"What have I done?" "You messed up..."

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 -Seth's POV - (Yep... basically this whole chapter is in his POV. Do you love me yet?)

Rynn walking in front of them back to the black curtain with a huge smile on her face. Dean getting closer to her by each second with Roman standing there like a body guard to them both. Standing there in the ring staring at her walking away from me while the crowd cheers them on. 

My whole world is crashing down around me.

Watching her walk to the back with Jon on her tail staring at her with those eyes. I know what those eyes are... He used to look at only one other girl like that before she broke his heart. He loves her. How could he not though? She is beautiful, amazing, caring, and so much more. I can talk about her for days... I have before. 

Jon loves Rynn.... I still love Rynn.

I didn't mean to hurt her. I really didn't mean to hurt her but I know I did. I know what I did was wrong but I just wish she could see I would never do that to her ever again. I don't deserve a second chance, I know. 

Fuc.k.... I just love her to much to see her walk away from me that easily! 

Seeing her gone already knowing she doesn't want to talk to me but I need to talk her. I don't care if she doesn't want to hear my words anymore. I need to talk to her even if she doesn't want to talk back to me. 

I have to go before it's to late. The way Jon was looking at her I know he is going to make a move on her soon and she will take it. I know she will. 

Getting up running to the ramp with the crowd yelling and booing at me only fueling me to talk to Rynn even more. I need to go talk to her! Bashing through the black curtain bumping into bodies. Not caring at the moment continuing to run seeing Jon chasing Rynn through the hallway. 

What the hell is going on?


Dodging bodies running towards Rynn trying to get to her before Jon. Damn does she run fast! Rushing to her with a body walking right in front of me making me bump into them and almost fall to my face. 

Ugh! Who the hell got in my way?!

Looking up a bit seeing Joe standing there in his wrestling gear still with a frown on his face and his hands in front of his chest. 

He needs to move! I need to make sure Rynn is okay.

Glaring at him while he just continues to stand right in my way looking at me with daggers in his eyes. "Where do you think you're going?" Asking me in his rough tough guy voice. Rolling my eyes at him knowing he is just a big softie and he won't do anything to me. "I don't have time for this, I need to go see Rynn and you know that." Confessing to him only getting irritated with each second that he continues to stand there. "She doesn't want to talk to you Colby." Joe stating with a hiss as if I didn't already know she doesn't want to talk to me. "I know but I need to see her Joe." Once again confessing to him trying to move around him. 

His arm grabbing me roughly pushing me back in front of him with no remorse. 

Growling at me lowly with his eyes narrowing at me throwing daggers at me with those dark eyes. "I said she doesn't want to talk to you, Colby." Pushing me his hands on my chest making my nose twitch in anger. "Don't touch me Joe. You don't want to start a fight you can't win." Growling back to him my hands balling up into fists. 

I'm not afraid to start a fight with him to get to Rynn before Jon does. He's going to confess his love for her soon and I have to stop him before he can.

"Colby you better remember who you're talking to. Don't forget what happened last time we fought there, pretty boy." Joe's voice making me sick making my face more red with rage. Glaring at him with pure rage, "Move Joe." Stating to him as he just smirks a bit shrugging to him. "Who's going to make me?" Cocking his head to the side, pissing me more off, smirking down at me. 

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