About a year ago, if you had so much as suggested to me- Tabitha Camilla Thompson- that I would be going on a date with Maxine Parker- the best friend of Layla Hanson- who hated me! I would have laughed in your face.
But as I stood at the door of the Parkers' apartment unit, anxiously adjusting my outfit with a bouquet of flowers in my left hand, all I could think about- was how far I'd come in the past 2 1/2 months.
I broke up with Tyler (or, got broken up with), healed the relationship between my family and me (mostly), formed somewhat (okay- who am I kidding?) formed a friendship with Layla Hanson- and in the midst of it all...
Fell in love.
Which is something I genuinely never thought anyone could feel for me.
All I wanted- like more in the world, was to get this right, and treat Max with all the love she deserved- I raised my fist, about to open the door when it suddenly flew open- shocking me.
My eyes widened, as an excited-looking Madison was soon revealed.
"Hi, Madison-" I began, because I've actually never seen this little girl smile unless something bad happened- like someone dying in a horror movie or something.
"Close your eyes" Madison ordered, her excited grin only growing bigger- okay, who was dying? Nonetheless, I did what she said and closed my eyes.
There were a few small movements before there was a light tap on my hand, "am I allowed to open my eyes now?" I asked.
"I hope you are- Madison stabbed me in the eye five times with her fucking eyeliner pencil" The sound of Max's chuckle filled the air, causing an automatic smile to cross my face.
I opened my eyes, feeling the slyness of a crimson blush creeping onto my cheeks upon seeing the redhead. Max was wearing black stockings, a solid brown skirt, a black and white striped shirt with a brown puffy jacket, and gray gloves.
Her red hair was tied into a ponytail with two curled strains hanging down her forehead.
She looked beautiful. Maxine Parker always looked beautiful.
That's when I noticed something else- she was holding a bouquet of white roses and just staring at me with her lips parted.
I smiled, slightly tilting my head as I did with any simple emotion I had, "Maxine Marker, why are you staring at me like that".
Realizing what I said, Max's face flushed red, "u-uhm- you're-"
"She thinks your pretty, duh" Madison rolled her eyes, "anyways, have fun-stay out super long- and safe sex!" Madison slammed the door before either of us had a chance to even process what she had said.
Max's face got even more red. God I loved when that happened- she was so cute.
"She's going to be the death of me..." Max laughed, and I laughed, extending my arm to hand her the flowers, "these are for you by the way-"
"Thanks," she said shyly and took them before handing me the bouquet in her hand, "and these are for you".
I smiled and took them before extending my free hand "Come on princess" I began playfully, "your carriage awaits".
She let out a small giggle that made my heart jump before placing her hand into mine.
. . .
"I hope you know, I'm going to impress you with my killer ice skating moves" 'Max said proudly as I pulled my car into the ice skating ring's parking lot."I doubt it, but whatever floats your boat".
"I don't need a boat" Max shrugged, "I'm like Elsa on ice".

It All Started With A Ride
RomanceTabitha tilted her head and stared at me, causing everything in my stomach to twist and turn. "Tabitha Camilla Thompson- why are you staring at me like that?" I asked with a small blush rushing across my cheeks. "You're so pretty," she said in a whi...