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Hearing a groan beside me making me stir awake a bit feeling strong muscular arms around me. Barely opening my eyes seeing Jon's face beside mine with his mouth barely hanging open into a curl. Smiling to myself hearing his faint snores drift out of his mouth with his grip tightening on me. Pulling my face closer to his neck with his arms surrounding me protectively. Nuzzling my face into his neck letting my eyes shift down seeing his bare chest poking out of the blanket on top of us. 

Waking up more feeling his leg rub against mine as they are entangled together with my thigh barely touching his crotch. Smiling to myself with my heart racing a bit with my eyes wanting to close as I lay here forever. 

It feels so good to be this close to him like this. I've never felt so protected, relaxed, and amazing at the same time in my whole life before. I never want to leave this moment. 

I don't want him to wake up because I don't know what he's going to do next.

"Mmhhhmmm kitten, stop thinking so much. I can hear your thoughts from here." Jon purring into my ear in a barely audible whisper.

"Did I wake you?" Asking in a whisper hearing him huff a bit. "No." Pulling me closer to his chest my face being smothered by his neck.

What does he mean he can hear my thoughts? Can he sense im.thinkibg to much? Am I talking out loud again? What's going to happen from here?

"Kitten, you're doing it again." Purring into my ear making shivers run down my back. "Sorry." "It's fine just relax." Noticing how tense I became just feeling his warmth making me relax on top of him again.

I want to stay here forever.

Knocking on the hotel door making me jump a bit with me gripping Jon a bit. Chuckling to me holding me close to him. "Relax, it's probably just Joe." Chuckling a bit more before hearing a rough voice from the other side of the door.

"I'm coming in."


"Okay." Jon saying as he pulls the comforter over us so Joe won't see that I'm naked. Looking over at Jon as he just shrugs. Joe using the key to open the door to the room before hearing his footsteps.

"Goodmorning babygirl." Joe saying sweetly looking at his phone. Getting to the bedroom looking up seeing me hugging Jon. "Damn were you that scared from the skit?" Joe joking around making me laugh a bit. "I guess so." Saying back to him not wanting to move.

"You were terrified." Jon purring in a whisper for only me to hear.

Jeez I finally bang him and he's still teasing me.

Rolling my eyes at Jon while glancing over to Joe. "Can you turn around for a second for me to go to the bathroom and change?" Commanding as Joe nods turning around covering his eyes like a child. "Thanks Joe." "You should be thanking me." Jon purring into my ear again before letting go of me.

Glaring at Jon trying not to blush while getting up grabbing my bag walking to the bathroom. "Hey cover me back up." Jon whining like a child leaving the cover off of his body. Rolling my eyes walking back covering him like the baby he is. Rushing to the bathroom closing the door and locking it.

"So, we got to leave soon. I suggest a shower." Joe saying to me through the door. "Okay thanks Dadd- Joe." Stopping myself from saying dad.

That was weird even for me. I mean I know he acts like my dad but I never called him dad before.

Chuckling behind the door hearing Jon scuff. "Hey I'm the only one you're allowed to call daddy!" Jon growling as Joe laughs loudly. "Wow. Okay. On that note I'm going to leave and get us some room service."

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now