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- Quick AN. This is close to the end of this fanfic. I might have a sequel depending if you guys want one or not. I have ideas for a sequel but I don't know if anyone will actually read it or not. There's only one chapter after this one. SO one that note. Have fun reading.

Holding me close to him the crowbar still on my back as my bat holds him against me as well. Hearing his heartbeat pounding on the walls of his chest trying to break through. Moving his arm slightly on my lower back only to pull me even closer. If there was a gap before there's definitely not one now. 

Feeling his warmth on me not one of us moving at all as if we are frozen in time somehow. We don't want to go anywhere. So we don't.

We just stand there hugging one another.

I can stay like this forever. I wonder if he could as well.

"Nice show out there." Roman saying making me jump a bit gripping the bat. Dean not letting go of me though as he chuckles. "What show?" Asking Roman with a serious voice as if we didn't do anything unusual. 

Roman looking us up and down before looking at me with seriousness washing over his face. "Babygirl, I need your help." "Okay." Letting go of Dean as Dean sighs lightly in my ear while I move away from him. "Come back soon, I need to talk to you about something." Dean whispering into my ear in a soft fragile voice. 

Why is he acting so fragile? Is he okay? Should I go with Roman?

Nodding to Dean before handing him the bat as Dean smirks taking it from me. Looking at Roman as he motions me over. "Come on. I need you for the interview. Remember?" "Oh yeah, sorry Roman." Laughing a bit as I follow him through the hallways away from Dean. 

With each step away from Dean though I feel a small since of dread take over me as I wonder what it is that he wants to talk to me about. 

I'll just get this interview with Roman done and then I'll go back to Dean to see what it is that he wants. I mean he sounded so serious but I need to do my job. 

... I just hope he understands that ...

But he sounded like he could break any second. I'll just have to hurry the interview then.

With my mind set on this I look over at Roman as we casually walk to the very back where we do our interviews. "So how was your match?" Asking Roman as he was up against Rusev tonight. "It went well, I won. It was a little weird without you guys though. I'm not used to being alone when I go out anymore." Laughing near the end of it making me giggle along with him. "Yeah it is a bit weird without you as well. We're like the three musketeers." Laughing at my stupid joke with him.

Hitting the back where the door is to go in for our interview. "Who's interviewing us anyways?" Asking him as he shrugs. "I think it's Tom." "Oh, really? I've never had Tom interview me before." Stating simply. "Yeah but you're a big star now so you get interviewed with Tom like we do now." Saying to me nonchalantly. 

With that though I can feel myself getting nervous. "Hey, don't worry Tom is easy to talk to." Roman saying down to me seeing the nervousness all over my face. Roman can see through me to well. I guess that's why he's like a dad to me.

"Plus I'm there to do most of the talking." Roman saying. "You good?" Asking me as I release a breathe I didn't realize I was holding in. "Yeah. Let's do this." Saying over to him before opening the door.

Tom sitting there in the chair stretching his long limbs out as we walk in. Casually looking over to us smiling before getting up. Walking over to us making me notice how tall Tom actually is. He's almost as tall as Roman. Holy shit, how did I not notice how tall he is before? He looks so short compared to every wrestler in the interviews but here he is being super tall. 

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now