September 24th, 2022 at 9:52pm

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Unknown Sender

T: I'm boreddd and I miss uuuuuuu

M: Uhm- who's this?

T: Who do u think it is?

M: My father 😀👍🏻

T: Max- that's dark asf 😭

M: Seriously tho who tf is this? I have a pet Madison and I'm not afraid to use her!

T:Ha ha, I'm not scared of a tween with a vibrator

M: Tabitha?

T: Duhhh

Name changed: Tabby Cat/Tabitha🫶🏻

M: Idk if I'm scared or impressed- how'd you get my number?

T: That's a surprise

M; Stop being mean

T: I'm totally nice

M: nah, I'm nicer

T: u know wht-

M: what?

T: u should sneak out and hang out with me

M: Yeah because I'd totally steal Steven's car at 9 o'clock 💀 right when my mom's loosening up on me
Women are you trying to get me killed?!

T: Not really
You're too valuable to be killed now
I need to annoy u for at least a month

M: Oh really?

T: Really
T: Boss's orders

M: Who's the boss so I can "thank" them?

T: I believe u already have boss's number
Somewhere under "bestie" or "Layla".

M: Ha ha very funny
The day Layla and you sort out your problems is the day Madison stops asking sex questions

T: Well congratulations no more sex questions

M: Really?! You two talked????

T: Maybe...

M: How?! Oh my gosh- Tabitha Thompson
I swear if you're joking I'm going to die
If you're not I'm going to hug you so tight next time I see you

T: Shh u can hug me now :)

M: I knew you were trying to get me killed!


M: Hell no, hell no

T: Ugh fine 🙄 Omw to kidnap you now

M: Someone really wants that hug

T: Told you I missed you
. . .
I don't know what made me think of giving them a text conversation but 🤷🏾‍♀️ I like it and might do it more often bc why not?

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