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I hear crying and I hear a little voice. I turn around and see her I start tearing up. Rebecca sweetheart is that you. She looks at me weird my name isn't Rebecca it's it's I don't know my name. Oh god Bruce can you do a dna test on these two. Yeah sure bring them to the lab. Ok let's go guys.
30 minutes later
So I have the test result back and the 3 year old is yours y/n but the 2 month old baby is your sister's Bucky. Omg Rebecca it is you come to mommy she runs to me and I pick her up and hug her. I thought I lost you baby. Wait you said that baby is Rebecca's baby. That would mean that it is Steve's and Rebecca's baby because I remember her being pregnant before she went missing. Omg I have a nephew let me see him. Bucky hands me the baby. Omg he looks like both of his parents he has Steve hair and eyes but Rebecca's smile and nose. So who is going to tell them that this baby is theirs. No one because we heard everything now let me see James Buchanan Barnes rogers. Awe I love the name here you go Becca. Mommy up Rebecca says. I pick her up and introduce her to her dad. Becks this is daddy his name is Bucky. Bucky this is your daughter Rebecca Marie Barnes rogers. This is the baby that I thought I lost. Oh doll come here. I hug him. Me want daddy. I hand her to Bucky and I can see he is slightly uncomfortable with his vibranium arm. Babe do you want to hold her without your arm first. Yeah doll I would like that. Ok I walk over to his vibranium arm and touch the right spots and his arm comes off. Your lucky the wakandans taught me how to do that. Thank you doll. He sits down and I hand him Rebecca. Cool my daddy is half robot. I try not to laugh. But Bucky laughs which makes me laugh. Yeah Becca daddy is half robot Bucky says. Ok now do you want try holding her with your arm on. Yeah let's try it. Ok I reattached his arm. So cool Rebecca says. Ok well let's go to bed Rebecca because we have to register you for head-start tomorrow. Ok mommy daddy will you come with us please. Sure baby doll. We go upstairs and we get Rebecca in the bath and then put her in some pjs that Loki magically put onto the bed. Ok Becca let's go to bed. But mommy I want to sleep with you. Ok Becca you can sleep with us but just be careful of my stomach. Why mommy. Because you are going to be a big sister mommy has a baby in her tummy. Yayyyy she says as she runs out of the room to Steve's and Rebecca's room and runs in and climbs on the bed. Me and Bucky run after her to see her telling her cousin that she is going to be a big sister. All of us laugh as she does this. Ok Becca let's go to bed please I'm exhausted. Ok mommy night night uncle Steve and aunt Becca. We go back to our room and get in bed and fall asleep.
2 hours later
I wake up from a nightmare. I get out of bed and magic me some workout clothes and go downstairs and fill up a water bottle and head down to the gym. I enter the gym and decided to dance so I turn on some music and start dancing

I finish that dance and move on to knife throwing for 10 minutes and then move on to archery for another 10 minutes after all that I sit against the wall and drink water and then eventually fall asleep.
6:00 in the morning
I hear someone come into the gym. Doll there you are. I wake up and stretch what's going on. Oh I don't know maybe you have the whole compound looking for you because you weren't in bed this morning. Oh I'm sorry I must've fallen asleep here after I woke up from a nightmare. What why didn't you wake me up. Because Rebecca was laying on your chest and I didn't want to wake her up. Oh ok doll anyways let's go eat breakfast. Yes please I'm so hungry. Well I would hope so being 13 weeks pregnant and everything you should be hungry. Yeah let's go eat I want food and preferably before we have to wake up Rebecca to go and enroll her in headstart. Ok let's go doll. Ok we go upstairs and I see everyone freeze when they see me. Hi guys I say. Y/n next time wake someone up and let them know where you are going, so the whole compound is not in a frenzy looking for you. Ok my bad I just didn't want to wake anybody up and have them have to deal with my problems. Ok well let's sit down and eat breakfast. Ok i sit down after an hour and a half I realize it's 7:30 and I have to get Rebecca up. I run upstairs and gently wake Rebecca up. Rebecca time to get up sweetie or else we are going to be late for school. Ok mommy I magic her some clothes and get her in the car since we have to go and buy her everything she needs for school. We get to the school and I walk inside and everybody looks at me weird. I walk up to the front desk and she asks me what she can help me with. Yeah I need to register her for school please. Ma'am why didn't you register her at the beginning of the year like all the other parents did. I will tell you but not here so people don't judge me. Sweetheart we don't judge people here. I'm sorry if you want to here why I didn't do that you will need to come with me because I'm not giving them a chance to judge me. Ok let's go mark will you watch the office for me. We go outside and see Bucky standing there. Omg it the winter soldier. No it's not his name is Bucky and he is my boyfriend and the father of Rebecca. Anyway reason why I didn't enroll Rebecca at the beginning of the year is because I didn't know she existed. What do you mean. I mean I thought I had a miscarriage with her. But come to find out I didn't and hydra kept her away from me for 3 years so yeah that is why i didn't enroll her because I didn't have her at the beginning of the year. Oh my god I am so sorry that happened to you. So can I enroll her please. Yeah yeah let's go get her enrolled. Oh and please don't say anything to anyone I don't want her getting bullied for it. Oh hunny this is between me and you. Thank you I follow her inside and get her enrolled and she gets all her stuff she needs for school and I walk her to her class and say goodbye. But mommy I want you to stay. Baby I can't stay you have to be a big girl and do it on your own ok I love you I will see you at 3:00 ok. Ok mommy I love you bye. Bye baby she walks into her classroom and I stand up with tears running down my eyes. I walk out and run to Bucky. Oh babygirl she will be fine let's go home and lay down. I just can't believe I missed everything for her. Her first steps her first word everything Bucky. Well lucky for you you can see those things cuz when we got to the base we saw a flash drive named firsts and I watched it and it is so cute so we can watch it when we get home ok baby. Ok we go home and we go to our room and grab the laptop and the flash drive. We start to watch it.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now