Getting A Job Interview

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The bright morning sun shining through my bedroom window seeping into my sleep eyes as I stir in my bed. Tiredness overcoming me while I groan in exhaustion from watching RAW last night. I guess that's what I get for staying up a all night to watch the podcast, as well, afterwards. Shuffling in my bed trying to make myself wake up more so I can go to try and look for another job. Man I really don't want a job... But I need to pay rent and I barely have enough to buy groceries. I seriously need to get my money more organized.

Ughhhhh! This is what I get for my old boss to be a complete pervert. Then I get fired because I didn't want to kiss him! Which is complete shit if you ask me but that's the real world for you. Like sorry that you're 30 years older than me and you're my boss so I refused to kiss you in your office... But then I got fired.

Groaning to myself as I sit in bed using the light to my advantage, while the light is still out so I don't use so much electricity, to go use the shower. Slowly getting off my bed rubbing my eyes trying to let them adjust so I can see better. Stumbling over my clothes trying to walk to the door before almost falling on my face. Son of a bitch! Stupid shoe! Pushing my hand out touching the icy cold doorknob turning it as shivers run down my spine. Well that woke me up so I guess I don't need coffee.

Opening the door walking in seeing the light peek through my uncurtained window. Bare feet touching the warm fuzzy, pastel blue, carpet of my bathroom sending warmth automatically through my whole body. Stripping out of my clothes slowly while turning in the hot water to my shower. Letting it warm up as I take off my panties throwing my clothes in the hamper. Grabbing my toothbrush to brush my teeth while placing some toothpaste on the brush. Forcing it into my mouth as I rip it and jerk it around to make sure I get every spot in my mouth. Spitting out the remains while rinsing out my mouth before checking the temperature. Hot water slightly stinging my hand making me grin jumping in to get cleaned.

After doing my normal routine in the shower making me walk out with a towel wrapped around my hourglass frame. Looking at myself in the mirror just staring at my reflection. Pale skin looking like a ghost, emerald green eyes that shines people away, long brunette wavy hair with all of it's natural volume, and freckles all my nose and under my eyes making me look younger. Koi fish tattoo on my right knee looking like it's swimming up going towards my thigh. Playboy bunny logo on my hip bone but this bunny has more of a grunge look to it. A four leaf clover on my rib cage to give me good luck in the future ahead of me. Dream catcher on my right shoulder blade going down my whole back. Roman Reigns symbol on my left wrist showing him off. Short body barely being able to see my whole hourglass frame in the mirror. Sighing as I continue to stare at myself in the mirror. I should change my hair soon.

Walking over to the wooden sliding doors open them revealing the huge walk in closet. Smiling to myself slightly while walking in grabbing a 'I'm A Roman Reigns Type Of Girl' tank top, black skinny jeans, black caff high combat boots, and matching striped undergarments. Pulling the tower off my body slipping on my clothes and boots. Grabbing the towel walking over to the bathroom putting the towel in the laundry basket. Sighing closing all my doors while walking back to my room grabbing my phone and my wallet. Making my be really quick before going out my room closing the door.

Walking to the kitchen grabbing a chocolate muffin really quick with a water. Eating the muffin on my way out the house while grabbing my keys out the key bowl. Locking the front door behind me going over to my car unlocking it and slipping into my seat. Turning it on finishing my muffin and sipping on some water before hitting the radio button. Going over to the alternative rock station as it blares Pierce The Veil into my ears making me smirk a bit. This might be a good day but even better if I actually get am interview somewhere. Anywhere I don't even care I just really need a need a job. I don't even care what I have to do anymore.

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