,mariposa(Seventeen,golden,homecoming,one,nine,nightfall,winter,summer, princess,butterfly). She doesn't react so I say your free y/n. She starts crying. Thank you she says. Your welcome.
Y/n's pov
I just got told I was free from hydra. I start crying and Bucky grabs me pulling me to his chest I keep crying until I fall asleep. I feel Bucky pick me up and start walking to what I'm guessing is our home.
Few days later
I wake up to Bucky's side of the bed empty and then I hear hushed talking in the living room. I throw on a robe and go to the hallway and peek around the corner. I see Steve and Bucky talking about something I hide back behind the wall. I hear Bucky telling Steve that he is ready to have sex but not sure if I am. Steve tells him to talk to me and that's when I walk in to the room. Bucky I'm think I'm ready to have sex but I would like to go slow. They both look at me like I have grown two heads or something. I automatically think I said something wrong and I run back to our bedroom Bucky follows me and sits down on the bed with me. Did I say something wrong I ask. No it's just we didn't expect you to be ready to have sex already he says. Oh well do you want to take a shower with me I really need one I smell bad I ask. Sure let's go because I also smell bad because of the water that we jumped into Bucky says.
20 minutes later
I get out of the shower and get dressed in my pjs and go and cook dinner for me Steve and Bucky. I start cooking dinner when Steve comes in and says that he has to leave in about two hours. Ok well dinner will be done in 30 minutes.
30 minutes later
Dinners done I yell because Bucky is outside with Steve talking to T'Challa. Steve and Bucky come in and try and sit down at the table. Uh uh nope go wash up you both have been out in the heat and you stink Steve there is some clothes of your that I stole before we left that you can put on. Ok he says.
10 minutes later
The boys come back out and I give them their plate of pasta and they sit down at the table. I make my plate and go into the living room and sit down on the couch and turn on mine and Rebecca's show that we loved during our teenage years which is the vampire diaries I open Netflix and put it on and start eating. Half way through the first two episodes I finished my pasta I sit the plate on the table and continue watching the show. Half way through the first season I start crying because I miss Rebecca. The boys come in and see what I'm watching and why I'm crying Bucky comes over and hugs me. I cry into his chest. Bucky I miss her I cry. I know babygirl I miss her to why don't we watch something else instead of this. No I want to finish watching it. Ok but Steve is going to be leaving here soon so I thought we could maybe show him around. I pause my show and look at Bucky and then at Steve. Bucky I miss New York I know that tony hasn't been nice to us but I miss New York and the team especially yelena. Ok so what do you want to do doll. I want to go back to New York I don't know how much longer I can stay here without losing my mind buck. Ok well where do you want to go do you want to go back to the tower or find our own place in New York. I want to go back to the tower. Ok well we will pack tonight and leave tomorrow. Ok well what will tony say. Steve can call him. Yeah I will call him and talk to him ok sis. Ok Steve.
After the call with tony
Ok so he said that you guys can come back to the tower and he said that he is so sorry for what happened last time. Ok well then me and Bucky will start packing tonight. Ok well I will see you Tomorrow then sis but I have to go because I have a late night mission in about an hour. Ok bye Steve be safe. I will sis.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now