New Day?

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Well the other day was sure interesting. I got to see Roman Reigns shirtless and meet him properly. Sadly when he had a shirt on though but I also got to meet Dean. Whom might I add is very attractive even more attractive then Roman. Just going to put that out there.

I bet he's even sexier naked.

Staring at the entrance door readying myself to walk in. I hope Phil doesn't make me do Roman's locker again for the towels. He probably will though since he saw me wearing the Reign's jacket on the first day of the job. Which let me tell you I definitely regret now!

Just from wearing some WWE merch of Roman's I successfully got Nikki Bella to already hate me. Get to the locker room of Roman's because of Phil and be laughed at by multiple people. Do I regret wearing Roman merch? YES! I don't need the fuken diva champion hating me before I even become a wrestler. Which reminds me I need to try out for NXT soon as well. I mean I am stronger then I was years ago and my skills are way better.

Hmm... I wonder if I ask Lana to introduce me to some of the other divas if they would help me train. Maybe that way I have even a better chance at becoming a diva myself to then become the champion. I will be the champion one day. There is no doubt in my mind to me that I can become the champion.

"HEY RYNN! You made it through your first day, how you feeling?" Phil asking me while towering over my short body. "Yes I did and I feel good." Turning to his tall frame looking up at him while saying to him. Smiling down at me before walking in front of me. "Good to hear, let's do what we did last time with the towels. I think Dolph likes you better then me anyways." just staring up at him before looking away at the entrance door following him in step. "Okay but I don't know about Dolph. He seems like a Casanova to me."

"He is." Phil saying before bumping right into the devil himself. "Rynn it's nice seeing my new towel wench again." Saying to me with a smirk on his pink lips whilst looking down at me.

Did he just call me a wench? He better watch out I won't let no one talk to me like that.

Furrowing my brows making my eyes squint at him with annoyance flashing all over my face. "Wooh, it was a joke come on." Saying with a sad smile as if I would just laugh it off. Rolling my eyes to him while Phil just stands there awkwardly by the door. "Hey I'm sorry okay. It was a joke and I won't make a joke like that again. Promise." Taking his hands putting them up in the air like a defense mechanism making me giggle a little. He's kind of cute when he's trying to make me happy. "You better promise." Stating to him with a smirk making his eyebrows point up a little with another smirk spreading across his face. As if reading my thoughts he knows I'm slightly flirting with him. I mean yeah he's kind of a casanova but he's still hot.

I couldn't go with someone like him especially since I just got this job, just not yet. But there's no shame in flirting right? I mean I'm young and I'm single while surrounded by attractive men all day, give me a break.

"So I'll see you later then." Smiling to himself walking out the door like nothing. Which to be honest it's nice to flirt with him, even if it's just the beginning, but it's even better to watch him walk away. If you catch my drift.

"Well let's get going, I guess?" Phil asking me with curious eyes while I just nod. Showing the security guard our badges to get in as work crew. Following him to where the interview section is seeing people setting it up to look professional. Mr.McMahon standing there with Renee as they talk about what's supposed to happen tonight and what questions she needs to ask.

"Rynn, Phil come here really quick." Mr.McMahon calling us over to is both looking skeptical but going over anyways. "Rynn can you do the first interview with Renee here after John Cena's match. You'll do the first three interviews with Renee since Jake is running late. Then help Phil with everything tonight. Good luck and show me your skills." Saying to me with Phil nodding for the both of us even though he already turned away to leave.

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