14. Plans & reminiscing

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"Studying?" I repeated with a raise of my brows, "You think my mom is that stupid- she pulled this same trick with my grandma she told me like three years ago!" I told Laney as the two of us sat in the parking lot of Sunnyside's apartment complex, sipping on our coffees from Starbucks.

"Well" Laney began, "that's where I come in" she smiled, "at six- I'm going to come here hysterical and act like I need help studying for a fake upcoming Calculus test- ya know, because you're good at literally everything- and somehow, I'll get your mom to let you out the house to study at mine-"

"And if you don't?" I asked.

"Trust me" she smirked, "I'm good with adults".

"I doubt it" I smiled teasingly.

Laney- acting all offended and dramatic, gasped, "Maxine Parker are you doubting the powers of the great and powerful Lane-a-rue?"

"Lane-a-rue?" I repeated.

Laney laughed.

The only reason I agreed to go to this party was for two reasons- one, Laney was my friend and I wanted to help her set up for the party- and two, I needed to keep my cover- and Adam would be there (of course he would because it's HIS birthday party).

I didn't want to go.

But I felt I had to.

"Whatever you say Lane-a-rue" I laughed, "but Maxi the Magician doesn't have any 'party' clothes" I informed her.

"Again" she smiled, "that's where I come in".

"Okay-" I said in a fake suspicious voice.

Laney's phone began to ring and the words "Babe" flashed across the screen.

Seeing this, I felt bad- Laney had a boyfriend?

"Oo, since when do you have a 'babe'?" I teased.

Laney's face flushed red, "shut up" she quickly picked up her phone, "Hold on I'm with Maxi the Magician-" silence, "yeah- I'll explain later" Laney chuckled, "Mhm" she smiled, "Love you too, you big grump," Laney said before she hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I teased with a wiggle of my brows- the same wiggle Laney does whenever she teases me about Adam.

"Someone" she replied with a small blush.

"Will I get to meet this no one any time soon?" I asked.


"Does Layla know about this no one?".

There was a pause, "maybe".

I let out a dramatic gasp, "No fair!"

She laughed, "Layla doesn't know" she confirmed.

"How long have you been dating them- and what exactly is this no one's intentions with you?" I pretended to sound like a TV dad.

"Oh my gosh- get out of the car carrot top!" She laughed.

"Yes ma'am," I said dramatically with a pout, and with that, I got out of the shiny gray car, "oh, and remember," Laney said before I got to close the door, "six o'clock".

"Okay," I nodded.

I closed the car door and across the parking lot and to my Unit's front door, as usual, when I entered- Madison was on the couch and Piper came running excitedly.

"Hi, baby" I smiled and scooped the dog into my arms, "I'm home!" I yelled, closing the door with a kick of my foot before walking towards the back of the house.

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