40. "Sister's day"

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"Guitar lessons" I repeated, looking down at Madison with my brows raised in disbelief and confusion.

It was after school and I decided I'd get Madison whatever she wanted today within reason- and her first answer being gutter lessons- is kind of scary.

"Yep," she said with a pop of the p.

"Maddy you don't even own a guitar," I said pointedly.

"Which, brings me to my next request" she smiled, "a guitar- or piano lessons".

"Okay," I turned on my heels and grabbed my set of Steven's keys off the light wood dresser that was on my side of the room, "what's with the sudden interest in music?" I asked with a chuckle.

The two of us exited our bedroom with Piper on our heels and a confused-looking Henry making a sandwich at the kitchen island.

"Music and reading are two things that make you mysterious as hell- I want to enter high school as some hot-ass nice girl who plays guitar and reads" Madison grinned- probably forming a mental image of her in high school.

"Maddy, that's like two years away".

"Gotta plan early" she replied- we passed Henry and he wrinkled his nose, "where are the two of you going?"

"Anywhere Madison wants" I replied- to which Madison beamed.

"W-why- you never did that with me!" Henry pouted.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "I'll give you a gift of your choice tomorrow, okay? But only because you sprayed my evil ex-" I couldn't finish the last part without laughing.

Henry grinned at this reaction while Madison began to laugh, "When the hell did you guys even get that water gun?" I said through laughs.

"I was planning on using it on you" Henry admitted.

"Oh really?" I raised my brows, "That gift's future is looking real slim".

"Nooo" Henry began to fake cry.

I laughed, "Okay go on- I'm trying to eat" Henry waved the two of us off.

"Come on Max- I have several requests" Madison smiled, looking at me as she backward walked out the door.

"Oh lord," I sighed jokingly to Henry, "what did I get myself into?"

Henry just laughed and shook his head.

Steven wouldn't care if Madison and I used his car for an hour- but just in case, I texted him that I was taking Madison out he asked me to get some milk from the grocery store before we come back and I told him okay.

"So, how'd it go after you told them the truth?" Madison asked, the two of us climbed into Steven's dark Toyota and sat down on the dark leather seat.

Steven's car, in a way, reminded me of Tabitha- just a little bit- but maybe that's because everything reminds me of Tabitha.

As soon as I got home, I made sure to put on the Harvard hoodie Tabitha gave- me because I missed her and it smelled like her.

Not to mention, every time I wore it, I felt safe and warm inside.

Like I did whenever I was with her.

"Well-" I began, trying to answer the question she asked me.

"First off- what was the look on that cunt's face?" Maddy interrupted.

I wrinkled my nose with a smile, "who taught you what a cunt was?" She laughed and I started up the car before driving out of the parking lot.


"Somebody sounds like they have a crush on Sophie" I teased with a wiggle of my brows.

She wrinkled her nose, "how do you even know if you have a crush on someone?"

"Well- they make you feel all warm and fuzzy, being with them makes your heart race and when you're not with them, you're thinking about them or wanting to text them"

"Shit" Madison sighed and laughed, "I think I might have a crush on Sophie and River".

"I knew you were gay!" I joked, "And who's River?" I asked.

"Some new seventh graders at our school, they go by they/them and they're so so fine".


"Pretty- cute, beautiful-"

"I know what fine is Maddy" I chuckled, "I just never heard you use it".

"What else should I use? And you still haven't answered my question"

"That's because you didn't let me. And anyways, Harmony's face like dropped and her eyes filled with fear- the whole day Layla terrorized her- poured a smoothie on her head- and told everyone she was a teenage prostitute-"

Madison began to laugh, "This is why Layla's my favorite friend of yours".

"But now the sluts of the school are Harmony's friends so..." I shrugged, "that was like a win-lose".

Madison laughed as the car pulled into Bailey and Andrew's Music Center- which is Summerville's only music store at the moment.

"I don't know how many times I can say thank you- even if that video was an invasion of my privacy"

"And invasion that got you the girl you liked and your friends back".

I put the car in park, "fair point"

"After this" Madison looked at me, "can we have a sister day?"

I smiled, "Sure- but I only have like 200 dollars so".

"Okay," Madison laughed.
. . .
Making these chapters a little shorter than usual because the hook is ending soon 😭 and then my babies are leaving- but hey, after this, I can officially say Madison's getting her own romance!! Yay, I already gave her a character board and everything- I'm like so excited rn because I never tried to write a fake dating romance before!

Anyways, I'm going to finish this A/N before I go on and on about my two books 😭

Hope you guys liked this- a really short chapter of sister bonding- and, don't forget to vote!
. . .

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