Girls day

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I called up nat a week ago and scheduled a girls day. So here I am waiting for nat to come with steve and Wanda so Steve and Bucky can spend time together and me nat and Wanda can have a girls day. I hear the quinjet and I start getting excited and then I see the hatch opening and I run towards it. Steve come out and I pretty much tackle him to the ground in a hug. I missed you bro. I missed you to sis where's your boyfriend so I can see my best friend. Still asleep because he doesn't want to wake up for me but you can try just go up that hill and around the corner and there is our house it will say our names but ok bye I'm leaving with nat and Wanda. Y/n wait how do I wake him up with out him punching me. Figure it out bye. Ok bye.
Im in a mall with the girls when nat pulls me into a lingerie store. Nat what are we doing here. Getting you some lingerie for sexy time. No not happening we haven't even done it yet. What are you still a virgin y/n. no but dont talk so loud. Ok but you are buying some lingerie. Fine I buy a few lingerie and we leave.
3 hours later
Ugh I'm so exhausted I can't wait to get home and lay down. Well we are here so let's go nat says. Finally I run out and I see Bucky I run into his arms and hug him as i see Steve bringing in my bags. Omg y/n did you buy the whole store. No just some new stuff. Ok well all your bags are inside I'm gonna go because me and these girls have a mission tomorrow. Ok bye Steve. Bye sis I love you. I love you too bro.
Alright let's go inside and lay down I'm exhausted the girls wore me out today. Ok well we can do that but first we have to put all these bags up before anything because Steve decided to just throw them on the bed. Ok I will get out though. Why I have seen everything you bought before what is so different now. Um I have some lady products that I don't want you to see. Y/n baby I have seen every lady product you have ever bought what's so different about these baby. Looks in bags. No don't look in there. Why no— sees the lingerie oh is this for me to see on you doll. Whispers yeah. Doll don't be embarrassed its totally natural I have seen you in it before. Yeah but that was before everything that happened. Yeah now come to think of it I haven't seen you naked at all since we left hydra you won't even let me in the same room when your changing. So what happened babygirl why won't you let me see you naked anymore. Just because Bucky. Why though what wrong with your beautiful body babygirl. Everything is wrong with it now Bucky. What do you mean.
I mean the reason why I don't show my body anymore isn't just because I got raped before hydra. Then why baby. It's because while we were in hydra me and you had sex and you got me pregnant. What are you saying doll. While we were on a mission I lost the baby Bucky that's why I wear this necklace all the time and never take it off I'm sorry Bucky. Doll why didn't you tell me all of this before. If you knew what they did to me after that mission you would kill them all. What happened after the mission doll. They beat me until I lost the baby so see I technically didn't lose the baby until after the mission. Oh doll come here I'm sorry but you will not have to go through that again. Thank you Bucky. But I have a question doll what's in the necklace. Oh while we were on the mission I got memories back and I was deactivated so I went to the nearest hospital and got an ultrasound done so that is what is in the necklace. Oh doll can I see please I want to our beautiful baby. Yeah shows Bucky the ultrasound. They were so cute. She, she was so cute. What you mean we would have had a baby girl but how do you know that. Yeah Bucky we would have and I was already 20 weeks along when I had the ultrasound. Oh doll we can still make a baby. Thanks Bucky but I don't think I'm ready to have a baby right now. Oh ok well we can wait however long you need doll. Thanks Bucky I love you so much.
Can we go to bed I'm exhausted from nat and Wanda pulling me around today in the mall. Baby you haven't eaten dinner yet do you want your safe food or the food in the microwave. What's in the microwave Bucky. A small cut up piece of chicken with some ketchup and strawberries and blueberries. Ok I will try it if I can't eat it can I have my normal safe food please. Of course baby goes and grabs her plate out of the microwave and sets it down in front of her. I don't know if I can do this Bucky but I will try starts to eat and after 30 minutes finishes the food on the plate. Ok I'm done I'm going to the living room to watch some movies you coming Bucky. Smiles at her proudly for finishing her food yeah I'm coming doll. We sit down on our couch and start watching stranger things on netflix. I jump at the scene when the demogorgen comes through the wall and I jump into Bucky's lap and hide my face. Doll are you ok we can change it if you want if it's to scary. Yeah can we change it please I sniffle. Oh doll come here he hugs me. Can we put on outer-banks please. Of course doll you can watch JJ I love you doll. I love you to we put on outer banks. Half way through the show I fall asleep in Bucky's lap.
Bucky's pov
I put on outer banks for y/n. There you go doll I say. Half way through the show I hear even breathes from y/n I look down and she is asleep with her head on my chest. I turn off the show and carefully pick her up and take her to our bedroom and lay her down. I start to walk out of the bedroom to go turn the living room lights off when she grabs my hand. Stay please she says. I hear her sniffle and I look down and see her crying. Doll I will be right back I am just going to turn the living room lights off and then I will come back. Ok she says very quietly and rolls over. I leave and turn the lights off and run back to the bedroom. When I get in there she is sitting there crying on the phone with someone. Doll who are you talking to. She looks up at me and hands the phone to me he wants to talk to you. Ok I take the phone and I hear Steve talking to me. What did you do to make my sister cry buck. Nothing I told her that I was going to turn off the living room lights and then I will be back after she asked me to stay. Omg she is so dramatic I swear let me talk to her again Steve says. Here he wants to talk to you again I say. She takes the phone and starts laughing at something Steve said and then said goodnight and hung up. Did you really have to call your brother and almost get me in trouble. I'm sorry she said. I hugged her it's ok doll I still love you come here. She climbs on top of me and lays down and falls asleep again. Goodnight doll I say and fall asleep myself

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now