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Colby has been doing well since the attack from Dean and Roman. It's been a week and he doesn't even seemed phased by it anymore. I'm glad he doesn't care as much as I do about it but I'm still pissed off at them for doing that to my Colby. We've been dating for a while now and it's almost two months in real life time. I think he has something planned for us to do on our two months. He's such a cutie I can't wait to see what it is. He would never do anything to hurt me. 

It's one of the numerous reasons I care for him so much. He could never hurt me in any type of way. He would never break my heart. He couldn't. He's the sweetest person I've ever met in my life. Definitely better then that asshole Dean Ambrose. 

Dean Ambrose doesn't even make any sense to me maybe that's why they call him The Lunatic Fringe. I don't understand him at all. First he's sweet slightly with Roman around then he looks like he wants to rip my clothes off with his eyes during the interview. Then he goes around being pissed off at me for something he knew I had to do or I would have been fired! But after me and Colby hang around more Dean wants and tries to talk to me again. Like what? Why? Not only that then he goes to being pissed off even more and attacks my boyfriend! I don't understand what his problem is. A part of me wants to find out but a bigger part of me just wants to leave it alone like the good girlfriend I am. I have a bad feeling about what he was going to tell me sometimes. But then I just start to ignore it anyways.

The weirdest thing about everything is when Roman had me pinned against the wall when I was trying to attack Dean. He whispered to me that Seth was the real enemy here. But what did he mean by that? I don't get it. From my point of view obviously Dean is the enemy here. He keeps attacking my boyfriend when it isn't even the script for fucks sakes! But no Roman is thinking Seth is the enemy somehow. I just don't get it.

Since he's told me that though I keep trying to think of the way it looks to Dean or Roman. For Roman though he's probably just messing with my head to get me all confused so he can hurt Seth easier. I'm always beside Seth and Roman knows I'll attack him if I have to. Roman doesn't want to hurt me though and I know that's why he keeps stopping when I'm around. But why does he think Seth is the enemy here? Is it because he betrayed them to become champion? I can understand that but I wasn't here when that happened. So I don't get why he would tell me that Seth is the real enemy here. Was he talking about when Seth betrayed them? But Seth would never betray me like that. I know he would never do anything to me. Was Roman talking about something else though? I just want some damn answers!

How about Dean though. What is it like in his point of view? What did he even see when saw me for the first time? Was I getting all the signals from him? Was he actually digging on me? Did I screw things up with him when I went to train with Colby all of those weeks ago? Is he mad at me because of Colby? Is he just mad at the jail thing still? Why wouldn't he let me explain everything? What was he trying to tell me last month? What is he trying to telling me all of these times before Seth comes out? Is he trying to get me alone? Should I see him when I'm alone? Should I go ask him what's going on? 

Should I go ask both what they are truly talking about? Would Seth be pissed off if he found out I went to go see him nemesis? 

Why do they both keep trying to talk to me? I know for a fact Roman doesn't like me I mean he has a gorgeous wife for one. Second he has a beautiful daughter with his wife and he would never look at me that way. As much as I will admit he's pretty attractive I can't see me with him ever. So why is he trying to get a hold of so bad when Seth isn't around? Is it for Dean? But that just goes back to why Dean would want to talk to me. I don't get it.

What is going on with them?

"Rynn, are you okay princess?" Colby's voice shaking me from my deep thoughts as they drift away. Turning to him looking into his brown eyes my frown turning into a smile instantly. "Yeah, just overthinking to much I guess." Confessing to him even though it's about his enemies. 

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now