Jon and Joe

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"Thank you again for this. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble and you just come to help me anyways. It means a lot to me." Telling both of them once more with Joe just shaking his head at me. "For the last time we know how he is we just didn't want him messing with anymore people." Jon saying in a tired voice still letting it be deeper then normal. "Besides I already knew you were a good person. Seeing you two together just got us all confused." Joe confessing to me while I just nod my heart still in an aching pain. "It gets easier." Jon stating to before turning over in the back of the car. "Now shh I'm sleepy." Muttering to us trying not to laugh at the tired man behind me. 

He is definitely not what he lets on. He's not crazy at all or even an asshole as I called him before. No, Jon is really truthful and he wears his heart on his sleeve 24/7. 

We've talked everything out the other day of The Authority making me send him to jail because I didn't want to lose my job. Why he was so mad with me the day I tried talking to him since he was still pissed off with everything. He's a bit off a hot head but I mean we all are. Jon actually talks a lot and he has more ambition then any one I've ever met. He forgave me for punching him multiple times and I forgave him for using dirty deeds on me. We got in each others way so I mean in the business we are in sometimes you are going to punch each other and fight it out. Which is funny to be honest because even though we are friends we sometimes fight for fun now. I like it because he doesn't hold back on me and it's like I actually have competition for once. 

Joe is a different though. He's not always around but when he is he's a big brother to me. It's nice to have someone to protect me. He's a very simple person he hides his emotions a lot but I can sometimes see what he is feeling. You have to get to know him to understand his true feelings. He cares for Jon deeply you can tell easily. It's not just a partnership in the ring. They truly are best friends and sometimes I see him as a brother figure to Jon as well. He's definitely a family guy. It's kind of adorable to be honest. He skypes his wife and daughter every day no matter what happens to him. 

I've even gotten to skype his wife once and luckily for me she's not the jealous type at all. She's a very relaxed laid back type of girl. She is gorgeous as well I mean Joe really got himself a catch. I'm so happy for him. We've talked a lot actually she's been helping me through my heart ache from Colby. She knew of him when Joe and Jon tagged team with him so she at least knows I'm talking about. She's also like a sister figure to me although sometimes I kind of see them more as a mom and dad to me. They can't help it but they do it a lot to me. Just act like my parents they even do it to Jon sometimes but he just shrugs it off. I like it though, it's like for once I have my own family. 

She knows I would never do anything with Joe but she does know how I feel towards Jon. It gets weird sometimes because she wants me to try and be with Jon sometimes. It's kind of odd but I mean I wouldn't object to it. It's just to early for me right now. I'm still in pain everyday right when I wake up I feel my heart ripping in half still. Seeing him all the time doesn't help either since he's tried to contact me numerous of times already. I deleted the pictures of me and him off of my phone but they will be in my heart forever. Sadly.

"Rynn, you're dazing off again. It's about him again isn't it?" The sound of Joe's voice shattering all my thoughts. Clashing to the ground blinking looking over to Joe his long black hair in a man bun. "Yeah." Confessing before being able to even think staring off towards Joe while he frowns slightly. "Look I know we keep saying it'll get better but the thing is. It doesn't. You just get over it. It never actually gets better, ever." Joe saying over to barely glancing at me since he is driving. "I know." Muttering to him looking back out my window seeing the city lights in the dark moon.

"We are here for you." Telling me both of our voices quiet not trying to awake Jon. "Thank you." Whispering to him but I know he won't give up on me. He's not that type of person. He's to nice for his own good it make sense why Nicole wants him so bad. But he's not my type. 

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