Number 1 Contender

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"We are really impressed with your skills lately." Paul telling me sitting me down Colby sitting down beside me in his ring gear. In my ring gear as well with Stephanie smiling towards me, "So we wanted to reward you. The crowd hasn't been so excited to see any other Diva for a very long time now." Stating to me making  me nod with my heart fluttering a bit. Colby squeezing my hand a bit telling me I'm doing a good job without looking at me. Smiling a bit to myself, "So as your reward tonight you have a match against Nicole." Telling me my eyes widening my mouth smirking up wickedly. "You are going to win but it isn't for the championship title yet." Explaining to me nodding my smirk staying as wicked as ever. "Thank you for this it really means a lot." "You're welcome and since your match is right before Seth's match you will stay after and commentate on the table for his match." Stephanie telling me everything nodding telling them I understand. "Good now go get your match is next." Paul telling us both getting up together our hands still linked.

"Wait, are you together?" Stephanie asking us as Seth nods to her. "Yes we are." Both of them smirking to us. "I told you they would be by the end of this month." Paul telling her causing me to laugh a bit before leaving with Seth.

"You ready princess?" Asking me while I nod to him. "Ready then I ever will be. I'm going to destroy her." My voice going dark at the end with him chuckling to me wrapping his arms around me. "Well let's get you suited up in your chains demon." Whispering to me his smug smirk on Seth completely dominating Colby at the moment.

"She needs her chains." Seth saying to one of the workers as he nods grabbing another guy to help him wrap me in. Pushing my arms out wide for them as they put the chains around my ankles and wrists. Tightening them a bit more then usual not saying anything kind of liking the pain they give me. 

The Usos walking back into the back with their heads hanging low in defeat before The New Day run back here happily. "Good luck Rynn." All of them telling me as I nod towards them whipping my chains at them as they laugh. Waiting for my music to turn on hearing it boom through the speakers. "Time to shine." Seth's husky's voice darker then normal hissing into my ear while I walk in front of him

My persona clicking on immediately as I walk out the curtain pretending the chains are holding me down. Hearing everyone freak out cheering for me since they want Nicole to be beaten and some of them booing wanting Nicole to win. My chains dragging behind me while I sway walk to the ring the red spotlight on me. Laughing wickedly at the camera Phil is holding giving it a dark smile and grin before hitting the steel stairs. Putting my arms out the refs undoing the chains before letting me walk up the stairs. Going under the ropes into the ring going to the middle swaying my hips a bit on the way to my corner climbing the ropes. Wrapping my legs on the top rope hanging upside down like a child taunting Nicole laughing at her expression.

Pushing my arms out doing a back bend back to my feet giggling at her with a wild smile. "Want to play?" Asking her seeing her fume her nose flaring her hands balled up in fists in front of me. The ref cuing the bell to ring as she walks up to me. Locking up with her pushing my knee up into her gut causing her to fall over. Laughing at her falling to the ground skipping around her body pointing down at her. 

Hearing roars from everyone's mouth before seeing her get up fuming more then last time. Throwing a punch having to let her punch me so the match is more fun to watch. Punching me in the side of the cheek over and over again before pushing me into the ropes. Smirking at her seeing her run towards me running back to her close lining her. Seeing her fall as I sigh out loud sadly before picking her up by her shoulders the ref yelling at me. "Let her breathe." The ref yelling as I roll my eyes picking her up putting my arms around her waist. Grabbing her ring gear to help me pick her up over my head holding her there before pushing her backwards letting her fall on her back in a suplex. Turning around seeing her in pain while I wipe dirt off my shoulders as a taunt. 

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