The Shield 2.0

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"Today is the day." Dean looking over at me with a smirk on his face. "I know I'm excited." Confessing to him smiling widely at him fixing my black jeans a bit. Pulling my black belt tighter to make sure my jeans don't come down even though they are skinny jeans. Pushing it all the way through making sure my jeans won't fall by bouncing up and down in the same spot a couple of times. My breasts bouncing a bit to much for my liking with this black tank top. But at least my jeans won't come down during the match. 

"Help me with my hand wraps kitten?"Dean asking me, purring 'kitten' like usual, while I just nod walking over to him. Taking his hand lightly in my soft fingers feeling his roughness of his hands from working out his hands earlier. Grabbing the black tape wrapping it over his wrists tightly going up. Making it tight playing with his fingers whilst wrapping his wrist. Feeling his eyes on me hearing his breathing hitch with my fingers slightly entangling in his. Continuing to wrap the black tape all the way up to his knuckles. Carefully not missing a spot messing with his rough fingers in mine still. Taking his other hand in mine still feeling his eyes on me like an owl. Wrapping his hand tightly finishing the wrapping of his hand. Not letting go of his hand just standing there with the small distance between us. "Thanks kitten." Whispering down to me making me shiver under him. Pulling his hand out of mine to put it on my face. Lightly gripping my jaw with his rough hands pushing my head up a bit. Forcefully looking into his blue eyes seeing him smiling down at me. "You're going to do great out there." His rough voice suggestive. Making my confidence boom higher with his husky voice convincing me. Searching his eyes though to see what he really means by his words.

"You two ready?" Roman coming in, surprising me, asking with his vest on already in his gear smiling at us.

Dean moving away slightly letting my face go out of his hands. My body shivering again from Dean's touch looking longingly at him. 

Why did Roman have to walk in just then? Wait why do I care if Roman walked in just now? What was Dean going to do if Roman didn't walk in? Was he going to kiss me? Why was he looking at me like that? Dumb questions need to go away!

"Yeah, I just got to put this vest on. Will one of you help me? It tightens in the back and I can't exactly reach it." Sighing picking up my vest pulling it over my head pushing my hands through the holes. "I'll help you." Dean walking back closer to me. Being only mere inches in front of my face seeing his eyes glowing into mine. His blue eyes drowning me before his hands snake around my waist. Turning me around gently pulling me even closer to him by my vest. Grabbing the laces pulling them tight, pushing my boobs out more, before I zip it all the way up in the front.

"That's a weird vest." Roman commenting while I sigh. 

Something about his voice though makes me wonder if he's talking about the vest or what Dean just did. I don't see why he would comment about Dean being slightly off with me though. Dean seems to do that a lot lately but never explaining himself to anyone. Well at least he doesn't explain his actions to me. Sometimes it's like he's holding me like a lover then other times it's like he's just being protective like a guard dog or something. I don't understand him at all. I don't think I ever will though without his help. He doesn't seem very interested into telling me what's on his mind though.

"Trust me I know. It looks awesome though." Laughing a bit before Dean finishes tying it up in the back and then patting me on the back. "You look great, kitten." Whispering to me making my face heat up a bit before gulping down hard. Turning back around Dean still as close as ever in front of me. Staring up at Dean trying not to bite my lips at him while starting to drown into his blue eyes again.

He does this stuff all the time so why am I still not used to it? Why does he keep doing these things to me? Does he enjoy watching me squirm? 

"Don't forget the masks." Dean telling everyone handing one to me. Roman grabbing his putting it on showing me how to put mine on. Putting my mask on carefully looking at Dean seeing him staring at me already.

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