27. "Max Fever"

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"If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would you go?" Max questioned, trailing her finger down my arm- we had been laying in the same position for hours- and so this didn't make me shiver as much as it did when we first laid down on her bed.

It did, however; make my heart do cartwheels all over the place.

I turned my head from the ceiling and to Max- who was admiring the green stars stuck above her bed, "Anywhere you are" I tried to make it sound as if I was joking- but I was sort of serious.

Unfortunately, my crush on Max had got to the point where if I'm not around her, everything I do or see reminds me of her, and the question "Would Max do this?" Pops into mind or- if I'm unlucky, "I wonder what Max is doing right now?"

When I wasn't with Max, I was thinking of her- thinking- "am I texting too much?", "Does she think I'm annoying?", "Should I surprise her and go to her apartment or her job?"

It had become a routine of mine for the past two and a half weeks.

It was either with Maxine or thinking about Maxine-

There was nothing else to it.

Do you know how some people have "baby fever"? Well, I have- "Max Fever".

Max turned her head and looked at me with her shining blue eyes, giving me a small smile, "I'm serious, Tia!"

I raised my brows, "Tia?" I repeated.

She shrugged, "I wanted to give you an original nickname".

Tia- where did she even get that? And why did I like it?

Was it just because it was original?

Still- where does one get Tia from Tabitha?

"Does that mean I have to give you an original nickname?" I questioned.

She wrinkled her nose, "only if you want to but heads up, I like my nickname already".

"Okay," I chuckled.

"Seriously, though- you" she booped me on the nose, causing me to smile even harder, "have to give me answer".

"Do I?" I joked.

"Uhm yes-"

"Uhm- no" I smirked, "I could just leave-" I slowly began to lift myself when Max playfully pushed me back down.

"Nope- I'm kidnapping you- no leaving".

"You can't stop me" I teased.

She raised her brows, "oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah"

"You might want to think twice about that" She grinned, and next thing I knew- Maxine Parker, in her baggy sage-colored sweatpants and black tank top, hopped on top of me, and placed her legs on my side, straddling me and keeping me in my laying position.

My eyes widened and my breath hitched.

Shit. Shit. Shit- why is my heart beating so fast? Wait- no Tabitha don't even ask that question- oh. My. Gosh.

Maxine Parker, please get off of me before I do something stupid!! I internally begged Max- unfortunately- or, maybe fortunately for me, she couldn't hear my thoughts.

Max just stared down at me for a moment, her lips slightly parted and her blue eyes looking into my brown eyes.

"You're so pretty" she whispered.

My heart smiled- and unfortunately, so did I.

Max smiled, leaning down so her face was inches away from mine, "which is why you can't leave".

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