Bucky's mission

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Y/n pov

  I took Natalia back and then Bucky came in and told me he was leaving with the team so I would be with both kids by myself. I love you be safe buck. I will doll I love you. Don't say that it feels like you're saying goodbye. I will see you tomorrow. Ok buck. He leaves and I grab Natalia and Rebecca and go down to the gym I put Natalia in her swing that we put in the gym and then go over and start dancing

I finish dancing when I hear a noise up stairs. I walk over to Rebecca and grab her hand and then walk over to Natalia and pick her up. I take both of them to the safe room. I put Natalia in Rebecca's lap. Ok Rebecca stay here and don't come out until I come get you. Ok mommy.

   Here is sissy's bottle and pacifier keep her quiet for mommy. Ok mommy I love you. I love you too baby I will see you soon. I close the door and put my handprint so only I can open it. I walk upstairs and I hear noises from the living room and walk in there very quietly. I see the whole team except for one person.

  Where is Bucky Steve. Steve looks at me with sad eyes. Steve where is Bucky. I'm sorry sis he he died. I fall to my knees and start crying. Steve comes and kneels by me and so does Rebecca. I'm sorry I need to go I say and leave the room.
   I go to the safe room and open it I go in and close it and put my hand print again. Mommy what's wrong. Nothing baby we are gonna stay in here for awhile. Ok mommy here is sissy. I take Natalia back and just sit there until I get a text from an unknown number.

   Unknown: did you really think your Bucky would be back sorry I had to kill him
    Y/n: who is this I will find you and end you
    Unknown: think really hard y/n you know who I am
    Y/n: strucker you motherfucker I will find you and I will end you all.
    Unknown: good luck y/n.

    I throw the phone but then it buzzes. I look at who it is and see it is yelena asking where I am. I tell her i am in the safe room and to bring a lot of clothes and diapers for me and the girls. A few seconds later I hear yelena knock so I open the door and she comes in and sets everything down. Ok so what is happening.

  Well me and the girls are staying in here for awhile until I calm down so at least until the end of the day. Ok I will bring you food down anything else you need. No thank you Lena. Ok I will be back. Ok thank you.

Rebecca comes up to me and asks me when Bucky is coming back. Soon baby daddy had to go on a very long mission. Ok mommy. Let's get you guys ready for bed baby. Ok mommy. I get Rebecca and Natalia changed. I get a message from yelena saying she has our food. I open the door and grab it then close it again.

We eat and we get in bed and Natalia and Rebecca immediately fall asleep. I pick my phone up and call Bucky's number and leave a message. I can't believe your gone again and right after we just welcomed our second daughter into this crazy world Bucky I will always love you like we always said forever and always goodbye Bucky. I hang up and sit my phone down and go lay in between Rebecca and Natalia and fall asleep.

The next morning

The next morning I wake up before everyone and sneak out I leave the safe room door open. I go up to mine and Bucky's room and get my old winter widow suit on and grab all of my weapons and sneak out of the compound. I arrive at Sheila and sneak into furys office and grab everything on hydra. I sneak back out and go on my very long mission.

Four months later

It takes me four months to take all of hydra down but I have one last stop to make and that is to kill strucker. I get to the place where strucker is staying at and I sneak in and stand in the shadows. Strucker walks out of the bathroom. I shoot him and then I go home I try to sneak back in the compound but everyone was in the living room. Steve comes up and hugs me and asks me where I was the last four months.

   I was taking care of hydra. What do you mean. I mean hydra is no more I killed all of them even strucker. Oh sis why didn't you let us deal with that. Because Steve what took me four months would have taken you guys ten years. Now where are my kids. They are upstairs with Wanda and nat. Ok I go upstairs and take a shower and then go to where nat and Wanda are and see Rebecca and Natalia. Oh babies I have missed you. Rebecca runs up to me and says mommy I missed you. I missed you to Rebecca baby. I go over to nat and pick Natalia up she looks at me and starts crying. I give her back to nat and she stops. I start tearing up and run out of the room and down past everyone and into the gym and start crying. Someone walks in and comes and sit down next to me. Sis what's wrong. She doesn't even recognize me Steve Natalia doesn't even recognize me. Oh sis she will get there just hold her and spend time with her. Ok thanks Steve.

  I get up and walk back upstairs and get Natalia from nat again and she doesn't cry I walk out with Rebecca behind me with nat and Wanda. Then I hear something I look down and realize it was Natalia.
Ma-mama. Oh my gosh you said your first word Natalia. I look back at nat and Wanda and they were recording it. She said her first word. Yeah we were working with her and Rebecca. Oh my god thank you guys. Look mommy I can count up to 20. She count all the way up to 20. Good job baby give mommy a high five. She gives me a high five and we head downstairs.

2 months later (Natalia is six months)

Me and Rebecca and Natalia are walking back to the compound when Natalia starts squirming. I put her down and she grabs on to my fingers and start trying to walk. She lets go and takes her first step. I look up and see someone on their phone. I don't think anything of it and continue walking with Natalia and Rebecca.

We make it to the compound with little Natalia holding my finger and waddling. Steve looks up and lets out a breath of relief. There you are what took so long to get back. I kneel down and tell Natalia to show uncle Steve what she can do now. She lets go of my finger and starts walking to Steve. She get to Steve and he picks her up. Look at you Natalia you are walking I just wish your dad was here to see it. I start tearing up and run upstairs and sit on my bed and cry.

Steve come up to my room and stands in the doorway and says he's sorry. Get out. What. GET OUT BUCKY IS GONE. HES DEAD HES NOT COMING BACK GET OUT get out. I start crying again. Steve leaves. I call Bucky's phone again and leave a voicemail.

Hey buck I really wish you were here to see Natalia's first word and first steps oh her first word was mama so if you were here you would owe me $50 oh and I killed all of hydra for you anyway I love you always and forever goodbye. I go to my closet and grab bucky's dog tags. I put them on and I go back out and lay down on the bed and fall asleep. I wake up to someone crying downstairs I get up and rush downstairs. I see little Natalia crying and go pick her up. She stops crying and starts reaching for my boob I sit down on the floor and lift my shirt and bra and feed her.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now