Girls movie night

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It Friday and I wake up and I look at the clock and see it 10 am. Shit Rebecca is late for school I get out bed and get dressed in some of my new clothes and speed walk to Rebecca's room. Rebecca wake up I say as I walk into her room I go over and pull the cover down and she's not in her bed. I go downstairs and see Bucky and the team but no Rebecca. Where's Becca buck. At school I didn't want to wake you this morning so me and Becs took her. Oh ok I thought something happened to her like before. The new team members look at me weird except peter.
Don't worry about it. Can you make me a watermelon smoothie and get me some cheeseburgers and fries please I'm going back upstairs. Yeah sure I'll come get you when it's done. Ok thanks babe. I speed walk upstairs to mine and Bucky's room and sit on the bed thinking about how I thought I lost Rebecca the first time. I don't notice Bucky standing in the doorway when I look up I scream. Calm down it's just me. Next time make yourself known. I will but what were you thinking about doll. I was thinking about how I thought I lost Rebecca the first time. Oh well your food and smoothie are done come eat.
Ok I will be down in a second. Ok I will see you down there he kisses my lips and goes downstairs. I walk over to the full body mirror that we have in our room and put my hands on my bare baby bump. I hope I don't lose you like I lost your sister I say to myself. Ok now what to wear. I decide on a white T-shirt and some maternity overalls. I walk downstairs. I go to the kitchen and grab my food and walk back to the couch and sit down and start eating.
After a few minutes I finished half my cheeseburger and fries when I feel water being poured on my head. I turn around and see Lena I start to tear up. Ha I got you back for the prank you pulled on me. Lena what prank I haven't pull any pranks since I got pregnant. So you didn't do it but the card said from y/n/n. I get angry because I'm cold and wet. NO I DIDNT NOW MY FOOD IS RUINED AND IM COLD AND WET THANKS A-LOT. I go up to my room and hear people laughing behind me. OH FUCK OFF I say as I reach my room.
I take my clothes off and jump in the shower and then dry off and find some more clothes. I decide on a black tank top and some maternity shorts. I dry my hair and straighten it again. I walk back downstairs where I see Lena and she tries to talk to me. Don't talk to me I say as I go outside I get in my jeep tony bought me. Ok babygirl let's go get some more food since Lena ruined the other. I start to pull out of the driveway when lena runs out so I quickly pull out and start driving.
I go to Panda Express because it sounds so good and I go inside and sit down and order the orange chicken and fried rice with a water. I finish eating and get in my jeep and start driving to the park where I usually calm down and get out and go sit on the swings. I hear talking behind me and I turn around and see three teenage boys that I know all to well trying to break in to my Jeep.
I walk over and clear my throat and they look at me. Have your moms ever told you it's not nice to touch stuff that ain't yours. They look at me scared and start backing away. Uh uh nope get over here. I unlock my Jeep and tell them to get in. We get in and go to one of the boys house his name is Justin and I park and they try to run inside but I stop them. Justin go get your mom and Eric's and Kevin's mom because I know they are here. He goes inside and him and three women walk back out.
Hello Tammy Lilly and Andrea I would like to talk to you three about these three. Oh no what did they do this time. Oh they decided that they were going to try and break into my Jeep today. Omg I am so sorry the Boys moms say. It's ok but I just want to let them know next time I catch them doing anything bad I'm taking them to the police. I don't know what has gotten into them but they will be punished their moms say. Ok have a good day guys.
I walk back to my Jeep and head back to the tower and go to the common room where I see yelena and Bucky talking and they both looked worried. What's wrong with you guys why do you looked worried. They both look at me and jump up and run and hug me. Oh thank god I thought I lost you Lena says. Why would you think that yelena. Well maybe because you were gone so long and I kinda poured water on you which I'm so sorry about. It's ok and I'm sorry I was taking so long I got food and went to the park to calm down then I had to go talk to Justin Eric and Kevin's moms because they were trying to break into my Jeep. Oh how did they take that news buck asked. Their moms said they will punished but I told them if I catch them again I'm taking them to the police. Oh well as long as your alright.
I am now let me see that note that you got from your prankster. Ok here you go. Lena this isn't even my handwriting but I know who's it is though. Who's is it y/n/n. It is the speedsters handwriting so hold on. Wait so my own boyfriend pranked me yelena asked. Yep he did and he blamed it on me now hold on. PIETRO DJANGO MAXIMOFF AND WANDA MAXIMOFF GET DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT I yell. Wanda runs down the stairs looking scared and pietro speeds down the stairs behind her. Wanda your not in trouble I promise I say and she visibly relaxes. I walk over to pietro and shove the note in his hands and the punch him in the face. That is for pulling a prank on Lena and blaming me you fucking asshole.
Now Wanda would you do me the favor of dealing with your brother please and thank you while I go pick my child up from school. I get in the jeep and go to the school and park and go inside. I walk inside the office and sign Rebecca out and go pick her up from her classroom I walk in and see she is sleeping. The teacher walked over to me and pulled me aside. Hi can I talk to you real quick before you wake her up. Yes what do you need. Well I figured i would tell you that little Rebecca got hurt and also got sick today but we took care of the scratch for you so she has been laying here she just fell asleep a few minutes ago.
Well thank you for telling me she might not be in tomorrow then we will take her to the doctors and get her checked out. Ok well I will see you tomorrow if she's here. Ok I walk over to Rebecca and crouch down and pick her up and she starts screaming I put her down and she stops so I lift her shirt up and see a bruise in the shape of of child's footprint. I look back at the teacher and she looks horrified. I didn't know about that that wasn't there earlier when I checked her over when she came crying to me about jack beating on her I promise Ms. Rogers I'm so sorry I feel bad now.
I walk over to her and look her in the eye and say it's ok. But what is the mother phone number I would like to talk to her. It is R/p/n. Thank you Mrs. Knox's. We leave and I very carefully put Rebecca in her car seat and buckle her in. I get in the jeep and call the number and a male picks up. Hi yeah I'm looking for jacks mom. He put his wife on the phone. Hi Mrs. Leon can we meet I would like to talk to you please it's urgent. Ok thank you I will meet you at the park.
I hang up and text Bucky to meet me at the park. We get there and see jack his dad and mom sitting on the bench I get out and carefully get Rebecca out and meet up with Bucky and we go sit down with jack and his parent. Hi I'm ms. Rogers and this is my boyfriend Bucky and this is our daughter Rebecca. Now I have asked you guys to meet me because of this I lift Rebecca's shirt and they gasp as they see the bruise in shape of a footprint. Now my daughter and her teacher says that jack over here was beating on her today and also stepped on her so I would gladly appreciate it if we could get an apology and figure out how we can avoid this from now on.
Oh don't worry Jack is getting grounded and toys taken away for a month and I'm very sorry that happened to you Rebecca. Thank you and it was very nice to meet you Mrs. Leon I just wish it was on different circumstances anyway, I have to get Rebecca home and get that bruise iced so hopefully we can meet again and It'll be on different circumstances but anyways I have to go now and I'm pretty sure you have to because of Jack's punishment so I will let you go and I'll call you and see when we can meet up again. Ok that fine with me and yeah, we have to leave because of Jack's punishment. Ok bye Mrs. Leon. Bye Ms. Rogers. We leave and head back to the tower.
We get in the tower. Ok Rebecca where do you want to sit. The couch mommy so I can watch the big tv. Ok I take her over to the couch and carefully sit her down. Just then Thor comes running in towards the couch. THOR ODINSON DONT YOU DARE FUCKING JUMP ON THAT COUCH THAT REBECCA IS ON. BUT Y/N YELENA IS CHASING ME. I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHO IS CHASING YOU IT COULD BE THE DEVIL HIMSELF AND I WOULDNT CARE DONT JUMP ON THAT COUCH.
I turn back around thinking he wasn't going to do it and then I hear a blood curling scream and I turn back around to see Thor has jumped on the couch. GOD DAMMIT THOR I SAID NOT TO JUMP ON THE COUCH FUCK NOBODY LISTENS TO ME BECAUSE IM FIVE MOMTHS PREGNANT BUT I KNOW SOMEONE YOU WILL LISTEN TO. LOKI LAUFEYSON -ODINSON COME DOWN HERE PLEASE. A few seconds later Loki appears in front of me. Yes y/n/n what do you need. Your brother here thought it would be funny to jump on the couch after I told him not to because Rebecca got hurt at school today and she has bruised ribs again.
Loki looks at Thor. YOU FUCKING DUMBASS SHE TOLD YOU NOT TO SO WHY DONT YOU FUCKING LISTEN IM TELLING MOM. NO LOKI PLEASE DONT TELL HER. I see frigga behind Thor. To late son heimdall already relayed Lokis message now why didn't you listen to y/n when she told you to not to do it. I don't know I just wanted to get away from yelena mother. Well that's not an excuse you know the rules give me the hammer Thor. No mom please. Thor now or I'm getting your father. Fine here you go mother.
Frigga walks over to Rebecca and touches her ribs and heals them. There you go Rebecca all healed. At this moment i feel liquid running down my leg I look down and see blood I look back up. Get Rebecca out of here she don't need to see this Thor go get Bucky and Steve. Loki get me to Bruce. They all do their part and within a second I am in the med bay with Thor Loki Bruce Bucky and Steve.
Bruce gets the ultrasound machine and does an ultrasound. bruce whats wrong tell me what wrong. bruce looks up at me and bucky and says that im either on bedrest or i have to take a vacation because of the stress i have been under. i look at thor THOR ODINSON GET THE FUCK OUT YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF THIS i yell. i look at loki and ask loki can you go get mama frigga for me i need to talk to her alone with bucky for a minute. a few seconds later frigga walks back into the room with rebecca on her hip.
yes dear loki said you needed to talk to me. yes i wanted to ask if me bucky and little rebecca here can take a vacation on asgard if it is ok with you and odin. yes sweetheart of course you can and i dont care what odin says you are like a daughter to me. thank you bucky will you go pack our stuff and rebeccas please.
yes babydoll i will i will be right back. thank you babe. i look at rebecca and go to pick her up when bruce told me no. um excuse me i want my daughter bruce you cant tell me i cant have my daughter up here with me. you can have her up there with you you just cant pick her up here he picks her up and puts her on the bed.
rebecca baby can you guess where we are going to for a vacation. she looks at me with sad eyes and says but we were supposed have a girls movie night with auntie Wanda and auntie nat and auntie Yelena mommy. well we will we will have that in an hour but then we are going to asgard to take some stress off of mommy. Ok mommy rebecca says.

an hour later

bucky comes in the room and says that loki has already took our stuff to asgard. ok thanks babe can you help me up to the living room me Rebecca Wanda nat and Yelena have a movie night to do. bucky helps me to the living room where the girls and rebecca were waiting. the girls sit down and i very carefully put rebecca on my lap. ok rebecca pick a movie i say as i turn on disney plus.
mommy i want to watch little einsteins. ok baby i say as i turn it on. while we were watching the movie i felt someone behind me and i reached my hand up and punched them in the nose. ow fuck they say. i turn around and see Steve and automatically feel guilty and put rebecca down on the couch and try to help him when he pushes me away. stay away from you monster he says.
i feel the tears threating to fall and run upstairs as fast as my pregnant body would let me. i get to mine and bucky's room and shut the door and lock it i slide down the door and cry.

bucky's pov

i walk into the living room where the girls are supposed to be having there movie night before we left and i dont see y/n. wheres y/n i ask the girls nat shakes the shock off and looks at me and says she ran upstairs because steve came up behind her and her reflexes kicked in and she punched him in the nose and she went to help him and he told her to stay away from him and called her a monster. i looked at steve and i just walked away to find y/n when steve said he didn't mean to say it. i turn around and just lose it. HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO HER KNOWING ALL THE SHIT SHE WENT THROUGH AT HYDRA STEVE SHE ALREADY THINK SHE IS A MONSTER EVERYTIME SHES ON A MISSION WHEN SHE HAS TO TAKE A LIFE WHEN THEY WON'T SURRENDER AND I HAVE TO TELL HER SHES NOT A MONSTER EVERYTIME. i walk away and go upstairs to find y/n.

y/n's pov

i walk over to the mirror and look at myself and all i see is what steve said i was and that is a monster i punch the mirror and sit down on the ground and tell myself steve is right i am a monster. so i get up and start packing the rest of my clothes and i tell j.a.r.v.i.s to lock the door and not to unlock it until i am out of the tower.
i go into the bathroom and gather my bathroom stuff and shove it into my bag when i hear someone knocking i panic and grab my bag and jump out of the window and land on the ground good thing the ground isn't far from my window i run as fast as my body will let me and i go to the only place that i know they don't see me as a monster hydra.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now