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4 weeks later
I wake up and automatically run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Bucky runs in and hold my hair back and rubs my back. Are you ok doll. No I have been sick for the last three weeks. I get up and get ready for the day when it suddenly hits as to why I have been sick the last three weeks I run to Steve's room and open the door not caring if they are naked or not I go to Rebecca's side and drag her out of bed and go to her closet and grab some clothes and tell her to get dressed and tell her to meet me in the common room and leave.
10 minutes later Rebecca comes down to the common room and Asks me what going on. I will tell you in the car let's go. Ok she says. We get to the car and I tell her what's going on. I think I might be pregnant so we are going to the store and getting a pregnancy test. Oh ok let's go then.
20 minutes later
We get back home and me and rebecca run past the common room up to mine and Bucky's suite not noticing the boys in there we run to our bathroom and shut and lock the door. Ok take the test so we can find out if you are or not.
5 minutes later
I look at Rebecca and then the test and then back at Rebecca. I can't do it you do it. Are you sure you don't want to flip it. Yes now you flip it. Ok she flips it well congratulations y/n. What let me see. Looks at the test and sees it it positive. OH MY FUCKING GOD NO WAY. There's a knock at the door. Doll are you ok I heard you yell. Yeah but you might want to come in here Bucky un locks the door. Ok walks in the bathroom what wrong doll. I found out why I'm sick hands him the pregnancy test. Your pregnant doll that's amazing. Your not mad or angry. No why would I we have always wanted children and this is it. I just didn't think we would have children right now because of us being avengers. Doll it's fine we can take time off of missions until you have the baby. Ok fi—. Bucky and y/n you're needed on a mission. Well I guess we can do missions together Bucky. Doll you're pregnant you need to stay off the field you stay here with Becks and I will take Steve with me ok love. Ok but I don't think tony will let you take someone else for a mission. I will talk to him. Ok stay safe and don't die I love you kisses him. I will I love you too.
Bucky's pov
Tony. Yes Barnes what do you need. So I have a question for you. Ok what is your question. Can I take Steve with me on this mission instead of y/n please. No why would I let's you do that y/n is perfect for this mission she is quiet. Yeah well I don't care what you say I'm taking Steve with me to keep her out of harms way. No Bucky you will take her I don't care what you say she is going with you even if there is trouble in paradise she's going. No she is not you wanna know why she isn't going it's because she is pregnant and I don't want her getting hurt so no she isn't going. Oh ok yeah take Steve we don't need her getting hurt I'm sorry I should of just let you take Steve I'm sorry. It's ok but please take it easy on her this pregnancy is going to be hard on her considering what hydra did to her last time she was pregnant. I will I will make sure she takes it easy and keep her safe. Thanks tony. Your welcome anyway you and Steve need to get suited up and go to Germany for your mission it's just picking up a group of enhanced group of teenagers and bring them back here to train for the avengers then go to queens and to the school and go in and there should be a kid named Peter Parker in the office give him this when you see him and bring him back with you his aunt may already gave permission to us. So why do we need to be quiet on this mission. Because Barnes the enhanced group you are going to pick up before Peter are in a hydra base. Oh ok. Yeah so I made you a bullet proof suit here you go. Thanks tony I have to go now. Your welcome and you guys leave at 7pm. Ok tony.
Y/n's pov
I sit on the bed staring out the window until I hear Bucky walk in I look at him and his face is unreadable. Buck are you ok what did tony say. He is letting me take Steve but he knows that your pregnant. WHAT WHY DID YOU TELL HIM. Because that is the only way he would have let me take Steve I'm sorry baby. Whatever I'm going to Becca's room with her I can't look at you right now I hope you do realize that now everyone in the tower will know now because tony can't keep his mouth shut THANKS A LOT. I storm out of the room and go to Becca's room and sit on her swing that she has in her room and just sit there zoning out. Y/n/n are you ok I hear Becca ask. No he told tony I'm pregnant and now everyone in the tower will know because tony can't keep his mouth shut and I didn't want anyone to know in case I lost the baby. Oh sweets it will be ok I'm sure Bucky didn't mean to tell tony. I know it's just the hormones are really bad right now. It's ok sweets. I hear Bucky getting ready to leave so I rush out of the room and go downstairs and outside where Bucky is. Y/n/n where are you going. I have to apologize Becca. I run over to Bucky and he turns around and sees me running toward him. I jump into his arms and hug him I'm sorry buck I didn't mean to get angry at you its just the hormones are so bad right now. It's ok I understand doll but I have to go now he sets me down on my feet and kisses my forehead. I love you and be safe. I will doll and I love you to. I let go and step back and watch the quinjet leave. I'm going on a walk I say and leave. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around and see a woman I don't recognize and I start walking faster as I hit my panic button on my phone that goes straight to tony. The woman walks faster and I start running. The woman starts running. I turn the corner and I run into something hard I turn around to look at what I ran into and see an iron man suit. Tony is that you I ask as I'm unsure. Yes it me why did you hit your panic button. A woman started chasing me after I said that the woman chasing me turned the corner and stopped as soon as they saw tony. Tony steps out of the suit and walks over to the woman and starts talking to them I listen to them with my super hearing and hear tony call the woman pepper and hug her. Tony what's going on I ask and he brings the woman over and I back up still unsure. Y/n this is my fiancée pepper she didn't mean to make you think she was going to hurt you she was just out walking when she saw you and she was keeping an eye on you to make sure nothing happened to you. Oh ok thanks pepper and I'm sorry for running it is just I don't trust a lot of people anymore. I get it pepper says. It's just when I messaged tony to see what I should do he said that I should keep an eye on you considering your pregnant. OH COME ON TONY FOR GOD SAKE CANT YOU KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. I'm sorry tony the hormones are really bad right now but i didn't want anyone to know that I'm pregnant in case I lost the baby. It's ok pepper is getting to be the same way. What do you mean. He means I'm also pregnant I'm 4 weeks pregnant how far along are you y/n. I stand there in shock. Y/n are you ok what wrong tony asks. Nothing it's just I'm also 4 weeks pregnant I just never had someone to do this with when I was pregnant the first time in hydra now I finally have someone to do this with but only if you want to. Of course we can do this together. Especially when they are out on missions. Yeah can we go back to the tower now my feet are killing me from running. Yeah and again I'm sorry for scaring you y/n. It's ok pepper.
Later that night
Y/n do you want to watch a movie with tony and me in the common room. Yeah sure just let me get in some comfy clothes. Ok well we will be waiting in the common room. Ok pepper I will be down. I go into my closet and grab a pair of Bucky's sweatpants boxers and shirt and grab a new sports bra and go and take a shower after I'm done with the shower I go back into the closet and grab my vampire diaries blanket and Bucky's hoodie and put it on. I grab my blanket and go to the common room since Becca isn't home I sit down on the couch in between pepper and tony and cover up with my blanket. Ok ready to watch some movies. Yeah let's do it what are we watching first. Well tony and I was thinking vampire diaries what do you think. Um ok I guess I usually watch it with Becca. Who is Becca. It's Rebecca but I have called her Becca ever since we were little and we usually watch this together. Oh well we can watch something else. No pepper it's fine we can watch this but I'm hungry for a cheeseburger or two. I'm on it, babe what you want tony asked. The same thing tony. Ok I will order 10 cheeseburgers. Ok thanks tony.
10 minutes later
I finish my food and then continue watching the film I lean my head on pepper's shoulder. Here how about you put you head in my lap and your feet across Tony's lap. Um ok I do as she said and cover back up and continue watching the film.
15 minutes later
Pepper's pov
I look down and see y/n asleep and then I hear people talking really loud. I look back and see the group that went out for awhile coming in and I shush them they look at me weird and I point to y/n asleep on me yelena and Wanda automatically quiet down and so does the girl that has brown hair. They get everyone else to quiet down. The girl with the brown hair walks over to me and kneels down next to y/n. What are you doing here and who are you I ask nicely. Oh sorry I'm Rebecca Barnes or you might know me as Becca from y/n. So your the one who she usually watches this show with. Yeah do you want me to wake her up and take her to her room. No it's fine you go get some sleep. Ok goodnight—. Oh pepper Tony's fiancée. Well goodnight pepper. Goodnight Rebecca.
1 hour later
It was around 10 o'clock when I heard more voices coming closer and talking and laughing loudly. Shhhh I say as I turn around and see Bucky and Steve coming in with a group of teenagers. Bucky comes over to me and hugs me. Hi pepper how was your day he whispers as he sees y/n sleeping. It was good Bucky. I gently shake y/n. Ten more minutes mom she says. Doll let's go to bed Bucky says y/n automatically jumps up and jumps into Bucky's arms.
Y/n's pov
Bucky I cry as he holds me. Hey doll how are you feeling. Better now that your here so how did the mission go. It went extremely well we got all of the enhanced and we go—. I look around and see someone I haven't seen in awhile. PETER I run to him and hug him. I haven't seen you in awhile. Yeah I have been busy doing school and be—. Being Spider-Man I know. Doll how do you know Peter. Oh well when I was pregnant the first time and I was at the doctors he actually saved me from being kidnapped. Oh well thank you Peter for doing that. No problem mr. Barnes. Oh just call me Bucky Peter. Oh ok Bucky. Anyway tony has your guys rooms set up and he will take you guys to them. What why can't you do it. Because tony this pretty lady needs her sleep or she will be grouchy all day tomorrow and I don't think that anyone wants that. No ok go get her to bed I will show them where their rooms are. Thanks tony goodnight. I am not grouchy when I don't sleep. Have you been in my shoes for the day when you didn't get sleep. No but I'm not grouchy. Ok then let's go to sleep doll because you get to meet the new group tomorrow. Ok baby let's go to sleep
In the middle of the night at 3 am
I get up and look at the clock and see it is 3 am I sigh and get up and put some training clothes on and head downstairs and fill my water bottle then I go to the gym. I walk in to the gym and go the archery side of the gym and start shooting arrows and hit bullseye's every time. 30 minutes later I switch to knife throwing I keep throwing the knives and hit bullseye's every time. Another 30 minutes later I switch to dancing.

I finish dancing and go straight into another dance

I finish dancing to that song and stop to get a drink when I hear clapping I look back towards the gym door and see Peter standing there. What are you doing down here Peter. I was coming down to get a glass of water when I heard music coming from the gym I came in here and I seen you dancing can you do another dance for me please. Yeah just let me get some water first. I get a drink of water and then go back to the middle of the gym and find another song to dance to and start dancing again.

I finish dancing and I hear a lot of clapping. I turn around and see everyone in the compound in the gym. Jeez does anyone know how to sleep in this compound. Well you had the music very loud doll. I'm sorry I just couldn't sleep but I'm heading back to bed now. It's no use now it's already 6 in the morning. Well I'm tired so I'm going back to bed goodnight. I leave and head up to mine and Bucky's suite and take a shower and then lay back down and fall asleep.

In love with my best friends sister/in love with my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now