Diva Revolution and Kitten Thoughts

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"There is a diva revolution going on right now who better to be a part of it other then your nemesis, Rynn Blackwood!" Stephanie McMahon saying for my new music to cue in. "LET'S LIGHT IT UP!" The music blaring with me smirking and skipping to the stage. My new gear of split colored shorts and a black studded Dean Ambrose belt with a crop top 'Ambrose Asylum' shirt on. Skipping to the steps skipping up them and bending down popping my ass out. Sliding into the ring skipping around Nikki Bella in a prance way smirking before standing behind Stephanie smiling at her. "Not only is Rynn Blackwood out here but also for her partners we have!" Becky Lynch's music blaring seeing her orange hair flip up with her steam punk goggles before running down the ramp and jumping into the ring. Standing beside me fist bumping one another smiling at each other behind Stephanie with Nicole frowning with the Diva championship in her hands. "Not only is Becky Lynch her partner but we also have-" Suddenly purple lights going around everywhere with the sound of Ric Flair's music but touched up going through the speakers. "-Charlotte, a woman bred for this business." 

Charlotte running down the ramp towards me and Becky while jumping over the ropes with her long legs. Passing up Nicole giving her a smirk and getting on the other side of me fist bumping me. Then all of us glaring at Nicole with more and more people coming out one by one. The whole ring covered in woman in threes as we stare at Nicole, Brie, and Alicia Fox. 

"This is a Diva Revolution. So don't get to comfortable Nicole, don't forget who the real woman is running this show." Stephanie glaring at Nicole as Nicole rolls her eyes at her. Stephanie dropping the mic in the middle of the ring as Nicole stalks up to me and my new teammates for the Diva Revolution. 

"Watch your back Rynn. We wouldn't want someone to hurt you." Nicole remarking as Sasha Banks comes out of nowhere and hits Nicole in the back of the head making her fall towards me. Punching her right in the jaw smirking at Sasha. Nicole bumping into Brie making her fall into Becky. Becky shoving Brie to the ground while I grab Nicole's hair throwing her back to Sasha. Sasha kicking Nicole in the back with both of her feet like a kangaroo kick. Nicole falling down face first into my knee hearing her nose pop right as Sasha grabs her hair pulling her back. Punching Nicole in the stomach over and over before kicking her head back. 

Charlotte coming out of nowhere kicking Nicole in the side making her fall as she goes to hit Sasha. Grabbing Nicole's feet pulling her into the middle of the ring where no one is before putting her into the caff crusher. Twisting my legs around her pulling on her caff making her scream as I laugh. Hearing her tap out on the mat as if this is a match or something. 

Glancing over seeing Becky having Brie in submission as well before looking over to see Charlotte holding Alicia Fox in the figure eight. Wow that actually looks like it hurts Charlotte as well as Alicia. All of them screaming for help as Stephanie watches us with approval. Naomi and her team retreating backstage as I decide to let go of Nicole. 

Seeing her crawl up barely getting up as my team mates let go of their prey as well. All of them running backstage passing up Stephanie McMahon scowling. Grabbing Becky's and Charlotte's hand holding them up in the air in victory. Cheering them on before walking backstage with them. 

"Guys that was great." Joe saying with a smile on his face in his wrestling gear. Charlotte smiling up at him with Becky nodding to him. "Thanks Joe." Saying as Charlotte looks to Becky. "Hey I can't wait to fight more with you two." Telling them as Becky nods to me. "Yeah you're a great wrestler, it's going to be fun." Becky saying to me before waving. Watching them walk away just as Jon walks up to me.

"Your mask kitten." Jon holding the mask up for me. "Oh, thanks. Are we next?" Asking them as Joe nods. "Yep, great timing am I right?" "I don't even have time to change then." Saying obviously as Joe laughs a bit. "Don't worry we brought your vest. Now let's hurry to put it on. Seth is going to go out first so we have a small bit of time." Joe saying grabbing my vest from a worker and helping me put my arms through it. 

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