33 2/2. goodbye..

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"Why would I know what's wrong with her?" Layla asked, taking her calculus book out of her locker- it was six days after Maxine, Lizzy, Malaya and I hung out at the theatre four Mondays ago and I was asking Layla why Max has been avoiding me.

I didn't do anything wrong- or, at least, I think.

We were fine. I was fine so what happened? The last time we texted things were okay...

But every time I asked Max if she wanted to hang out, she says something along the lines of "Sorry, Tia, I'm busy".

I don't really know if she is or not but I was anxious all day every day.

What did I do?

I wanted to cry every time I thought maybe Max just didn't want to be my friend, anymore.

She texted me like things were normal- but I missed her. I missed talking to her, J missed hugging her, I missed laughing with her- or even teasing Madison and answering her weird sex questions.

Was this it? Did Max just not like me anymore?

I let out a loud sigh and leaned against the locker next to hers, "I don't know" I placed my face into my hands, "you're her best friend I thought you'd know".

"Max has barely talked to me too" Layla shrugged, "she gets like that from time to time- where she wants to be alone- or maybe she's just plain busy".


Layla gave me an unsure look mixed with "I'm sorry" and shrugged again.

"It's going to be okay, Tabitha" Layla chuckles, "she's not unfriending you, I promise" Just then the bell rang, signaling for us to go to our next periods.

"Thanks, Layla," I said softly before starting to go to my next class.

But something in my gut was telling me, things weren't okay.

Remember how I said eventually everyone would realize I didn't matter and get sick of my insecure ass? Well, I guess Max did.

I have to get over it.

This was it- at least, I think it was.

Me and Max- nothing else was going to happen we're probably not even friends anymore she probably doesn't like me so I need to get over it like I got over Tyler-

So why does my heart feel like it's exploding in my chest? Why does it feel like I just lost the most precious thing in the world? Why do I feel so hurt when I know I have to let go?

I walked into my sixth period and picked a desk up front, not even caring to go any further. I placed my arms on the desk and buried my head inside of them, "get over it Tabitha" I sighed quietly.

"Hey..." a familiar girl's soft voice spoke, assuming it wasn't for me, I kept my head down, until the person spoke again, "Are you the girl from the theatre?"

My head shot up and my eyes widened, a small smile spread across my face when I saw the same girl from the movies last week- she had the same dark brown hair, the same deep blue eyes, and a very sweet smile, "ohh I- yeah!"

"I almost didn't recognize you without popcorn in your hair" she joked, and took a seat at the desk next to mine.

"Oh my gosh" I laughed, "I'm Tabitha" I extended my arm for her to shake.

"Harmony" she shook my hand and shook it, "any chance you want to be friends?" She asked.

Friends? Maybe this was it...

She'll leave when she realizes I'm not enough to so maybe this won't matter.

Friends are temporary- and so am I.

Just don't get attached and you can't be left, I told myself internally before nodding, "Y-yeah, we can be friends".

Wait. Was this the new girl Layla was so worried about?

I tilted my head in confusion, "is your last name Macadams?" I asked.

Confused, she nodded, "Yeah..?"

"I'm sorry- I just had to ask" I chuckled, "I heard someone with your name was coming so" I shrugged, "I was just trying to see if you were the same person".

She nodded, it was then that our teacher entered and Harmony turned her attention to her- meanwhile, I couldn't stop thinking about Max- who wasn't even in my class this period.


Did she hate me now? What did I do? We went to the movies- she helped me get cleaned up after Harmony spilled soda and popcorn on me- and then she gave me M.D's hoodie so I wouldn't get sick- I took her home and gave her back the hoodie- which she reluctantly took after I convinced her.

We even texted later that night.

So what did I do wrong? Was my constant texting that annoying? Or was it something else? Did M.D.'s hoodie smell? Did I smell? Did she hate me because I had bits of popcorn in my hair?

This was so complicated- and I desperately wished she would just talk to me. I wished I could hug her again and talk to her and laugh with her and just be with her- but she barely even sits with us at lunch anymore.

Am I going to spend all of November questioning why? Maybe. But I guess It doesn't matter- knowing from experience, it was over.

My friendship with Maxine Parker was forever gone.

And there's nothing I can do about it...
. . .
"Hey, Tabitha wait up!" A voice behind me called out it was later that day and I was getting ready to leave the school. I turned around to see Harmony running up to me, out of breath.

"Oh hey" I smiled, "what's up?" I asked.

Harmony stopped in front of me and folded over, desperately gasping for air- which I found pretty amusing.

"Do you maybe want to hang out after school?" She asked.

Did I? I could lie and tell her I had something to do- but I didn't. Max always declined my offers to hang out with her "I'm busy"s, so maybe, this was a sign sent from heaven- a new friend.

Or maybe, I was the first person the "new girl" had met- and she was clinging onto me for dear life- either way, I nodded, "Yeah- sure".

If I didn't start getting over Max now- then I was never going to be over her- and that seemed worse than-

I don't know...

So this is it. Goodbye Maxine Parker. Goodbye forever.
. . .
Fun fact: Harmony is a combination of my first and last ex (exciting, right?) she's named after my first ex who was actually really nice, whereas my last ex was so fucking messed up.

Question of the day: what's your favorite show?

Mine is Shameless- but around family members, it's The Baby-sitters Club 😂

Anyways, don't forget to vote! <3

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