The New Diva Champion

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I've been running around these past couple of weeks with matches for my diva revolution tag team, The Shield tag team, and also to wrestle by myself. Today is finally the day of the paperview of when I'm supposed to win the championship title away from Nicole. They've confirmed it for me to win this match tonight but I'm just scared they might change it at the last minute like they did with Joe the other day. It's a fatal three way match between me, Nicole, and Charlotte. 

But I've been doing so much for them lately I don't think they will switch it on me like that. Besides the crowd loves me way more then they like Charlotte and Nicole. There is no way they will just throw me to the side like that. Right? Right. 

I just need to stop getting stuck into my own head and get ready more my match tonight. 

My locker door opening suddenly with Jon and Joe walking in looking proud of me already. "Hey babygirl, how are you feeling for tonight?" Joe asking me with me smiling up at him. "Wonderful, I'm so happy. I can't believe this is finally happening to me and so soon. It almost seems so surreal." Confessing to him seeing him smile down at me. "You'll do great out there. Guess who's out in the crowd tonight and cheering you on." "No, are you serious?!" Asking him my smile growing even wider with him nodding. "Yep." "Where is she in the crowd?! I've missed her so much!" "She's in the front row behind the commentators. She brought our daughter with her as well. They are both going to be cheering you on tonight." 

His wife and daughter came to cheer me on. They are like my family and since my actual blood family and me don't get along I consider them as my actual family. 

Tearing up a bit smiling up at him. "Thank you so much for flying them out here for them to cheer me on. It means a lot to me Joe." Spreading my arms out walking towards him before wrapping my arms around him. "I know how much they mean to you and you mean a lot to my family. There isn't a reason for them not to come and cheer you on, babygirl." Wrapping his strong arms around my back giving me a light squeeze before pulling back a little. "Well I'll leave you to change. I'll be cheering you on in the back as well." "You better." Squeezing my shoulder with his hand before waving goodbye leaving me alone with Jon.

In this very moment I was scared to be alone with Jon. He hasn't acted himself around me since the day he held my hand and had to talk to Joe alone. I'm surprised he's still in my locker room without Joe actually. He seems to find anyway to get away from me lately and I have no idea why. He's even been getting his own hotel room instead of sharing with me and Joe lately. It's all so weird. 

I wonder what he wants that he's still here now. 

Why has he been acting so weird with me lately and making me seem like some kind of disease.

"Hey kitten." Jon purring a little at the end while walking closer to me. Putting only a couple on inches away from my chest to his as he looks down at me.

So we are back at this again I see. Acting as if everything is okay then? He's going to just to get away from me for the past couple of weeks and then come back to tease me that easily.

Frowning up at him sighing a little up at him. Running one of my hands through my long brunette hair with him sighing down at me. "Sorry for how I've been acting around you lately. It's nothing to do with you or Joe. It's just-" Scratching the back of his head with his hand moving closer to me. His chest touching mine now with him looking down at me still. "It's just I've had a lot going through my head lately. I think I finally figured it all out and I wanted to apologize to you for everything." Saying down to me in his rough voice.

I don't want to get into an argument with him right now but I feel like he is hiding something from me still.

"I forgive you Jon. Just don't go away from me like that." Saying up to him with him nodding taking his hands putting them on my waist. Something you would think I'm used to but my heart beating faster then usual as my face heats up a bit. "I'll be cheering you on as well. Bring the gold home back to all of us." Pulling my face into his chest. Wrapping his hands around my lower back while I wrap my arms around his lower back as well. 

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