30. "What I loved the most"

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"Who ya texting?" Ivy asked, appearing out of seemingly nowhere and causing me to jump a little- the crimson blush on my cheeks disappearing for a minute.

"Just my mom" I lied, before she could see anything, I stuffed my phone into my Jeans pocket- earning an unconvinced glance from Ivy.

"You blush at your mom?" Asked Oliver from the front counter.

My cheeks flushed red, "n-no that's an allergy thing". Lies.

"You're allergic to ice cream?" Ivy raised her brows.

"What- I didn't say that!" I protested.

"That's how it sounded" Oliver and Ivy glanced at each other and grinned- ear to ear as if they knew something I didn't.

"I liked it better when the two of you were debating Halloween franchises" I pretend muttered. Ivy and Oliver laughed, "Of course you did".

The door to DQ opened and I quickly looked to see if it was Tabitha. Unfortunately, it was just a teenage girl with long dark hair and silver eyes- upon seeing her, Ivy's grin turned into a frown and she said to me, "I'm going to clean tables".

I nodded- Oliver and I both gave her confused glances as the girl approached- despite my anxiousness whenever asking for someone's order, I'm pretty good at my job- especially fake smiling- although, I think I got those talents from when we'd have family gatherings when I was younger.

"Welcome to Dairy Queen, how may I help you?" I smiled politely.

"Well" the girl looked over at Ivy and then at me, "no offense, but can she take my order?" She pointed at Ivy.

I didn't know what was going on, but anyone with good sense could tell Ivy didn't want to talk to the girl- and I didn't quite know why, but still, I wanted to help.

Then again- what if she did want to talk to the girl and she was just acting like she didn't?

Why is this so complicated??

"She's on break!" Oliver interrupted loud enough for Ivy to hear- when she did, she shot him a thankful glance before bolting into the break room.

The girl pursed her lips and bit her cheek in thought.

"Anything else we can do for you...?" Oliver asked for me.

"Tell her I'll pay 30 extra dollars if she comes out".

My eyes widened, I looked at Oliver- he shrugged.

I walked to the break room where Ivy was looking...


"Ivy.." I began cautiously, "She says she'll pay you 30 dollars if you come out".

Ivy scoffed, "So that's what I'm worth, huh?"

I tilted my head in confusion, "What..."

Ivy sighed, "Tell her to go away-"

"But she's a customer"

"More like a human parasite" Ivy muttered then sighed, "Your shift is ending soon, you know what-" she stood up, "I'll just go in there-"

"I can tell her to leave-" I said, but really I couldn't, I was too scared to say that to anyone.

"No it's fine, Max- go to your girlfriend- okay? I got this".

I wanted to say she wasn't my girlfriend- but I knew this was the wrong time.

I watched as Ivy pulled the girl into the bathrooms- looking rather pissed while the girl grinned, and then I gave Oliver a "Do you know what that was about?" Look.

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